Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 136: Finding the Great Army

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Damn it! The puppet summons!"

Faced with the humiliation and unwillingness brought by the great power gap, the last puppet under the girl directly put the girl down.

The girl's body moved slowly, and then a few yellow pictures were drilled in the ground under her again, but just when Shenye was going to interrupt her, the girl spurted out a mouthful of blood. She had been summoned. The lumps of soil that came out also stopped growing, and then became muddy again.

Even the puppet behind the girl couldn't keep his human form and turned into dust.

"Stop fighting, your body can't take it anymore, you will die if you continue to fight!"

Seeing this situation, Shen Ye also knew the reason, and strongly discouraged.

But now the girl in front of her completely ignored Shen Ye's words, and the blood in her mouth vomited on the ground and her hands were still printing.

After all, Shenye couldn't stand it anymore, she took the girl's hand one step ahead and said, "You have done well, but the difference in strength cannot be made up by your hard work. Give up!"

When Shen Ye said about the power gap, he obviously felt the girl's thin body tremble strongly, and then began to sob softly.

Facing the sudden situation, Shen Ye didn't know what to do for a while, so she could only pat the girl's back gently to comfort her.

"This is a charm, you can go out of the enchantment after you put it on. My time is running out. Go find your companion."

After sobbing lightly for a while, the girl took out a charm from her arms and gave it to Shenye. She pushed Shenye and wanted him to leave quickly, but she still sat in place.

"But what do you do?"

"Me? I'm your enemy, do you still care about me?"

Faced with Shen Ye's concern, the girl's tone seemed a bit contemptuous, but she might only know what she thought in her heart.

"I know you are not actually a bad person. If you go back to Konoha with us, I will find someone to help you treat your illness. I know a very powerful medical ninja!"

"I know my situation myself. Before I came, I was ready. I don't need to persuade me anymore. I will only respect Master Oshomaru in my life. You can leave as soon as possible."

After speaking, the girl turned her head to the other side of Shenye, obviously she didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ye didn't say anything, and after laying the girl gently flat on the ground, she stuck the charm on her waist.

After putting on this spell, Shen Ye felt a different place, even though it was very weak, she still felt like returning to freedom.

After taking a heavy look at the girl in front of him, Shen Ye seemed to imprint it in his mind, but finally turned and left. After all, there were still partners waiting for him outside.

Shenye kept jumping between trees, analyzing the direction of the water gate from the traces on the trees, but it was strange that the clues that were clearly visible were suddenly broken in one place.

Shen Ye, who had no trace to be found, didn't care about Trisola 21, just like using the Thunder God to teleport to Water Gate, but suddenly saw the charm on his waist that had not been torn off.

"If the water gate is trapped in that kind of enchantment, it will suffer. The lecherous immortals are not far from here, why are they not responding?" 5599 novel

From the time Shenye ran out to the end of the clue, there have been nearly three minutes here. During this time, he has been paying attention to the surrounding sounds, and wanted to discover the surrounding friendly forces at once. Unfortunately, there was no sound around, even if it should be in the woods None of the birds or other animals.

"Have I fallen into someone's trap again?"

But even in this situation, Shenye had no choice but to look for the water gate little by little.

Just when Shen Ye was extremely anxious, suddenly there was an explosion sound not far in front of him. This sound was so noticeable in the dead and silent woods.

After the sound of the first explosion came out, there was another round of noises. Before thinking about who it was, Shen Ye rushed towards the source of the sound.

The sound is constantly amplifying, which means that Shenye is getting closer and closer to the sound source, but the chakra lost in his body has not been replenished yet, even if he participates in the war, it will not help much.

After some calculations in his heart, Shen Ye's feet kept moving, still rushing in the direction of the sound source, but at the same time his body quickly perceives the energy of heaven and earth.

He ran to a bush, Shenye hid, and judged from the sound that it should be nearby. The fairy mode is not ready yet, so I can only check the situation first!

Quietly poked his head out, but the sight in front of him really stunned him.

The blood flowing all over the ground stained the grass almost blood red.The flat ground that should have been covered with grass is now pitted because of the battle, and the corpses all over the ground are also telling Shen Ye about the fierce battle.

After being shocked, Shenye did not forget to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and the battle did not stop because of the arrival of Shenye, but intensified.

The forest was blown into a square by unknown ninjutsu, and the two men and horses continued to fight on it. What you can notice at a glance is the one led by a monster with sharp limbs and a few holes behind it. Team monsters, their strong bodies often do not need any skills to knock the other group of people on their backs.

The other side is composed of people with masks on their faces. Although a single strength is not as good as those monsters, but the close interaction of ninjutsu between them can cause unexpected damage to those monsters.

The two teams fought back and forth on the court, and who did not notice the new Shenye outside the court.

"It should be Konoha's elite Shangnin, and those who should be Oshemaru, hurry up to absorb it before they find it~"

As soon as he absorbed the energy, Shen Ye scanned every part of the battlefield, trying to find the figure of Water Gate, but despite Shen Ye's hard work, he still couldn't find it.

"It won't be killed, or is it somewhere else? How did the two units meet together?"

Time didn't give Shenye too many opportunities, and while he was absorbing energy, many people fell to the ground.

Just when the masked party began to show its defeat, Shenye was finally ready!

"Konoha's buddy retreats, I'm here to save!"

Shenye wouldn't dare to be so arrogant if he didn't open the fairy mode, but now that he is ready, there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as these monsters are resolved within three minutes!

When the masked figures heard this, they thought it was the arrival of reinforcements, and they withdrew one by one. Even the opposite side was frightened by Shenye’s momentum and did not dare to pursue it, but after a while, everyone on the field found out. Something is wrong.

"Only you?!"