Naruto Star Shadow World

Naruto Star Shadow World Chapter 174

It's also a bit, then nodded, and then I thought for a while, and smiled: "Is it? However, he has not completely completed it, I want to have a progressive space ..."

"This time, although the three flying sections and corners of the tissue have been resolved, the organization has many other members, especially the purpose of collecting the tail beast is a bit uneasy, there is always an ominous premonition. This is what I am so eager to hold a six-shadow talk. "

I also looked at a pleasant hand, and I asked: "Where are you going to set the talks of the Liuji Conference?"

In the previous endurance battle, the endurance did not have a precedent who had hit the allies in the alliance ceremony, so the location of this conference needs to be careful, in order to maximize the suspicion of all major fortune, so as I thought that the wooden leaves do something conspiracy.

The planner. I wrinkled into the forehead of Kawaguan, my face was a little tired and slowly said: "The location is arranged in the country of Tie, I have already sent people to the leader of the current Tie's country. The three ships passed, Just serve as the host of this six shadow talks. "P P Point Title E

The neutral attitude of the iron country and the agreement of the Ninja before, the country of the iron did not have the Ninja Force, but a group of fighting groups called "Samurai". It is independent culture, independent permissions, as well as the independent combat. Therefore, it is most appropriate to put this six-piece talk talk in the country of neutrality.

"Is the country of Iron? This is really a good choice!" Latersen heard that he nodded, and the six shadow talks were placed in the country of the iron, and it was indeed possible to cancel the doubts of all major.

The apeer has crossed, and it is supported on the desk. I also asked myself: "Last, last time you said to go to rain, the village, how do you plan to start?"

"Two days later!" The face also looked slightly.

The plan was nodded, and sighed slightly, and then the light sound: "Be careful, now I have already booked the time, I put it in a month, now just wait for Saha Yin Village and Star Rellar Reply. If you can send an invitation to other rivots directly! "

"However, I heard that the peacock king is not in the star, and I don't know where to go. If he can't come back before the six shadow talks, it is estimated that this six shadow talks will have a lot of twists and turns! "

With wooden leaves and loaf intelligence, I want to know some news of the Rushing Village, not too difficult, and Chen Xing is not in the village for a few months, naturally unable to hold the eyes and ears of all parties.

The program shook his head and said softly: "I am not worried about this report, according to Kasi's report, the Peacock King took a boy who had a bone of bone, and the strength has reached the film level, in the country of Changchuan In the forest's war, even the mask man used only a complete kaleidoscope written eye to use it, it can be able to use it. He can't help but let him, even if it is the four generations of Lei Ying and others want to do it. What small movements have been made, and the tricks are not so easy. "

"The body of the bones? Since the Hui Night family was killed by the extinguishing family, the original blood has disappeared. I didn't expect that there were still survivors to live, and I also opened this terrible ability!"


Chapter 245 Brothers Battle [One More]

The country of fire, in a big forest.

The two stones quickly shutd it in this forest, one of them wore a white kimono, and the waist was tied to the purple knot, and she was printed with a table tennis. The face is indifferent, a pair of scarlets is in the eyes of the eyes, and it is cold.

The other person is wearing a purple vest, gray trousers, a white long hair, the waist with a reel and kettle, carrying a big knife than him, the whole person looks a little lazy.

These two people are not someone else, is Yuxi Board and the ghost lights. Since I have been taught by Jun Ma Lu, the big hit Unechyo Sasuke is silent, and she cultivates.

Today, the reason why he appeared here was "Zero Zero" because he received a letter that Yisi Hubu passed by the body, and his letter was about his ancestral battle to the ancestor of the Yishabo family.

When the ghost lights, the ghost lights, followed by Unezeca, looking at the more indifferent Unechebra Sasuke, the heart was embassy: "Sasu help this guy, how to feel like it is close to the destination, the cloud-free breath is more and more Heavy appearance, people have some cold and chestnut ... "

"Copy is getting closer ..." Unechyo sakuo wrapped a pair of scarlet three hooks and jade, looking forward to the forest, he kept jumping on the trunk at the foot, the scarlet monster eyes were full of thick Hate, "I live to this day, even if I don't hesitate to rebellion, I will be able to kill you in order to kill you in person, Yisi Pub!"


In the end of this forest, there is a tall building that printed with a pattern of ping-pong shooting from above, it can be seen here, and it is an Yishusai family.

In the empty hall, some darkness, exudes an ancient decaying breath, and some are somewhat built.

On the host hall, a black figure is half-eyed in the stone chair, and a pair of scarlet monster three hooks are written, and the eyes look at the outside, and there is no expression.

