Naruto Super Farm

488, calm smell

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Those who are in the city, at this time, they are running, but most of them are caught by the ammunition that is dropped down, and a small part is a resident of the outside, and will be in the outside. The enemy, then it was taken over there.

At this time, this city has a slaughter, and Yisi Bo Yin, who is watching this scene, is made in this conclusion.

And this world here, and there seems to be a little different from there. In this world, Yuxibo silver is unable to perceive energy of alchemy.

No, it is not unable to understand, and in this world, there is some energy, but it is not to give this world, but it is transported to the other side, if Yuxi Bo silver has not guess wrong words Those energy is brought to the world there.

Although this world to provide energy for another world is incredible, it is very normal in Yuxi, which is very normal. After all, the world is that, where alchemy is like this. Unreasonable things.

The principle of alchemy is equivalent to exchange, it seems to be used to maintain the balance of the substance, but to use alchemy, it is to mobilize the energy used to convert the substance, those consumed energy, Yuxi Bin, I have never seen any places can be output. If there is only use, there is no way, then those energy should be that the history of alchemy is to use light.

However, at this time, this world came here, Yishibo silver is also understood, and the energy that can be mobilized there over there is estimated to pass through this world.

At this time, I stand above this city. Yuxibo silver can also be clearly understood. In this city, it is constantly having this energy is generated, it is transported above. The amount of energy is much more compared to the nearby mountains.

If Yiszhimbo has not guess, these huge energy is caused by the war here, with the war's war, there will be a lot of people's lapse, with the death of these people, too There will be some energy generation. At this time, Yuxi Bo Yin is just seeing a war, so it is also a successful and this place to judge the reason for these energy.

After a while thinking about a while, Yuxi Bo silver is also the idea, since this city is tortured in the war, Yuxi Bo will naturally have no past ideas.

At this time, Yuxi Bank's eyes were also attracted to the scene. Then Yizhi Bo Yin is in the past. On the side of the cliff, Yisi Bo Yin is a familiar figure, Hornheim, this At a car on the side, Yisi Bo silver is also recognized by the guy by exposing the color of the window.

After Hornheim's body, it seems to have a guy who has long been very like Edward. It is like it because it is because of his eyes, the eyes of Edward in the car is very young, it is not Yisi Bo Yin. The Edward of Knowledge, who is the Hornheim on the other side? At this time, Yisi Bo Yin is also thinking about this, and Edward is different, where Hornheim's deep eyes is the same as Hoyheim, which is known to Yisi Bo.

After a short thinking, Yisi Bo silver is also a hop in the front force, a large amount of spiritual power, is the top of the cliff to the side, and then Yizhi Bo Yin Several soldiers who were nextby were given to the gun.

But after being pointed out, Yuxi Bo silver is also very calm. It is not worried, because in the front of Hornheim's expression, this is very horror, obviously recognizes Yuxi Bao Yin.

After seeing this scene, Yuxi Bank is also waiting for a while, then it is to see that Hornheim is running out from the car, coming to Yuxi Bo, and also screwing the soldiers to shoot the gun. Give it.

"How did you come here?"

At this time, Hornheim looked very subtle, in his cognition, Yishibo silver is a human man, it is impossible to be the same body in the world here, plus just now The amazing foot of Yuxi Bo Yin, apparently in this time here, Yisi Bo, is the person he knows, and Yuxi Bai will appear here, naturally, Horn Him is amazed.

"I passed through the door, and then I went out, I came over, how did you come over?"

After hearing Hornheim, Yuxi Bai's expression has also changed, at this time, Yuxi Bo silver can also be determined, the other party is the guy who knows himself.

"Dan, when I went to Ding, I was coming in when I got it."

After hearing Yuxi Bo Yin, Hornheim is also deeply sucking, then it is said that from Hornheim's tone, it seems that Hornheim is still in mind that he is Losing this thing to Dan.

Then two were also mutual conversation, and they got a part from Hornheim's news about this world, and also known a thing, that is, as long as the door is opened, it is available from above. There left, at that time, naturally it would be attracted.

After this, Yuxi Bo Yin is separated from Hornheim. From Hornheim's tone, Yuxi Bo Yin can know a thing. At this time, Hornheim seems to have no idea that I have to go out.

And from Hornheim's side, Yuxi Bank has also got a clue about Ding Ding, but Ding's body should have a special fragrance, it is the same as the perfume of Hornheim, because When both two people met, the body would gradually become decay, so it is also what a special odor is needed to cover their own odor.

At this time, Yuxi Bank is also taking over the highest mountain near the highest mountain, then waiting for something, the eyes are in the sky. .