Naruto Super Farm

Chapter 152 Two Magic Girls

You can search "Naruto Super Farm Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soon, as Akomi Homura said, Sayaka also became a magical girl, but when Uchiha Gin saw her, she was not alone.

In addition to Sayaka, there is another magical girl next to her, not Madoka, but a girl with red hair. Listening to their call, it seems to be a girl named Kyoko.''

But when he saw the weapons of these two men, Uchiha Gin was still surprised.

Uchiha Silver had no idea that one of their weapons was a spear and the other was a sword.

Maybe I was bewildered by what I saw before. You know, Uchiha Gin had only seen two magical girls before this, Bamami and Akomi Homura, they both used heat weapons.

So I gave Uchiha Gin the feeling that the magical girl also kept up with the times, abandoned the traditional magic book and so on, and began to use modern weapons.

But after seeing Sayaka and Kyoko, Uchiha Gin realized that he was wrong. Unexpectedly, in addition to the hot weapons, they even had cold weapons.

But at this time, Uchiha Gin was just curious, so as a magical girl, the most important thing they should have, a magic book, do they have it?

Uchiha Gin also took this question to ask Xiao Mi Homura, but he was treated coldly by Xiao Mi Homura, it seemed that it was because Uchiha Gin asked a very stupid question.

"It's called a magical girl just because Chobe called it that way. In fact, the form of power is manifested in everyone's heart. How could it be possible to have a so-called magic book just because of being called a magical girl? It's better to say that things like magic books are beyond reality."

After listening to Akomi Homura's words, Uchiha Gin also felt speechless for a while. It turned out that these magical girls, although they were said to be magical girls, were still people of technology, and everything could be explained by science.

However, Akomi Homura's last words seemed to remind Uchiha Silver.

The magical girl's weapons are made from the changes in the girl's heart.

That said, it's not surprising. Most of the reasons they became magical girls were to protect something, so what appeared was something offensive.

Among them, Bamami is the most obvious. In addition to the powerful spear in his hand, he can also call out several spears behind her to attack. In other words, Bamami’s heart is the weakest. ?

Uchiha Silver had such a guess, and at the same time he looked at Xiao Huang on his shoulder.

It might be because she inherited some of the characteristics of Bamamei, the little yellow on her shoulders, she simply sticks to her side all the time, there is no way to take it off.

If Xiao Huang was forced to put it in a place, then when he saw that there was no companion around, Xiao Huang would cry, and then the witch aura on her body would also spread out, dragging the pedestrians around her into her knot. Inside the world.New Pen Quge Novel

At that time, Uchiha Silver put Xiao Huang aside because he was uncomfortable alone, and when he came out, he saw Xiao Huang already playing with a few human "friends".

Had it not been for Uchiha Silver to stop it early, maybe Xiao Huang would have been trapping those humans into her enchantment.

Xiao Huang's fear of loneliness may come from Bumami. After all, Bumami is so lively and cheerful, it may be because of his inner fear of loneliness.

In this way, Xiao Miyan who also has a thermal weapon as a concretization, how does he think?Uchiha Gin can't see through, except for Xiao Mi Homura's pistol, Uchiha Gin can still see what looks like a shield on Xiao Mi Hom's arm.

It seemed to indicate that, in addition to protecting someone, Xiao Meiyan didn't seem to want to hurt her.

But after thinking about what Akomi Homura wanted to do by herself, Uchiha Gin shook his head, how could this be possible.

You know, what Xiao Meiyan wants him to do at this time is something worse than murder. They are now transforming a person who has just become a magical girl and want to quickly turn her into a witch.

When the Uchiha Bank moved, Khobby did not show up. Khobby may not have noticed what they want to do, or he may have noticed and ignored it, because for Khobby and the others, the more witches become , Then the more energy they can get, the more they don’t lose.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Silver's thoughts on Kubi and others have also become complicated. What kind of thoughts are Kubi and the others, so they can play with humans so recklessly?Create a large number of witches on the earth, and then it is estimated that after the number of witches reaches a certain level, leave here.

Unknowingly, Uchiha Silver, like Akomi Homura, regarded Chobe as the source of all evil.

In the past few days, Uchiha Silver has been following Sayaka and the others, secretly observing their battle.

Now that it has been decided to turn Sayaka into a witch, it is necessary to ensure that Sayaka will not die by accident before then.

Although according to Xiao Mi Homura, Sayaka would definitely become a witch as long as she can destroy the witch after three days, but Uchiha Silver was still a little worried, what if Sayaka died early.

The current Uchiha Gin did not realize that he had become a very similar person to Chobe. In order to turn the magical girl into a witch, he showed his care to these magical girls and also looked at them Work is an expensive consumable.

During this period of time, Uchiha Gin also saw it. Kubi often tempted Madoka to become a magical girl. Madoka would come to watch the battle in every battle of Sayaka. At the same time, Uchiha Gin could see Madoka also has the idea of ​​becoming a magical girl.

It's just that Madoka didn't have the right desire to realize, so she temporarily put this opportunity aside. If there is a suitable opportunity, then Madoka will definitely become a magical girl.

Looking at such a melancholy Madoka, and then thinking about his own goals, Uchiha Silver also had some ideas. Should he take the initiative to create a wish for Madoka?Then Madoka will become a magical girl...