Naruto's Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 384 The Terrifying Outer Golem (First one! Seek collection! Seek silver ticket!)

You can search for "Hokage's Strongest Blood Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Nagato...Xiao Nan stared at Nagato, also extremely unbearable.

At this time, Nagato had already shed nosebleeds, sweating all over his body, gasping for breath.

Although Nagato belongs to the whirlpool clan, after all, Penn was used to fight against the ninjas of Ninja Village, and Chakra had already bottomed out.

Nowadays, spending such a large amount of chakras to let the animal path psychic go out of the outer path golem has overdrawn a lot of vitality.

On the side of Nin Yin Village, Beast Dao patted the ground with both hands, and a huge monster has been summoned from Nin Yin Village.

"What is this!?" Shisui was also taken aback. Shigure didn't tell them the name of this thing, but Shisui could feel that this guy was exuding a dangerous aura all the time.

"The ants of Nin Yin Village, no matter how strong you are, they are only stronger ants." Tiandao Payne also said very coldly.

"Next, only Heaven will be left." Nagato then let Xiao Nan psychic the animal way back.

Both Shisui and Masamune noticed this.

"All the six ways of Penn were summoned back using reverse spiritism...

"It seems that all the chakras have gathered on this guy...

"The strongest heaven...what will he do?" Everyone was thinking.

As for the hidden positions of Nagato and Xiaonan, Xiaonan also said: "Don't even leave the hell road, Nagato, you want to...

Xiao Nan also faintly guessed what Nagato wanted to do.

Nagato gasped and waved his hand weakly: "Ahem... psychic is out... Outer Golem... Even if there are more powerful men in Shinyin Village, it will not help...

This is indeed the case. Today's Nin Yin Village powerhouses are all gathered in one place, looking at the huge alien golem, not knowing what to do.

"Six-tailed man Zhuli, where is it?"

"Don't let me ask one last time." Heavenly Dao Payne also asked coldly.

But no one chose to answer him.

"Hmph! In that case! Then feel the pain!" Payne then withdrew, leaving the battle arena to the outside golem.

"Roar!!" The Outer Golem immediately became manic for some reason, and opened its mouth, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

"Hey!" At this moment, the golem's withered wood-like back bulged, and immediately launched countless lightning, and these lightning instantly smashed into the nearest ninjas.

Those ninjas were unprepared, so they were struck by the lightning from the outside golem and turned into coke.

"Damn! This guy has a long-range attack similar to ninjutsu! His actions must be blocked immediately!" Masamune and Shisui then jumped out together.

"Where are the ninjas in Ninja Village? Use joint ninjutsu together!" Fu Yue also ordered immediately.

"Yes!" The ninjas of Nin Yin Village have gathered together, whether it is Da Nin, upper Nin, middle Nin, or lower Nin, are united at this time, and divided into multiple formations with different attributes.

Hoshino shouted: "Thunder Dun! Show it with me! Thunder Dun·Lei Guangzhu!"

"Lei Dun Lei Guangzhu!"

This trick was very dazzling. The cloth-like thing on the head of the Outer Golem had been taken off, so it had eyesight.

And many Shangren used this trick, and instantly blocked the sight of the outer golem.

Shishui immediately used ninjutsu and said: "Everyone, take advantage of this now! Use Wind Dunge with me! Wind Dunge·Wind Cut Technique!"

"The Art of Wind Cutting!" 202 e-book

Masamune went on to say: "Use Earth Escape to block this guy's actions! Earth Escape·Earth Movement Core!"

"Earth Evacuation·Earth Dynamic Core!" Many Shangren also immediately used the earth moving core together, instantly sinking the giant body of the Outer Golem into the deep ground, trapping it.

"Melting and Lime Condensation Technique!" Shangren of Nin Yin Village ran to the huge earth flow wall and spit out countless lime condensate.

"Water escape·Great waterfall technique!" The ghost shark arrived in time, and together with the surrounding water escape ninjas, they used the water attribute escape technique with a huge range.

The water reacted immediately when it encountered lime.

"The Uchiha clan! Please!" Gray Fang shouted.

"Fire escape: the art of fierce flame!" Fu Yue also directly led Uchiha to spit out fire escape ninjutsu.

Water and lime were poured, and then stirred immediately. The heat of the fire evaporates the water, and then the outer golem is completely fixed by the cement made by the ninja of Ninyin Village.

"Impossible! The outgoing golem was so easily given by the ninja of Ninja Village... Heavenly Path Payne had a panoramic view of everything, and he couldn't believe what was happening before him.

"Outer Golem!" Nagato yelled, and didn't know if the Outer Golem heard Nagato's voice, and immediately began to struggle, trying to break free from the bondage of the cement.

"This...the ninjas of Ninja Village are suddenly helpless.

"The vitality of this thing is too tenacious...I am afraid that even the tail beast is not so strong, right?!" Masamune said with some confidence.

"It seems that this level of enemy should be what Shigure-sama said is beyond Super Shadow, right? We have nothing to do with it." Shisui was also a little lost.

In fact, the ninjas of Ninja Village have done well enough to be able to trap the outside golems and delay for some time. This is not what ordinary Ninja ninjas can do.

The Outer Golem is the body of the ten-tailed monster. As long as it absorbs the tail-beast, it can become ten-tailed, which is the strongest existence.

"Roar!" The Outer Golem broke away the cement bit by bit and then slowly climbed up.

"Suzonoh! Shuriken!" Shisui opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel of Suzonoh, but he still couldn't stop the advance of the outer golem.

But Tiandao Payne took everything in his eyes, and then asked: "Six tails? Where are they? This is the last time I asked! Are you answering! I will let the Outer Golem completely destroy Nin Yin Village!"

"Huh! If Shigure-sama were there? How can you let you go wild?"

"Don't say it's Lord Shigure, Lord Shigure's sister can kill you!"

"Penn, there is a kind of psychic beast that doesn't rely on you, and decides the victory or defeat with us on its own?"

Shigure has a lot of ninjas with rascals.

These ninjas were not tolerated by their own Ninja Village before, or they became political victims, or they were driven out of Ninja Village because of various things, and Shigure finally accepted them.

The man in front of him wanted to destroy everything about them, so all the ninjas in Nin Yin Village were united and would rather die than betray their teammates.

"In that just wait to be killed by the outside golem!"

"Chakrasaurus!" Penn didn't know what seal was cast, and spit out a chakrasaurus from the golem's mouth.

"What's that stuff?" Guiyu was also taken aback.

"I don't know...but it's better not to be touched? Because it's probably going to die?" Hagii Kusuo also guessed

"It will definitely die...Kakuto, Osha Maru and others all rushed over and said.

Almost all Shigure's Daren had already arrived on the scene, preparing to fight the evil spirits and the heavens to the death. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I know where Liuwei is!"