Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 308: Fairy Body

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!I don't know if it's the inner reason, or it's really just the spirit and soul. While Shen Ye was staring at the body, his body was actually somewhat transparent, and he could faintly see things behind the body through a certain part of the body.

"No, right!"

Shenye hurriedly shook his head and looked again, the palm of his hand turned into an entity again, and he expressed his opinion on the system.

"You must have a loophole again. It is absolutely impossible to be a soul tour. If you are lodged in my body, how could you come with my soul? You must have made a mistake."

"The system can't go wrong in terms of worldview."

The system intelligence attacked mercilessly: "Host, I know you can't accept it for a while, but you have to believe that all calculations of the system under the concept of the entire world will never go wrong. And I never told the host, I am the intelligence that resides in the host's body."

Shen Ye frowned, "It's not lodged in the body, where is that, soul imprint?"

"It can be said that it is the imprint of the soul. I followed your consciousness. The Lord God directly put me in the consciousness of the host, to say something particularly illusory. As long as your consciousness is still there, even if you change your body or not After the physical body, I will follow you forever, but once your consciousness fails, such as amnesia or brain death, I will temporarily fall asleep and disappear."

This systemic sentence looks very heartwarming, but it sounds creepy. It actually acts directly on consciousness. As long as Shenye's consciousness does not change, then it will never disappear.

Shen Ye sighed deeply. He is not a pessimistic person. On the contrary, he can comfort himself. If he comes, he will be at ease. There is no big deal. There is always time to go back.

Even if you can't go back, the big deal is to start over.

But the cold water of the system poured down once again, "So please trust the host to my judgment. You are now in the Soul Soul Ninja Sect. Your body is still in another era. I hope the host can find a way back as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"There are consequences for not going back?"

"Yes! If the physical body enters a state of brain death, then your current spiritual body will also disappear. It sounds illusory, but it is so realistic."

Shen Ye stood up abruptly, but when he saw the vast sky outside, he sat down again. How should he go back to such a big world?The difficulty of this question is no less than returning to his original world from Konoha's time.

"System, can you figure out how to get back?"

"I'm already calculating, but I only have a little clue."

"Quickly, I can't let go of even the slightest hope now. The ghost knows what will happen here, or the time flow here is different from the outside. In case the teacher thinks that I am dead, I will be sealed and buried. , Then I'm really finished."

The system prompts: "Host, my clue is not a clue, that is, you can treat the current environment as a game, but this game cannot save progress, you can only move forward. As you move forward, you keep on discovering and exploring, and then you find a clue in your discovery, and then continue to improve the whole clue. I think that since the host has such an experience, it will not be a dead end. Mainly build up confidence and look a little better." Free Chinese

"I always watch it very openly."

Shenye rolled his eyes and he was already thinking about clues. Since he was teleported to Ninzong, there must be some truth, so the final result must also be in Ninzong, and there seems to be clues hidden in Ashura’s words. That is, the opposite of Ninzong is Indra.

As soon as he came up, he gave out two big bosses directly, which made Shen Ye couldn't help but wonder whether the final result was exactly as the Big Toad Immortal had predicted.

Challenge Asura and Indra!


After Shenye thought about it this way, his thoughts became clear after a while, and it might be that he defeated Asura and Indra at the same time to end this "game" farce and return to his time.

But... with the power of one person, it is simply an impossible task to fight the Asuras and Indras gifted by the six immortals.

Asura is a super powerhouse with the vitality of an immortal human body and six immortals, and a huge amount of chakra.

That Indra is more than a bit stronger than Ashura. He is a figure with a ceiling in the ninja world who has completely inherited the dark energy of the six immortals, kaleidoscope writing round eyes and switching between reincarnation eyes, and with super high attack methods.

Shenye even felt that if Indra was not based on the Six Way Immortal Datongmu Yuyi and Ashura being his younger brother, he might be able to recapture Ninja Sect before he plunged into darkness, instead of dragging it over and over again. After Asura completely inherited the body and spirit of the Six Dao Immortals, Indra could no longer beat Asura.

Suddenly, Shen Ye's inspiration flashed. They are super strong, but they also have very unreasonable methods. He thought of a wonderful way!

"System, in my state, can the crawling skill function still be used?"

"Grabbing skills are the main function of the system. Before cooling down, it can be used in any situation, anywhere and on anyone."

Shen Ye yelled excitedly, "Then I can grab the fairy human body of Asura. As long as I can grab the fairy human body, I can skip learning the fairy art directly. It is the fairy human body directly, and I don’t need to enter the fairy mode. Only then can there be a fairy state."

Unexpectedly, the system poured cold water again, "No, the function of the grasping skill can only grasp the skill, not the physique. In the system's judgment, the physique is innate, and it is not learned or practiced and chance. Something you got by coincidence, so you don’t have to think about the fairy body of Asura."

"No? How did I grab Uzumaki Kuna's Uzumaki physique last time? You don't have such a shameless skin."

"Host, I explained to you. At that time, you wanted to grab the power of the nine tails, but when you were about to fail, you were interrupted by Bo Feng Shuimen, so the grabbing system determined that you succeeded, and then you were malicious again. Interrupt. So in order to compensate you, the crawling system directly increased your crawl rate to 100% that time. At that time, you were still in the situation where crawling was turned on, and happened to encounter Maelstrom again. Sinnai copied her most powerful force-the vortex physique."

Shen Ye curled his lips and said, "I said you have loopholes, you still don't believe it."