Naruto Super Farm

048Return to the delivery house Shiki

You can search "Naruto Super Farm Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Uchiha Gin saw the black energy disappeared, he returned to the black mountain again.

Now Black Mountain has regained its light, no longer as dim and dull as before, and the abnormal changes that have occurred before have disappeared.

The woods that were originally infected by the black qi and had some facial patterns have returned to their original state, but there is still a trace of corrosion remaining on it, as evidence that black qi has existed.

At the same time, the place shrouded in the thick invisible darkness has disappeared, leaving only a bare piece of land with nothing on it, just like those mysterious creatures that Uchiha Gin had seen before and in the black gas. No misfortune and statues are all illusions.

However, Uchiha Silver knew that this was by no means an illusion. Even now, he still remembers the ghost face that gradually appeared on the statue. The ghost mask has its own thoughts and can even communicate with Wu Mi. .

It’s just that when Uchiha Gin was pulled away from there yesterday, he destroyed the base of the statue, causing the statue to be damaged by a big hole. Judging from the furious posture at the end of the misery, the statue should not be usable. Up.

Back in the small town, Uchiha Gin met investigators sent by the ghost killing team headquarters. It turned out that the ghost killing team found that Wu Mier was there, and then sent someone over.

Uchiha Gin told them that Wu miserable had appeared on the mountain last night, and then left and returned to the ghost killing team headquarters.

At this time, Tomioka Yiyong was still investigating the former ghost killing team members in the small town at the foot of the Black Mountain. He did not return to the ghost killing team headquarters, and the rest were looking for no miserable traces.

As it happened, Uchiha Silver not only inexplicably solved the black energy on the black mountain, but even encountered Wu Mi on the black mountain.

After telling this information to the owner of the barnyard Shiki, the pillars searching for traces of no misfortune were called back one by one. Only Yoshiyuki Tomioka was still investigating clues to the members of the ghost killing team.

Uchiha Gin didn't talk to the owner of the delivery house Shiki right away, but stayed on the mountain and waited for a few days.

A few days later, the Zhus returned to the mountain one after another, and at the same time, the Patriarch of the delivery room also called everyone together and held a combat meeting.

At the meeting, Uchiha Silver talked about what he had encountered in the dark.

Of course, the mysterious creatures with tentacles and octopus heads in those black chess pieces were omitted, because Uchiha Silver didn't want everyone in the ghost killing team to know that he would see and be domineering.

Moreover, Uchiha Silver had such a premonition that as the black energy dissipated, I am afraid I will never be able to see some mysterious creatures in the future. It doesn't matter if I say this.

Uchiha Ginzamura used a mysterious statue to absorb black energy, and he said everything about destroying the statue.

Everyone listened attentively, because the mystery of black qi was unheard of, and the ghost face capable of possessing black qi was something worthy of their understanding.

After listening to Uchiha Gin's description, they fell into a long silence.Xinfeng Literature Network

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin was only going up the mountain to investigate the situation inside Heiqi, and he encountered so many things and met Wu miserably again.

And Wu Mijing actually planned to use that statue to do some indescribable things to the ghost face, but fortunately Uchiha Silver stopped Wu Mi.

Then each column shared some of the results of their previous investigations. Although Wumei appeared in Montenegro and met Uchiha Gin, the columns in other places were not without gains. Some little information was obtained.

After the information was completed, the house owner made some inferences and summaries, and then continued to assign tasks to everyone.

The information is summarized as follows. Wu Mian seems to have lived in a certain city for a long time as a human being, and will change to the next city every time there are traces of exposure, continuing such a fake human life.

Then there were some news similar to Twelve Ghost Moon, which required the pillars to scout one by one on the spot, and Uchiha Silver was assigned to one of the locations.

Based on Uchiha Gin’s encounter with Wumei twice in a row, and both of them have caused certain losses to Wumei, first the Oiran brothers and sisters left Yoshihara, and then the statue of Wumei was damaged, and now Wumei must be in one place. Very angry at Uchiha Silver.

In order to avoid Uchiha Gin’s encounter with Wu miserable again, the Patriarch of Tanya Shiki gave Uchiha Gin one of the most informative locations regarding the suspected existence of Twelve Ghost Moon. The lower the probability of miserable, because the ghosts will not gather at will unless they are summoned by Wu miserable.

Uchiha Gin also understood how he angered Wumai, and naturally accepted this task. He still had no way to deal with Wumai, and it was best not to encounter nature.

Other pillars have also received some similar tasks, all to verify the authenticity of Twelve Ghost Moon or to find traces of no misfortune.

After everyone rested on the mountain for a while, they descended one after another. Among them, Uchiha Gin was the first to descend.

This time, Uchiha Silver didn't get any useful clues, didn't understand any clues about getting the mysterious black energy, but was isolated from the mission without misery because of repeated encounters without misery.

But Uchiha Gin is also happy to do this. If he just finds and defeats Twelve Oni Moon, Uchiha Gin still has his own self-confidence. He does not believe that Twelve Oni Moon can be like no misery, even if the head is cut off. Come down.

In this way, Uchiha Gin's mission is performed by himself. Originally, the owner of the Miyashiki family wanted a pillar to accompany Uchiha Gin's mission. After all, it was the most likely to encounter the mission of Twelve Ghosts, but Uchi Po Yin refused.

In the words of Uchiha Gin, that is, he can escape from encountering Wumei twice in a row, and can even destroy Wumei's plan, what about just a twelve ghost month.

Although this sentence was a bit arrogant, it caused the pillars who were present at the time to look sideways, but those pillars thought about Uchiha Gin's experience, and found that it really was exactly what Uchiha Gin's said.

If Uchiha Gin can escape from Wu miserable's hands, he will die no matter what happens when he encounters Twelve Ghost Moon.

The pillars present are not very familiar with Uchiha Gin's, the only Yoshiyuki Tomioka who has shared mission experience with Uchiha Gin's is no longer on the mountain, and the pillars present don't really want to follow Uchiha Gin's action, because neither side understands it...