Naruto Super Farm

Chapter 630 is just a flash in the pan [first more]

You can search "Naruto Super Farm Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Since the red dog wants to be beaten, Yin is naturally not welcome, and he wants to be beaten to fulfill this kid.

"bring it on!"

Waves his hand, the silver face is provocative. Compared with Akagi's strong body, his small body is not worth mentioning, but the situation is strange, even if it is rubbing his nose or gently swinging his sleeves. , The red dogs are all looking like a big enemy, cold sweat, looking extremely afraid of silver.

"Ha ha..."

Upon seeing this, Yin smiled "friendly", hooked his fingers, and said contemptuously: "Sakaski, don't be nervous, just rest assured that you can come over. I won't bully the kids."

"you wanna die!"

Hearing that, the red dog was smoked by Yin's seven orifices, and he almost ran away. How can he say that he is also an admiral. Yin's contemptuous gaze is like an insignificant mouse, full of joking and contempt.


Among the sparks and flints, the red dog's body was like a hole, and a large amount of magma overflowed, occupying the entire surface in a flash, and the temperature was increased by a hundredfold in the short blink of an eye.

"These bastards!"

Upon seeing this, Boya Hancock stomped his feet angrily, his little face blushing was quite cute, and he cursed in his heart: "I dare to be wild in the daughter country, and I will never let them go in the future."

Despite the clamor in his heart, Boya Hancock now has no courage to compete with the red dog and silver. Now she is just a girl of the cardamom age, still young, where is the opponent of the red dog?Not to mention "Island Terminator" Uchiha Silver.

In desperation, Hancock could only be sulking in his heart, gritted his teeth and looked at the two men, wishing that the silver and the red dog would lose out, and it would be best to go hand in hand to hell together.

"Oh oh oh!"

The red dog's arms are condensed with a large amount of magma, and the eyes under the brim of the hat are as sharp as a knife, and the killing intent is rolling. In this world, the red dog hates people most is the "Island Terminator" in front of him.

Silver trampled the navy repeatedly, forcing the navy to sign various unequal treaties. Akadog, who has always regarded justice as more important than life, has long since risen in grievances, but due to the gap in strength, he has always dared not to speak. , But now there is this good opportunity to wash away the humiliation, and the red dog will naturally not let it go.

"Canine Tooth Red Lotus!"

With a big wave of his hand, the magma rolled on his arm, compressed into a lifelike monster, and then the vicious dog composed entirely of boiling magma stood out.


The magma vicious dog jumped several meters high, and at an angle that fell from the sky, it bit into the silver.

"It's too far."

Gently glanced at the incoming vicious dog, the silver was as light as the breeze, and there was a wave of fluctuations in his eyes.


At the moment when he was about to bite the silver, his invisible hand dropped from the sky, his palm was like the sky, his thick fingers were extremely strong, and he easily caught the mighty magma dog.

"Ooooooooooooo..." The End Novel Network

After being caught, the magma vicious dog issued a burst of sorrow, with scarlet eyes looking at Yin, with a wilting expression, no longer the arrogance and arrogance before, and the low wailing seemed to be begging Yin for mercy.

"What a brutal attack, in front of'Suzuo Nohu', it was only a flash in the pan."

Gazing at the magma vicious dog that Suzuo Nenghu was holding in his hand, Yin glanced at it lightly, his pupils activated, and a ripple visible to the naked eye swelled in his eyes.


Immediately after Suzuo Nenghu exerted his strength, his arms bulged with a large number of blue veins, and the huge right hand suddenly gripped, and the magma vicious dog burst and died like a falling water drop.

"That's it?!"

Boyahancook was stunned, her beautiful eyes solidified, her eyes were fixed on the silver body, and she was terrified when the shocking skeleton giant saw her.

"No wonder Uchiha Silver is so confident..."

Thinking of Silver's arrogant speech before, Boya Hancock was silent, his thoughts turned, and he couldn't help thinking about the future of the daughter country.

It seems that doing "Nanbukai" will definitely offend Uchiha Gin. I am afraid that the destruction of Nami Island will happen overnight. If you become the younger brother of Yin, although you will offend the navy, one thing is certain, at least Nami Island will not be destroyed for the time being.

To die immediately and to die later, everyone will choose the latter.

"How do you say it's also Admiral, Sarkarski, is that only?"

Seeing the black dog, Yin sneered, "Is it because after I severely inflicted the navy a few years ago, all the generals that have risen now are wine bags and rice bags?"

"Don't get too smug!"

Hearing that, the red dog glared irritably, and the magma overflowing all over his body became more violent. The boundaries within a radius of tens of meters all turned into a hot magma hell.

"Damn Sakaski, does he want to destroy this place?"

Boyahancuk grumbled and glared.This can be regarded as demonstrations and threats by the red dog. It means a fight between gods and mortals, which alludes to the fragility of Daughter Island.


Annoyed, the red dog used one of his most powerful tricks, a giant magma boxing group roared, and the hot magma fist was even bigger than the silver body.

"Ah, it's really scary."

Yin Gu made a panic expression, but there were a few ridicules, ridicule and disapproval at the corner of his mouth.


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