Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 313: Asura's Suspicion

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Asura turned around and stared carefully at this young man who suddenly appeared in Ninzong. His eyes were unkind and approached Shenye, "Really? But why did I feel a powerful and evil force? It's a capital crime to shield the opposite person, Shenye, I don't care who you are. In Ninzong, you must abide by the rules of Ninzong."

Shen Ye secretly stuck out his tongue, his expression was a bit awkward, he forgot a very important thing, that is, Indra also has a pair of reincarnation eyes, and Asura, the younger brother of Indra, is naturally familiar with reincarnation eyes. High, coupled with the energy of the reincarnation eye just used, it makes the fluctuation of the reincarnation eye spread even more, so Asura may feel that Indra has come here, and even he is suspecting that he suddenly appeared in the Ninzong Shenye is Indra!

Shenye smashed his dry lips. In other words, this Asura is different from the gentle and nervous Asura in his impression. The real Asura seems to have the posture of a superior person. People are unattainable.

You can joke with him, but you must never touch his principles.

His question of principle is Indra!

Asura stared tightly, waiting for his answer.

Shenye pretended to be frightened, he took a few steps back in horror, and a few tears dripped in his eyes, "Brother come you suddenly become so scary, if you don't want Shenye Stay here, then Shenye will leave now, I'm sorry... bother!"

After Shen Ye finished speaking, she was about to get up and leave, but she didn't want Ashura to stretch out an arm to stop him. A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his own bitterness had reached the level of proficiency. What to say, just listen to the cold voice of Asura coming out again.

"Want to leave now? I am almost certain that you are the person sent by Indra! From the very beginning, I felt that you were abnormal. A child's hand strength was stronger than mine, and he was also wearing an alternative robe. The sect is vast and I have never heard of it. In addition to Ninja Sect, there are other places, saying, you were sent by Indra, what is the conspiracy!"

Shenye was blocked by Asura, he looked at Asura weirdly, sure enough...Is the younger brother suspicious.

"Heaven and Earth Conscience! Brother Ashura, I really wasn't sent by someone. I accidentally arrived at Ninzong's place. I was also looking for a way to leave. I swear to the Six Dao Immortals! I really am not someone. Sent!"

Asura snorted coldly, "Six Dao Immortals? You all know my father's name, so you must be from this place. This place is Indra's territory except for Ninzong. You said it!" txt Novel

"Nmd! Why are you so good at catching keywords? I said I crossed over from the future, do you believe it? I tm said that you will have a battle with Indra in the future, and you won, will you believe it? I said that Ninja will be the birthplace of ninjas and the place of pilgrimage for all ninjas. Would you believe it? nmd, you are so suspicious. If your brother Indra came to be the master of Ninja, he would definitely be more indecisive than you. , I’ve done a lot better! To say something that makes me feel dangerous, at least he will meet someone who is skeptical. He will definitely not ask questions like you and guess his identity. If it’s Indra, follow him. The straight-forward character has already slapped me to death!"

Shenye finally couldn't bear it, he shouted all the words in one breath, and then he huffed and gasped, but he looked out the window, looking for all escaped creatures that could be replaced by the power of the sky.

Unexpectedly, Asura sighed heavily. He sat on the ground, directly on the shattered mirror, and said, "I believe you are not someone from Indra, because he doesn't need to do this, like What you said is the same, he always goes straight, he doesn’t twist his bowels like this, Shenye, I blamed you. You are also right, it is very likely that I am not suitable to be the master of Ninzong. Will, I suspect he chose the wrong person."

Shenye rolled his eyes and sat on the ground. He said, "Look, your indecisive character can be a hero, but you can't become a hero. Indra is a standard hero. And I think , The reason why the Six Dao Immortals inherited the Ninja Sect to you is that they are fancy, this is not the era of war, Nin Sect does not need a hero, but a hero who can stand out."

Shenye looked at the scenery outside the sky and continued, "Perhaps you think you are not as good as Indra, but you have to believe that Ninzong is in his hands and will never end well. What he wants to do is dictatorship and rule, and you What is to be done, do you know yourself?"

Asura nodded, "It is peace and equality."

"Yes, there is peace now, and there is no need to rule. The people of Ninzong can eat and wear warmth. This is the most important thing. Otherwise, when they are hungry and have no flesh, you want to rule this group. Are you a half-human, half-ghost ninja? I think that Indra wants to fight for the position of Ninja with you, because you have developed the Ninja so well. So, you don’t have to belittle yourself and think about things all day long. , Thinking all day about what to do if Indra can’t be defeated, it’s better to think more about how to defeat Indra for the sake of the people of Nindu Sect and fight for the ultimate peace for them."

Asura looked at Shenye in a daze, and asked inconceivably, "You...really come from the future?"

Shenye nodded, "The Six Immortals are the gods of the entire Ninja World, and you and Indra are just the sons of gods. No matter how you fight, there won’t be many people who remember you in later generations. If you are willing to learn more, you will read more books, and will not spread word of mouth like the six immortals."

Asura sighed, it was true. His and Indra's small quarrels were not enough from the perspective of his father's level, and his father was not willing to show up even at this level.

Shenye looked at Asura with a sad expression again. He couldn't help but ask: "Asura, do you want me to tell you something about the future of you and Indra? And who will win in the future? At last?"

Who ever thought Asura shook his head, "No, when you ask me if I want to know the future, I think I already know the result. If it is a bad result, you will definitely not say it, right? I just I just need to know that the result is good, and I will work hard to defeat Indra's powerful opponent."