Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 191 Old Acquaintances

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The second one to take the exam was Shenye. In the third game of the tenth game, Watergate could not come to watch Shenye's game because of the order of the game, but brought his own blessings.

When Shenye arrived, the second competition was still in progress, and one of them was an acquaintance of Shenye.

"Bomb tank!"

After a burst of smoke and dust, there was no more noise on the court, only Ding Zuo was still standing there, but he was shaking his head, obviously, the tank just now was also a move that was only recently practiced.

"Winner, Autumn Road Ding Zuo!"

After the referee raised Ding Zuo's fleshy hand, the medical staff off the field lifted the crushed Sand Shinobi, and then the host came on the field and announced that the two sides of the battle were on stage again.

"It seems that we arrived at the right time, wait for me below, and then go to have barbecue together~"

Shen Ye said to Ding Zuo who had just left the game, but Ding Zuo rarely rejected Shen Ye's proposal.

"For a while, it will be Lujiu's battle. I want to see Lujiu's plan after the battle. You can come over after a while, the ninth martial arts field."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

"It's really rare, but the ninth martial arts venue seems to be the one in Pratunam, right? It's just like you can pass after the trial."

For the immune-eating Ding Zuo, even the red beans feel strange. It seems that the food is still a bit attractive in front of his companions.

At this time, Shen Ye had reached the center of the competition field, and his opponent was also an acquaintance.

"Unexpectedly, you actually made it to the finals. How is your man named Tong Taro?"

"I also want to ask you, how did you treat Tongtaro, Tongtaro has been in a state of chaos since he separated from you, and it was not healed until he returned to the teacher two days ago!"

The person standing across from Shenye was the one of the three Wunin who wanted to block Shenye but was arrested, Daxiang who released the technique of mist concealment.

"It's no wonder that I, I just asked him for some information, and besides, if you don't have me, you might not even have the qualifications to stand here. After all, you have to thank me."

"Your kid is just a good mouth, and see if you will be so hard when you get beaten up and begging for mercy soon!"

After the two people spoke harshly before the game, they came to the two opposite corners of the competition field, quietly waiting for the referee to announce the start of the game.

"Friendship comes first. Once a party concedes defeat or loses the ability to resist, it will be regarded as surrender. Are you ready! The game begins!"

As the referee fell off at the beginning of the game, Na Daxiang directly sealed his hands, which was the fog hiding technique that put Shenye into trouble last time.

"Last time it was the woman who used tricks to shame me. Now that the woman is here, I see what you do!"

The dense fog gradually blocked everyone's sight, and even the referee could only withdraw temporarily, waiting for some movement inside before going in to declare the victory.

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombing!"

Immediately after the fog hiding technique, Daxiang directly fired a water dragon bomb towards Shenye. In the last battle, Shenye almost didn't make any moves, and Daxiang planned to wait until the trial was over.

Shen Ye saw Daxiang's thoughts at a glance, and he was also prepared to use his mentality to catch him by surprise.1800 Literature

"Shadow clone technique!"

After summoning the three avatars, the four Shenye fled in different directions. For a while, even the water dragon controlled by Daxiang didn't know which target should be attacked.

But at this time, Daxiang was obviously calm enough, since he couldn't tell his true body, then kill the one who was close first, and slowly test the rest!

Under its control, the water dragon directly swallowed Shen Ye running towards him, and the Shen Ye in the water dragon disappeared as a white smoke in the difficult asphyxiation of Shen Ye's face.

"There are three left, come out and be killed by me!"

The water dragon disappeared, and Daxiang drew the long knife behind him. The thick fog had no effect on him. He didn't know how to directly lock the other three Shenye.

It's just that Shenye didn't use the shadow clone in vain. He had a countermeasure in his mind when he saw that his opponent was Daxiang.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The three figures quickly adjusted their positions, emitting huge fireballs that enveloped almost the entire examination room, and the almost instantaneous contact between the fireball and the dense fog brought Daxiang's figure out for a moment, but this moment was enough.

While the fireball dispelled the fog, Shenye threw all the kunai in the ninja bag to the location where Daxiang appeared just now and where he might appear in the next moment, and then Shenye's figure moved.

"Spiral pill!"

In the hands of the three figures are a huge spiral pill far beyond usual, and the surrounding fog quickly became chaotic under the drive of the spiral pill, and the situation on the field was clearly seen again by everyone.

"Water escape, rain is clear!"

Da Xiang, who had jumped to the sky at some point, had already unprinted, and almost fist-sized drops of water appeared in the surrounding air, and on the ground were three figures holding giant blue balls.

"It's really hard to separate, but I think it should be the one in the sky who will win. After all, it has the dominant power in the sky, plus this trick looks like a range attack, and it must be enough to hit the person on the ground."

"I don't think so, as long as you stick to the first round of attacking the big balls and hitting people, it will definitely be a hit!"

Everyone outside the court kept discussing who could win, but this didn't affect the two people on the court in the slightest. At this moment, the ninjutsu of the two had reached their limits.

"go with!"

The drops of water in the sky hit the ground as if being oppressed under overweight. The extremely fast speed makes these simple drops of water full of power. Every one hitting a person will definitely hurt one place, not to mention it. So many drops of water.

In an instant, the water droplets in mid-air fell towards Sandao Shenye's figure like it was raining, but Shenye didn't worry about it, just lifted the spiral pill to the top of his head, and used the effect of the spiral pill to counteract this forbearance. The effect of the surgery, but the spiral pill is rapidly decreasing, and it seems that even the spiral pill cannot ignore the force of this drop of water.

However, there are two shadow avatars resisting in front, which can also consume a while, and the two ninjutsu that determines the victory with one blow has suddenly become a drag battle.

"The one hiding at the end is the real body! You understand it too well!"

Daxiang's hands did not relax after waving all the water drops towards Shenye, and immediately began to seal.

"Water escape, cannonball!"

The three figures were not close, and the water bombs that condensed in a hurry could only hit the only target, but now that Daxiang had already determined that it was the real body, it didn't matter.

The huge cannonball that was several times larger than the other drops of water slammed directly at the Shenye who was hiding in the last of the three, and was hit before the latter could react quickly.