Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 1

Pit father of the strongest systems of Naruto: evil Emperor Shura

My name is Mo Xuan. I was originally a high school student and came to Hokage World somehow.

The rebirth of Nima is all kinds of BUFF additions, every second, every second, there must be a nine-tailed chakra last time.

Poor me, although I brought a system, this cheating system actually requires me to complete the task in order to benefit. This is not a big deal, but can you dare to cheat on the Nima mission?Sneak attack on Uchiha Itachi, attack Uchiha Shisui, challenge the three generations of Naruto Tobihi, dare you to cheat again.

Task reward depends on mood, task difficulty depends on mood, whether or not everything depends on mood, isn’t such a wayward system surely discounted second-hand defective products?

Chapter 1 Sneak Attack on Uchiha Itachi

My name is Mo Xuan. I was originally just a high school student. I came to Naruto World somehow and was reborn in Uchiha's house, named Uchiha Izumi. Unfortunately, I saw Uchiha Sasuke, who was about his age.

At this moment, I am in ambush, and the target of the ambush is Uchiha Itachi, the genius Uchiha Itachi who has serious brother control.As for why I want to ambush him, it's the golden finger I got. Nima's other rebirths are all kinds of BUFF additions, every second, every second, there must be a nine-tailed chakra last time.

And poor me, although I brought a system, this cheating system actually requires me to complete the task in order to benefit, and the task I received not long ago was extremely cheating.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully refining chakras. The main task is automatically accepted and attacked on Uchiha Itachi. The task rewards are issued based on the completion of the task. The time limit is three days, and the failure is obliterated."

"The system of your big mouth is God Itachi. Although it hasn't grown up yet, it's also a God Itachi. Do you want to kill me? Let's discuss a change?"

"Yes, I can replace you with an attack on the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi."

"Brother, you are my own brother, I was wrong, I'd better assassinate Uchiha Itachi."

Just kidding, the attack on Sarutobi Hisaki, let alone the possibility of success, even if you throw a handful of kunai from 800 miles away, you will definitely be killed by Anbe. Even if you haven’t been killed, I'll be invited to drink. Tea is not a good thing either.

The only thing I’m fortunate about right now is that people from Uchiha’s family can easily get a ninja, otherwise I guess I can’t even see the face of Itachi God.


Practice Field No. 7 This is a practice field unique to the Uchiha family, and one of the places Uchiha Itachi must go when there is nothing to do. The wooded area here is a good place for sneak attacks, but it’s just facing the famous Uchiha Itachi. Izumi Uchiha didn't have the slightest assurance.

Doing his best to calm his nervous mood, Uchiha Itachi had already appeared in Izumi's line of sight at this time. Seeing Uchiha Itachi appeared, Izumi activated the trap instantly.A dozen or so kunai appeared at the same time, flying towards Uchiha Itachi.

At this time, although Itachi is only a ninja, but the actual strength is already at the level of the ninja. Facing the trap of spring, just jumping high and easily resolves all the crises, but before Itachi falls to the ground, a piece of wood is enough. It flew out from one side, and Itachi seemed to be actually driven out by a wooden stake because it was in the air and couldn't use it.

"I, this is a success?" Seeing the legendary Itachi god was killed by his own trap, I couldn't believe my eyes. Could it be that I accidentally crossed it wrong?This is not the Naruto World, or is this Itachi God just a fake?

Just when Quan was suspicious, he felt that someone appeared behind him. Without waiting for Quan's reaction, a cold karma had already been placed on his neck. As long as Quan moved slightly, it would be a different place.

"Brother Itachi, I have no ill intentions, just a joke." Facing Uchiha Itachi, Izumi didn't have the courage to resist. He was not even a ninja. If he could escape from Itachi, his fame would be complete. Ruined.

"..." Faced with Izumi's explanation, Uchiha Itachi didn't react at all, nor did the kunai in his hand mean to let go.

"Okay, okay, let me be honest, I heard from my parents that you are the genius of the younger generation in our family, so I want to challenge you, but I also know that you are a ninja, so I set a trap here ."