"Sasuke, my body can't hold it, I have to give you your eyes in advance, don't let me down ..."

Yuxi Pub looked outside the lobby, and the faint eyes seem to be memories.

At this time, in the forest, a big tree suddenly took a white figure, the face, and the two people were blocked in front of Yuxi Board and the ghosts, and stopped their way.

"I hope that I will take a person to take a person. As for the guy next to you, I will wait here!" The white guy is hoarse voice, faintly said to Yishe Sayuo and Ghost Lights.

"Yes?" Yuxio sang himself in front of this white guy, and then turned his head and said to the ghost light behind him: "Water month, you are waiting for me here!"

After that, Unechebra saga has passed directly and rushed to the ancestors of Uzhibo.

"Hey, who is your guy?" After Yuxi Bozuo went far, the ghost lights played in front of the white, and asked some dissatisfaction.


Yizhi Saso finally arrived at the ancestral place of the Urcho family, walked into the hall and saw Yisi Houches on the stone chair on the front of the front.

Yiszhiso looked at Unechebao, a pair of scarlet writes slowly rotated, asked faintly: "Sasuke, your double-write wheel eye, can you see now?"

Yuxi Bo sakard footstep is extremely firm to Jusiso, and the face is more indifferent, the cold channel: "How far can you see? Now in my eyes, you can see it ... it is your dead!"

Yuxi Bozo's hatred became more and more strong, and the eyes of Yuxi Pub, but it was not easy to spot disappointment, because he had seen that Unexpello was now probably, and it is disappointed.

Yis Zhi Subiches slammed his head slightly, faintly overlooking Uzecho Sasuke, a pair of scarlet written eyes began to turn quickly, "My dead shape ... then you will show me!"

Said, Yuxi Puboctairently launched a illusion, pulling Unexpello into illusion.

Yischo Sasuke is indeed a lot than when it is the battle with Jun Ma Lu, but even if it opened the state of the curse, it is, but it is only the initial stage of the shadow.

But in this time, he did not know the geometry, it was in the order of illusion, and the middle is the intriguing, but it has been hateful, and Yizuo Sasuo, who has been blinded, but did not detect this. .

"Finally, I have something to ask you to ask you," Soon, in the face of "Yushuo", Yischi Saso is not a fool, and Yu Zhiso is found to fight with him. .

Yiszhike stared in the cold and coldly, and the eyes were full of anger, cold voice: "Actually use a bordering to fight with me, are you looking at me?"

"Did you find it?" The figure of Yuxi Pubo once again appeared on the stone chair and looked faintly.

For Unechebra, it has been found to fight with him. It is nothing more than him. Yushuo is obviously disappointed. Although this strength is not bad for ordinary ninja, but compared to Payne and "Yu Zhibo Spot" and Peacock King The stream is not a little bit.

Disappointment is disappointed, but in front of Yuxi Boato is his dearest brother, Yuxi Hosi asked faintly: "What do you want to ask, although not the final problem, you also ask!"

At the same time, he once again launched a illusion attack, or, how to use the write-wheel eye in guiding Unechebra.

Yisizo Sasukes remember that Yizhi Pubie once said, if he can successfully open the kaleidoscope writes, the person who uses the kaleidoscope to write the eyes will become three.

When Unechebra helped coldly and stared at Utiso, and asked the imagination of Uki, asked: "I listened to Casci who said, the guy who took his written eye with kaleidoscope Write the eyes, the guy is also a person who is taught. Who is he? "

"I didn't expect you to know this ..."

Unexpectedly, it seems to be stunned. If you accidentally be helpful to be worn by Unezhi, it is a few tens of crows, and then re-aggregated together.

Chapter 246 Brothers Mutual Abuse [Two, Various Seek]

Yuxi Bozuo did not accidentally attacked the Unescience, staring at Uzhi Subper, who was cold and cold: "Who is that person?"

"Yu Zhibo Spot!"

Although he did not believe that the mask male is Yuxi wave, but Uzhi Poso is still said to Yishe Sasuo. Because the current Yuxi Sasuke, if you know too much, if you know too much, you will only give yourself a disaster. Before he does not have the strength of the self-policy, it is still not known.

"It is impossible, Yuxi Bo pointed to a time between the first generation of thousands of hands, he has already died!"


Yisi Pubo shook his head, stood up, looked at Unechebao sauo, with a little excited, said: "Come on this ... Come, my younger brother! I want to kill you, from Delicated in the fate of a family, it will get real evolution ... Detachment, from its own instrument! We are their own alternate eyes, this is the true embarrassment between Yuxi Bo brothers! "