Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 242: Uchiha Itachi, debut!

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Ghost Lantern Huanyue slammed the table, "You say it again if you are not dead? Hit as you go, who is afraid of whom!"

"You scold the old immortal again!"

Shenye suddenly stopped. His feelings for Sarutobi Hizaki are like his grandfather. Some people scolded him for three generations. Naturally, he couldn't accept his violent temper.

"I said, what's the matter with you!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue stood up suddenly, Shen Ye only felt dizzy, the whole house turned around, suddenly a large group of water hit!Intensified and intensified, the current turned into a river and directly flooded Shenye.

Shenye struggled in the water. He couldn't swim for some reason, and he couldn't do it even with ninjutsu. He could only watch himself drown.

Just as he was about to close his eyes in despair, suddenly, a strong arm grabbed him vigorously and pulled him straight up.

The moment Shenye left the water, the scene in front of him returned to the five shadows meeting room, and his whole body was soaked. The dark boy was pressing a hand on his shoulder, and his blood-red eyes stared at the ghost lamp. Magic moon.

Oh Yemu sighed long, "You are always like this, so what else will this Five Shadows talk about? If the Ninja War continues, the big names of the five nations will get angry, who can bear it?"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue took his seat again, just casually glanced at the Anbu boy, but there was already a thousand waves in his heart!This young man's illusion is no less than his.

Sarutobi Hisaki suddenly leaned back, his wrinkled cheeks were so gloomy, he slowly said: "Ninja World War, Konoha Village has announced the end."

Onoki joined his palms together, and said happily: "The battle of Ninja World, Yanyin Village is over."

The third generation of Lei Ying Ai curled his lips, "Yunyin Village announced the end of the Ninja World War."

Gui Lan Huan Yue twitched the corners of his mouth, "This is over? It's so boring."

Oh Yemu frowned, "Five Shadows has agreed with the Three Shadows, and after the end, they will go back to their respective houses, and don't have any extra branches."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ghost Lantern Huanyue waved his hand, "Ninja World War, Wuyin Village is over. But..."

"Shuiying of Wuyin Village unilaterally crusades Hokage of Konoha Village, start!"

Oh Yegi stared, "Ghost lamp! You are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy. Who doesn't want to get such a good place in Konoha Village? Fengying, don't make a move yet! Konoha Village will be divided between you and me!"

The second generation Fengying suddenly changed his gentle face, and his whole body became savage. It was him who used ninjutsu first!

"Sandstorm funeral!"

With a wave of the second generation Fengying, countless sand and dust came in abruptly, and the whole house burst in an instant.

Raikage and Dokage are the first to jump out of the tall buildings, Sarutobi cuts the Earth clone to block the large-scale sand, and flies out of the house with Anbe Boy and Kamiya!

"What are you going to do!"

Ohnoki yelled anxiously, this time he came with the mission of the country of the earth. If the war in the Ninja world does not end, then the country of the earth will cut off the economic relationship with Iwagaki Village and vigorously support another ninja village.

Onoki originally thought that the most difficult thing to do was the war madman Raikage Ai, but Feng Ying and Shui Ying took the lead in the trouble!

"Raying, what do you think?"

Onoki is afraid that Raikage will also participate, so the Ninja World War will continue to heat up.

Lei Ying Ai shook his head, "I'm back to Yunyin Village."

Fortunately, as long as Raikage does not participate, there is still room for recovery.

Just as Onoki breathed a sigh of relief, the battle over there had begun!

Ghost Lantern Huan Yue did not know when to summon a giant clam from the sky!

Sarutobi Rizen reminded: "That's a mirage, don't fall into the illusion, you first help me hold Fengying, and I will deal with the ghost lantern and the moon."

It was too late to say it, and Sarutobi Rizen was really strong and strong, and at the same time he finished saying this, he summoned two soil clones.

"Psychic art! Ape demon!" Romance Novel Network


A humanoid giant ape descended from the sky and landed directly on the giant clam mirage.

"Ape demon, open the fire eye and hold it."

"Fire escape! Fire dragon flame bomb!"

"Fire escape! Fengxian fire art!"

"Tu Dun! Tulong bomb!"

In an instant, spiritism and three types of ninjutsu were used by Sarutobi Hitoshi!

Ghost Lantern Huanyue was shocked, he didn't expect this old guy to be so powerful, and the power of ninjutsu is still so great!

"It's careless!"

At this time, Ghost Lantern Huanyue had already begun to retreat, but he saw the second generation Fengying who had been fighting with the two young masters, gritted his teeth, and waited until Feng Ying had solved the two young men, and this battle was easy !

"Water escape! The water cannon bombs in a row!"

"Magic! Gas steaming pavilion!"

Ghost Lantern Huan Yue does not retain its strength, and uses the powerful ninjutsu and the powerful illusion of the giant clam mirage to fight with Sarutobi Sun and Saruto.

Speaking of that, Anbe Boy and Shenye attacked each other, and for a while they fought back and forth with the second generation Fengying.

Shenye glanced at the Anbe Boy in disbelief. All the main attackers in this battle were him, which means that most of them were fighting with shadow-level powerhouses like Shui Ying!

"Sandstorm funeral!"

The second generation Fengying once again used large-scale ninjutsu.

In the meantime, the Anbu boy quickly sealed the seal, Shen Ye looked incredible, the real nine seals in one second!

"Fire escape! The Art of the Fire Dragon!"

"Fire escape! Fengxian fire art!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The three huge flames might form into clusters, or Jackie Chan, or explode like a cluster of daffodils!

The funeral of the sandstorm was blocked by the Art of Fire Dragon, and the Art of Phoenix Fire scattered countless groups of flames mixed in the Art of Fire Ball, rushing towards the second generation of Fengying!

The second generation Fengying stretched out his hand, and a sand barrier rose, "I see who of you can break me..."


The sand barrier suddenly shattered, and Shen Ye fell from the sky with the flames of the sky, and directly broke the barrier of the second generation Fengying, and then shouted, "Spiral pill!"

The blue light ball hit the second generation Fengying's face heavily, and Shenye smiled: "What else do you want to say?"

The Young Anbe frowned, "Shenye, come back!"

But it was too late. A long and narrow golden spear appeared behind the second generation of Fengying. Shenye also heard the call of the Anbe boy. He opened the nine-tailed chakra coat in the air and turned his body abruptly. The sharp golden long The spear pierced Shenye's shoulder instantly!

"Do you think I can be so unbearable as a Fengying?"

The second generation Fengying raised his hands up, "Sand gold technique! Sand storm!"


This sand storm is the same as the funeral of the sand storm, but it is obvious that the power is even greater!

The young Anbe stepped forward to catch Shen Ye and guarded Shen Ye behind the wind and sand. The huge wind and sand blew off the Anbe young man's mask.

Shenye's misty eyes saw the Anbu boy's face clearly.

"You are... Itachi Uchiha!"