Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 320: Shenye vs Indra

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Asura was originally such a person. He is usually harmless to humans and animals, and looks like a warm person, but when he is aggressive, he almost has the ability to destroy the world.

Shenye immediately stared at him. Under this huge Suzano, Asura looked like a god of war, burning blue chakra energy all over his body, and with a small body, he forced a Suzano. I almost fell to the ground!


Suzuo fell to the ground and crushed countless trees. Fortunately, the people here had already fled when Asura and Indra were fighting, otherwise there would have been heavy casualties!

"Ashura! Your power really surprised me, but you can only get here at most. If you can't awaken the more powerful Six Dao powers, your end point is only here!"

Indra controlled Suzuonenhu into the air again, and two chakra greatswords suddenly appeared in his hands!

Overturning and defeating are two different things. The downfall of Susano may show the power of Ashura, but for Susano, there is hardly any substantial damage. The biggest source of damage is the chakra ball and tornado. Even the inside of Suzano Nohu was not hurt by the cut off.

Asura was shocked, and quickly jumped back, avoiding the 30-meter-long chakra double swords, and then he once again turned on the chakra ball of light, with his fingers together, which was called "Chakra ball of light by Shenye" The ninjutsu of "Shadow Clone" appeared in the air again.

Indra stood on top of Suzano's head. He folded his arms and laughed: "Can't you have a new trick? This is the trick every time."

"Just useful!"

Asura shouted angrily, and the dense chakra ball flew towards Suzano. He wanted to smash the huge Suzano to smash like a unicorn.

But in Shenye’s eyes, these Chakra Balls could not even threaten his Suzano. Perhaps when Susano was not summoned, Shenye would use means to block the Chakra Balls, but in Susano In the state of Huhu, even his Suzuo Nohu disdain for such intensive attacks, because Suzuo Nohu's body shape is there, and it can be manipulated. There are a hundred ways in Shenye’s heart. , To resist these dense chakra balls.

Sure enough, I saw Indra snapped his fingers, and Suzuo Nohu put away the two chakra swords, and then both hands were in a bow state. The powerful chakra energy condensed on Suzu Nohu's chest, a black The prototype of the arrow slowly unfolded.

Indra waved his hand gently, and the Chakra arrow came out. The black arrow directly penetrated the dense ball of light and rushed towards Asura!

This arrow is the arrow of Indra with Amaterasu flame attached!

"Asura, be careful!"

Asura watched this huge and incomparable arrow flying towards him, so fast that he couldn't hide, but he had no new moves to resist!

"Shiro escape! Spiral adds life to earth!"

Shenye can't stand it anymore. Although he is throwing himself into an unrighteous place at this time, he can't just watch Asura die. Even though he knows that Indra will not kill Asura, this The instant physical reaction, the brain can't keep up!

The spiral shuriken with Amaterasu was spinning in Shenye's hand, and he suddenly threw it at Indra's Arrow. He directly intercepted this powerful move halfway through, and two techniques strengthened by Amateras exploded in the air!

"Shen Ye!"

Asura turned his head and glanced at Shen Ye in surprise. He knew that this child might be powerful, but he didn't expect that Shen Ye was so powerful that it could offset Indra's attack!

Indra narrowed his eyes, "You dare to intervene in our battle and look for death!" Chinese website

Indra controlled Suzo Nohu and raised his hand again, and a fierce thunder and lightning struck instantly, and this thunder and lightning hit the big stone again, and Shen Ye's figure disappeared in the smoke. Indra He also anticipated this kind of result. He knew that this level of attack seemed insignificant under Shen Ye's weird speed, and Shen Ye brought him more pressure than Ashura!

His two reincarnation eyes scanned back and forth, and he still didn't see Shen Ye's figure!

At this time, Indra suddenly felt dark on the top of his head, and he subconsciously controlled Suzanoh to summon the double swords again, and two chakra double swords appeared above him!

Two pairs of double swords collided, and a dark figure suddenly fell down!A Suzano man who is shorter than Indra's Suzano, stands opposite Indra.

Shenye caught Asura in his Suzano, and asked concerned: "Asura, are you okay?"

Asura was still full of surprises, "I didn't expect you to be able to summon Suzano! I feel that you are unfathomable!"

Shen Ye looked at Asura with complicated eyes, "Do you really believe me that way?"

"My perception is very strong. Whoever is hostile and who is not hostile, I can feel it at once. Although you have been hostile to me for a short time, you still show favor more. Indra has a temporary feeling for me. More of his ambition!"

Shenye sighed, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, there won't be anything to Ninzong with me."

"With you, nothing will happen to Ninzong?"

Indra's gloomy voice came, and his Chakra double swords also came.

Since Shenye has chosen to help Asura, he doesn't have a good face for Indra. Since he is offended, he will offend him to death. He sneered and said, "Will you take a broken sword?"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunder light appeared in the hands of Suzuo Neng of Shenye!

"Lei Dun! Susanenhu·Chidori!"


Shenye's speed was extremely fast. A huge chidori directly smashed Indra's double swords. The latter hid like one side with force, but at the extremely fast speed, he was still cut off by Shenye. A piece of armor!

Indra's eyes were gloomy, he controlled Suzuo Nenghu to fly into the sky, condescendingly once again pulled up the black arrow in his hand!

Shenye snorted coldly, and his jet-black Suzano's back also gave birth to wings and flew straight to the sky!

"Unexpectedly, you are also completely obsessed with Zuo Nenghu, then you come and taste my stringed giant arrow!"

The huge chakras are gathered again, and Shenye is also alike, but he is not using Indra's arrow, but adding earth life!

In theory, the addition of earth life can also be turned into an arrow, but Shenye didn't want to do this. He felt that another weapon could block the arrow better!

Two black ninja swords appeared on Susano Nouga's arm!

Shenye first slashed Indra's arrow directly with a single stab, then used Amaterasu to evade Indra's Amaterasu, and then killed Indra with a single stab!