Hearing Izumi's words, Uchiha Itachi is the kunai in the direction of the hand. As for whether he believes Uchiha Izumi's words, only he himself knows.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi turned around and prepared to leave, Izumi took out the detonation charm he had prepared in his arms and was about to throw it out, but at this moment Uchiha Itachi suddenly turned around and looked towards Izumi.

The first time I was watched by the writing wheel, Quan felt that his whole person was enveloped by death as if he would die in the next second, and the whole person was completely frozen in place, and the whole person trembled involuntarily.If it is normal, there is no big problem even if it is being watched by the eyes of the writing wheel, but don't forget that Quan's hand is holding a detonating talisman.

Although the detonation talisman in the manga is just a very garbage consumable, it is already a deadly weapon for the four-year-old Uchiha Izumi.

The detonating talisman had already started to burn, and it was about to explode, Quan's face also showed despair, perhaps he should be the first traverser ever to play himself to death.

Quan closed his eyes in despair, waiting for death to come.

Another Uchiha Itachi did not expect such a situation, he did not expect that Izumi would have such a situation. Although he was very dissatisfied with Izumi's sneak attack, he was also a member of the family.As a result, Uchiha Itachi came to Izumi in an instant, throwing the detonating talisman out while throwing Izumi to the ground on the other.

If Izumi opened his eyes at this time, he would immediately see that the instant ninjutsu just now, a ninjutsu that should be mastered by the upper ninjutsu, appeared on a lower ninjutsu like Uchiha Itachi.

Quan did not wait for death to come, only heard a bang. When he opened his eyes, he only saw a puff of white smoke.

"Shadow clone?" This was Quan's last memory, and then he passed out.

However, after Quan was unconscious, the voice of the system rang in his mind.

"Ding, the main task is completed, the task evaluation is C-level, shuriken is awarded, and there are no five."


In the depths of driving range No. 7, Uchiha Itachi, who was talking with Uchiha Shisui, suddenly looked outside.

"Itachi, what's the matter?"

"There is a little guy from the family who wanted to sneak attack on my clone, but he hurt himself. I'll go take a look." Then he left in the direction where the spring was.

"Sneak attack? Funny little guy."


When Quan woke up, he was already in his room at home. Looking at everything he was familiar with, he remembered the incident of the attack on Itachi today.

'After planning for a long time, the sneak attack turned out to be only a shadow clone, and the attack was completely successful. It seems that even when he was a child, Itachi is far stronger than the others.'After I checked my body briefly and confirmed that I was not in a serious condition, I opened the system interface.

Uchiha Izumi (traverser),

Ninjutsu: 5

Physical skills: 3

Illusion: 4

Wisdom: 4

Strength: 3

Speed: 2

Chakra: 5

Final seal: 6

Looking at his poor data, Quan no longer knows how to complain. The only improvements in the four years since his rebirth are Chakra and Jieyin. The other aspects of the data are really far behind.

I habitually clicked on the task list. I thought that the task of sneak attack on Uchiha Itachi had not been completed, but I didn't want that task to be highlighted, and the prompt was completed.He really didn't know what to say about the completion of the task. From the beginning to the end, not to mention that he hurt Itachi, and he didn't even touch it. How could this be considered as satisfying the task conditions?

You must know that the mission released by the system is to injure Uchiha Itachi, but what you are facing is a clone. Even if it is really destroyed, it is only destroying a clone. Isn't it hurting Itachi?

"System, how did I complete this task? Even if Itachi's clone was blown away by my detonation charm, it shouldn't be considered as me hurting him?"

"The shadow clone will transfer the clone's knowledge and fatigue to the main body, destroy the clone, and return the clone's fatigue to the main body, which is also defined as injury."

"System, I'm your eldest man, why didn't you tell me when you released the mission?" Hearing this explanation, I really want to kill this system. What kind of situation is this?

"First, I have no uncle. Second, you did not ask."


Chapter 2 Uchiha Shisui