Naruto Super Farm

492, the completion of the stone

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Even if you know that the alchemy here is to be launched, Yuxi Bank is still not choosing, after all, Yisi Biyin, which is already with the ability to resist the decomposition, so in this time, Yisi Bo Silver is near the Ska's, in order to ensure that the stone of Ska will live after the stone of the sages, Yishi Bao silver can take away the stone of the sages.

Soon, Ska is to go to the central center of the refining, in seeing the surroundings and Yuxi Bo Yin is still near, Scar is not persuaded, but put his arm is placed. In the gully in the middle of the alchemy, the red lightning subsequently is appeared from the Ska's arm, and the alchemy in the surrounding is gradually diffused, soon, in Scar's face, it is I saw a pale look, obviously like this to release my right hand, for Ska, is also a burden, but at this time, Ska is also not paying attention to this kind of thing, but the red lightning is gullious. Constant shuttle.

After a while, the gully neighboring gully, the entire towns were wrapped in the red lightning in the hands of Scar, and at this time, Scar was also relieved, then lifted the palm of the palm. Red lightning with a newlyplified alchemy shape. It was lifted by Yuxi Bo. Then it was burst in the sky.

The role of the alchemy, the red lightning is spreading in the surrounding, very fast, is to expand a way to cover the surrounding army, the army in the army has come to them. The red lightning on the body is touched, but this expression is just a moment of continuity, and then the moment is disappearing because they are reddish by red lightning.

Wherever the red stone lightning is, all soldiers are decomposed, and they have a copy of the red lightning, and then wait until the red lightning shrinks, it is also returned to the town, it is to go to Sca The arm of the arm.

And at this time, Yisi Bo, silver and landscaping wrapped by red lightning also exposed it. Outside the body of Yuxi Bao silver, there is a dark coating, at this time and red lightning. In the collision, it is a clear voice, and is gradually decomposed, then quickly regenerate, after a while, Yuxi Bo silver is also waiting for the end of the red lightning, and the red lightning is gathered. Ska's side.

At this time, on the face of the lands near Yisi Bo, it also revealed sharp eyes, and lost his shattered amulet, looked at the front of Sca, on the sparkling arm of Scar Above, it should be the stone of the sage.

Ska completed the stone of the sage. At this time, the right hand, it is already a rebellion, turns into a truly sage stone, and after seeing such a situation, whether it is Yu Zhihua Yin's eyes, or The eyes of the landste are become very excited.

Then Portrait is also a sudden rush of the front, and the figure of the lands is going to the front of the Sca. It is the dagger before the lady. At this time It is an attack in the past.

But Sca is just a wave, a red lightning is to smash the broth, and the red lightning is like an entity. It is the body to the ground, on the body, also A number of wounds have appeared, which is currently flowing out.

Then, Scar also looked at this side of Yuxi Bai.

"I also hear it before, now you still need the stone of the sage?"

"I don't need it, but I don't want others to get him, so I still look at you can protect it."

After seeing the expression of Sca, after hearing his own words, Yishibo silver is also rushing to the past, in the body of Yuxi Bo, there is a lot of spiritual power, will Yuxi Bai's body is a wrapped in a spiritual armor.

Ska's red flashing strikes, attacking the top of the spiritual armor on Yuxi Bo, and then gradually dissipated, the spirit of spiritual armor is destroyed by red lightning, but soon is from Yuxi Bo The spiritual lock completed in the body is filled, that is, the attack of Scar, at this time, it lost the effect.

After seeing such a situation, Scah's face also did not have a special change, just lifted his arm, with the movement of Sca, as the center of Ska, the nearby ground appeared. A crack, from it is a large number of red lightning, and Yizhi Bo, which is above, is attacking the past, and is also a few rocks.

A large number of red lightning is on the body of Yuxi Bai, and then constantly destroying the spiritual armor of Yuxi Bo's body surface, but also a rock to block Yuxi Bo's sight, so that Yizhi Bao silver is unable to advance It is ready to convey the spiritual power to be transported. After a while, the recovery speed of Yuxi Bao Yin Lingli armor is unable to follow the decomposition of the red lightning on this side.

Finally, a red lightning is on the body of Yuxi Bai, in the arm of Yuxi Bao, this time, there is a wound, the fresh red blood is falling from the middle, and the eyes of Yuxi Bo Yin have become cautious. When I just did this, Yuxi Bin silver was already given his body to the magma, but it was injured.

Is it too slow?

No, not, that red lightning can ignore his own magler, it hurts yourself. At this time, Yuxi Bankai also saw this, so he looked at the eyes of Scar, and it became serious. Then I raised my own hand, Chakra appeared from Yuxi Bo's silver, turned a lightning, spreading, blue lightning and red lightning, which is mutual The collision, the later blue lightning is a victory, and the red lightning is expelled, but at this time, the blue lightning from Yuxi Bank's silver is not disappeared, still in the surroundings. In the diffusion, and soon, this town was wrapped up, and the lightning started to spread toward the sky.
