You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The three of them stood in front of the largest window and took a deep breath. Once this window was broken, everyone knew what happened next.

The sound of cracking windows will draw the Otonin soldiers downstairs, and two of the three of them are wounded. They must be able to run through those Otonin soldiers, but they can leave here as long as they go down. It is these sound forbearances that can attract the attention of others.

"All right!"

The two answered at the same time, and Shen Ye, who was in the lead, slowly pulled out the Dahewan pill that the old man had used to chop himself from his waist.

Chakra poured it into it, and Shen Ye clearly felt that the knife seemed to have an extra space for slashing, extending about a dozen centimeters.

Although it is not long, in the face of intense tight-fitting battles, even one centimeter will have an advantage, not to mention that the Chakra blade is really invisible if it is not carefully observed.

The long knife turned slightly, and Shen Ye used force, and the sharp blade instantly pierced the glass in front of a few people. The moment when the long hole appeared, Shen Ye flashed and rushed towards the outside, but the scene that followed shocked him. To forget your plan.

However, Lu Jiuhaiyi, who was still in the room, did not see the situation outside, and still jumped down desperately, but when the two got off, there was a short-term crash like Shenye.

To be honest, it was not that Shen Ye and the few people were short-sighted, but the current situation was too shocking.


Only this word can describe the situation at hand.

Aside from falling to the ground and not knowing which country's corpse was and the fragmented facade, Shenye could still vaguely recognize the approximate location.

If it hadn't been for the wind characters some distance ahead, Shenye would have thought he had jumped through a window and crossed again.

"I said what's the situation? Why is it happening outside?"

All three of them knew that there was a barrier outside the teahouse, but they didn't expect this barrier to have such power, and there was no feeling inside such a big thing happening outside.

"It should be an accident, but now we should run away first~"

Hai Yi pointed to the chasing soldiers who had rushed out behind him. Although the three of them had reduced their voices as much as possible when they landed, the enchantment itself had the ability to monitor the interior that several people could not avoid.

"Catch them, don't let them run away!"

Those Yinren chasing soldiers came up and shouted directly at the Shenye group. After the first to find the three people shouting, more and more people ran towards the three people.

"You will follow me for a while, and I will relax if I grab you for a while. Let's go to Konoha's teachers to ask about the situation."

While the three of them were being chased by dozens of people, Shen Ye said to the two of them. At the same time, his hands were not idle, and he kept leaving marks in the surrounding ruins, ready to escape here for a while.

"The little man in the middle can teleport ninjutsu, and the places where he left marks are separated and watched!"

I never thought that these people behind me were also prepared, and they even knew about Shinyakai Time and Space Ninjutsu, but this was also in Shinya's expectation. After all, Oshemaru had led the team with himself before, and Otonin was still Oshemaru's team, so it's no surprise that they know.

"What to do? They found our escape route!" Zhuiwen Novel Network

"Don't worry, all are expected."

Although Shen Ye seemed very calm, the other two behind him couldn't guess his thoughts at all. At this moment, apart from nervousness, they were nervous.

"Quickly, there is a mark here, there is a mark too, don't let this kid take advantage of it!"

However, Lu Jiu was the first to react with the continuous voices behind him.

"Split the forces to destroy one by one?"

"It's Lu Jiu, but it's not all~"

Shenye smiled mysteriously and didn't say anything. He just marked his own symbols on the wall while constantly running, but at the same time, he also kept dropping some special kunai on the ground passing by.

However, this chase ended quickly. The direction in front of the Shinye and the few people also rushed several ninjas one after another, but they showed their fangs and claws to a few people from a distance, and immediately stated their position. .

With the addition of these people, the directions for Shenye and the others to escape became less and less, and the hopes on Lu Jiu and Haiyi's faces gradually decreased. Although Lu Jiu had no good ideas, he could see the current situation. very clear.

"The deadlock is done!"

"My lord, they are still running around now, why are they dead?"

On a high platform in the distance, a man in a white robe stood on the platform and observed the formation in the distance, with a brush and paper in his hand, on which was the approximate city defense map of Sharen Village.

"The situation is complete, as long as those hired staff don't follow my arrangement."

The pride in his eyes completely overwhelmed the uncertainty, and the people around the man nodded in trust. After all, the man in front of him had never miscalculated, even today he must be so!

"What a dead end, obviously the siege hasn't gathered yet!"

Hearing Lu Jiu’s judgment that it was almost hopeless, Hai Yi’s tone was filled with puzzles. Although his trust in Lu Jiu told him that Lu Jiu’s words must be reasonable and well-founded, but Hai Yi had already gained hope. The last hope in front of me was cut off and it was really unwilling.

"Our position, left and right, is chasing soldiers, except that there is no defense in front. In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that the enemy is really rushing together and it is too late to block the front, and the other is that the enemy deliberately will The previous part gave us hope and let us get in by ourselves, which shows that there must be more terrifying existence waiting for us!"

Succinctly answered, Shen Ye nodded repeatedly, and he knew where Shikamaru's super high IQ was inherited from.

"But it's not a mortal situation now. Since the enemy wants us to go from the front, then we will do the opposite, and just go straight to the back~"

Shen Ye's words were light, but the other two had their eyes widened, and they were very confused about what Shen Ye's words meant.

"But there are all enemies behind, even if we use the method of destroying them one by one, it is impossible to defeat them all, and even if we defeat the ambushes from other places, we will arrive again. After all, we are not faster than those people!"

With such a comprehensive analysis of the scene, even Shikamaru can only express admiration for the strategy of the opposing commander, but no one knows better than him how difficult it is to break through this deadlock.

"That's why I left a mark just now!"

But no matter what kind of bizarre words, as long as they are spoken from Shenye's mouth, they will make people feel at ease.