Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 219 Starts Counterattack

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Shenye knew very well that these people would never give up easily.

If Konoha-sensei fails, that man will definitely catch himself back.

Although it is not clear what the man said, what exactly it meant, but Shenye knew very well in her heart that she would never leave here with those people.

"Wind escape, gale cut."

Shenye immediately took action to wipe out all the ninjas who were surrounding him.

The two huge forces collided continuously, making a huge explosion in the air.

"Earth escapes, everything lives."

That power is really terrifying. The boy was still fighting with Konoha-sensei confidently, but soon the expression on his face became serious.

"How could he be like this? How could his power be so powerful."

Mr. Konoha didn't pay attention to what he said at all, and Jieyin once again, finally concentrated all the power on his hands and waved hard.

The red light wave on the boy's hand was split in half.

The huge impact shook all the ninjas around.

The boy flew straight out, fell to the ground and moved a few times before falling into a coma.

"Bastard stuff."

The mysterious man walked towards Shenye and them step by step, "The cat and mouse game, just end like this."

"I really appreciate your strength. I have to say that you really make me feel surprised. It is really not easy for you to defeat Xiaoxing with strength like you. However, this talisman formation I am more interested in strength."

Mr. Konoha's face instantly became serious when she heard this.

"Knowing how good I am, let us leave here immediately, otherwise I would never be polite to you."

But the man shook his head again.

"If I let you leave, wouldn't it be that I let go of so many hidden dangers, if you recover and attack my organization again, what should I do?"

Mr. Konoha was also stunned when he encountered this.

"What do you want to do? How are the elders?"

"Those elders have nothing to do, but in order to save those elders, you actually want to use your own students, it is really a bit despicable."

As the man said, there was a burst of uprising light around his body, making his expression unclear.

He looked at Lujiu and Haiichi in the distance.

"Do you think they can save those old things?"

Mr. Konoha's eyes changed, and she became a little worried.

"I believe they can do it. As for you, I actually know your true identity."

The mysterious man was not angry when she heard Shen Ye saying this. Instead, when he heard Konoha-teacher's words, his calm mood instantly became angry and walked towards Konoha-teacher step by step.

"what did you say?"

"You took away those elders for revenge, not for any treasures."

Konoha's expression was very calm, her eyes seemed to have seen everything through.

The man's eyes almost burst into anger.

"Those elders cannot be called elders at all. You don't even know what they did. If you knew what they did, you would definitely say the same as me."

"It's better that you and I re-establish an organization together, and together we create a world without war."

To his offer of such a condition, Mr. Konoha shook his head again.

"Such conditions are not tempting to me at all. I have become accustomed to the current life, and I think my life is very interesting now, and I do not intend to change it." Kanshuge

Shenye knew that the most important feature of this man is that he likes to attack his mind. He seems to have a clear understanding of everything, otherwise he would not say such things to Mr. Konoha.

Thinking of this, Shen Ye stood directly in front of Teacher Konoha, "Teacher Konoha, you still have me."

"As for you, it's hard to escape today anyway. The few of us are here to rescue the elders in Konoha Village. Since we are incapable, it would be better to have a fight."

Shenye worried that if this continues, Mr. Konoha will do something that shouldn't be done because of this man's bewitching.

He stretched out his hands to seal in front of him.

"Wind escape, fast wind cut."

He quickly launched another attack on the man, wave after wave.

"The wind escapes, the drama is violent."

Hit that man, but it won't cause any harm to that man.

"This level of offense is useless to me."

The man stood there and raised his hand again.

"Fire escape, all jade and stone are burned."

The huge attack came towards Shenye, Lujiu and Haiyi, who had already run out, stopped and looked at everything in surprise.

Lujiu and Haiyi faced each other's vision, and started to attack the man with Shenye's movements.

"The water escapes, the waves are rough."

"Earth escapes, everything lives."

"Water escapes, sparkling."

But their offense didn't do much on the man. The man just stood still and watched them quietly.

Until the golden light on Shenye's body became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared gradually... Chakra bottomed out.

Shen Ye gasped heavily. He had no strength to make other attacks. He touched the pill in his arms. This pill was the last thing he used to save his life.

If it weren't for when it was a last resort, Shenye would never take this thing out.

As if he could see Shen Ye's movements, the man put a knowing smile on his mouth.

"I like dealing with people like you, and I will leave myself room for everything."

Shen Ye's eyes were full of indifference.

"Stop talking nonsense and die."

"Wind escape, fast wind cut."

Shenye didn't want to continue talking with him, and directly attacked.

But the man did not give up.

"I can promise you whatever conditions you want. As long as you can stay here, I will give you everything you want."

Shen Ye snorted coldly.

"I don't need what you call false things at all. I am doing well now. I have friends, Teacher Konoha, and people around me who love me."

"And you, you are just a lonely person, thinking that you are powerful, can you look down on other people? I tell you, you are just a poor worm."

When Shen Ye said such words, it seemed that he had hit the man's heart.

The man instantly became angry and attacked Shen Ye directly.

"What do you know! Shut me up!"

Shenye seemed to have been waiting for this moment before he took out the pill in his hand and swallowed it quickly.