Naruto Super Farm

Chapter 231: The Feather Fox as a Supply

You can search "Naruto Super Farm Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this time, Uchiha Silver also noticed that the arms that were manipulating the tentacles were constantly flowing blood along with the movement of the arms, and it seemed that they were maintaining the rebirth of the tentacles with their own power.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Gin changed his attack direction, from the original attack to block the tentacles to the attack to break through.

When Uchiha Gin started to move in the direction of the meat, it seemed that he was aware of Uchiha Gin's intentions. The idle tentacles also attacked Uchiha Gin's here. Uchiha Gin's path was These tentacles were completely blocked.

Just when Uchiha Gin was troubled, a thunder light flashed behind him, and the tentacles in front of him were destroyed at the same time in an instant, leaving countless wrecks on the ground, Uchiha Gin's sight , What rushed past was Huakaiyuan Demon Enchantment Flow, carrying lightning on his body, while protecting him as an armor, but also as a sharp blade, cutting away all the surrounding tentacles.

Seeing that someone had opened a path for himself, Uchiha Gin immediately rushed towards the front, his body was also covered with thunder and lightning like Huakaiyuan Demon Stream, resisting the occasional tentacles that would strike.

Soon, the two of them arrived in front of this piece of meat, very close to the arms that controlled the tentacles, and the hands of both began to emit lightning, each preparing for a powerful technique.

The meat did not stop the two of them from moving, as if they hadn't noticed it, and soon the arms were destroyed by the attacks of Uchiha Gin and Hanakaiin Demon Yu, revealing the meat inside.

Because the arm was destroyed, those tentacles no longer regenerate. Nuliang Lusheng and the others at the back also felt less pressure. They quickly caught up and looked at the flesh in front of them with surprised eyes.

At this time, everyone discovered that there was another person in An Bei Qingming's body, which was Yuyi Fox. The petite body of Yuyi Fox was tightly wrapped in this piece of meat. It looks like this The meat is absorbing the power of the feather fox. The skin of the feather fox is also very thin because of the demon power in the body. At the same time, it also carries a lot of Of bondage.

Something like an iron chain was tied to Yuyi Fox's body, and everyone could easily infer that Yuyi Fox was forced to appear here.

Thinking of An Bei Qingming's attitude towards Yuyi Fox, it is not difficult for everyone to think that this was what An Bei Qingming forced Yuyi Fox to do, and Yuyi Fox did not resist because of his own ideas.

After thinking of this, everyone's perception of An Bei Qingming became even worse, and then they began to dig out the feather fox. This piece of meat will no longer resist, it seems that the demon power of the feather fox has been drained. The reason, Yuyi Fox was dug out soon.

After being dug out from the meat, the feather fox's body was covered with the slime of the meat, and it looked slimy. The onmyoji and the monster here also had a dispute.

From the point of view of the Onmyoji, the feathered fox in front of us must be eliminated, because the feathered fox has eaten people, so from their standpoint, the feathered fox must die.Yeye Chinese

But the monster here just disagrees. After exchanging information with his grandfather, Nuliang Lusheng, Nuliang Lusheng also knows that the body of Yuyi Fox is his mother's body, so Nu Lianglu didn’t give birth. Nuliang Lusheng had seen Yuyi Fox alone. At that time, the expression that Yuyi Fox showed to Nuliang Lusheng was that Nuliang Lusheng hadn’t seen it for a long time but he missed it very much. Maternal love.

It is not only Nuliang Lusheng who has a special view of the feather fox because of this body, but also the feather fox. Under the influence of this body, coupled with the pain of losing a child, for a long time, the feather fox All came to see Nuliang Lusheng as her own child, even if she didn't notice it.

Everyone had a dispute here, and it seemed that they were about to fight, but Uchiha Gin's eyes were very solemn, because he felt that this matter seemed to be over without being so simple.

It seemed that Anbei Haruaki was wiped out by them, and Kyoto was about to be liberated, but looking at the meat in front of him, Uchiha Gin's bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

It was obvious that every part of the fleshy body in front of him stopped moving, but I don't know why, but Uchiha Gin could feel that he was being called by something.

At this time, Uchiha Eun remembered the prophecy that when he and An Bai Haruaki exist in the world at the same time, the world will usher in destruction.

An Bei Qingming was to protect the world, so he took the initiative to abandon his body, but not out of hypocritical thoughts such as loving the world, but because An Bei Qingming wanted a complete world controlled by him. Now that Anbai Haremaki's body has been wiped out, the possibility of Uchiha Gin's being killed is extremely slim. At this time, it is time for Anbai Hareming to make his own decision.

Is it to continue to ensure the integrity of this world, continue to stay in that space, waiting for Uchiha Gin's disappearance, or it is for my own desires to come out now.

Because even if the world is destroyed, there will still be a certain degree of incompleteness left. That is where Anbai Haruaki can continue to control. Now Anbai Haruaki and Uchiha Gin are the so-called messengers of the gods, so they will not Died in the disaster of destruction.

At this time, everyone who had been arguing stopped, Uchiha Gin, who was puzzled, looked over, and was surprised by the scene before him.

A large amount of energy is constantly pouring into Yuyi Fox's body, black energy of unknown origin, just pouring into Yuyi Fox's body from the void, Yuyi Fox's originally weak body is now gradually becoming stronger.

In this power, Uchiha Gin also felt a little familiar, and then remembered its source, shouting to everyone.

"Get out of there!"

After hearing Uchiha Silver's voice, even if he didn't know what was going on, watching the change of Yuyi Fox, everyone moved towards the back one after another, Yuyi Fox also opened his eyes and stood up...