Naruto Super Farm

503, thunderstorm

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The lands is looking to their companions, as well as Yuxi Bai, Sili in Slos, then stretching his hook claws, hook the claws, penetrating the body of Slos, is going When I arrived in Yuxi Bai, I was very fast, the crochet claw was coming to Yisi Bai, and Yisi Bo Yin is a forgive.

After being taken out by the landstel, there was a significant dissatisfaction on the face of Yuxi Bai, and when he continued, if he continued to stay in the body of Slos, Slus is estimated that It was eliminated, but since the goal of Yisha Bo Yin, the goal of Yuxi Bo Yin was naturally changed, and Yizhi Bo Yin was looking at the side of the lands.

At this time, Yisi Bo silver has been found to cope with Slos, so Yisi Bo silver is not in a hurry to solve Slose, watching now is a crazy big gasping Slos, Yuxi Bo Silver is also determined, Slose is unable to continue in a short time. So, Yuxi Bank is also able to deal with the lands before his face.

Yuxi Bank looked at the side of the lands, but also made a bad feeling of giving birth. After that heard that his companion is unable to continue to fight with his own battle, it also appears on the face of the lands. Obviously unwilling.

With the experience of the war before and Yisi Bo, the Last is known. If the light is relied on his own combat power, it is impossible to compete with Yuxi Bo. At this time, it is because it is with Slos, otherwise, It is not necessary to conflict with Yuxi Bao silver here.

But at this time, Slose has become that look, the landscape is also calculated.

After watching Yuxi Bo Yin is already rushing to himself, the lavert is also jumped behind him, and then the legs have changed, and the lands of the lands is also the same as the drill bit. After falling to the ground, it also began to rotate, very fast, on the ground, there is a small pit.

After seeing the move of the lands, Yuxio silver is also guess. The other party is going to escape, but recalls that the kind of suffocating it is, Yisi Bao silver is not intended to let the lands. Here, because when I last, I didn't pay attention, let the landscape left, and even the sage stone is taken away by the landstead. This time, Yuxi Bo Yin is absolutely will not let the lands.

In the hands of Yuxi Bo, there is a lightning, lightning and lightning, the lightning and lightning are gathered together, but also a burst of thunder is generated, and the face of the opposite smest is also a change. These lightnings that appear from Yuxi Bo's silver, which is gradually extending towards the sky, and very fast, it is filled with the sky with lightning.

At this time, the sky above Yuxi Bo Yin and the above, it was already covered by lightning. After seeing such a situation, the color of the landscaping became very bad, and then I also touched myself. The red stone in her arms, this is the stone of the sage.

After the Ska's arm was taken away, the landstened is the stone of the sage, but did not find but Ding, because in the view of the lands, if it is the stone of the sage, but Ding's words, then this desire to become human beings is also very difficult to achieve.

So at this time, in addition to her self, no one knows that there is a stone of a sage in her body. Now I have seen the movement of Yuxi Bo Yin, after this, the face of the lands is also There is a resoluteness, if the trick of Yuxi Baiyin is indeed, if you can't resist it, then even the stone of the sages is given up, it is necessary to escape in this place. At this time, the lands has this idea.

Although the wishes of Last is to turn themselves into humans through the stone of the sage, it is also a premise, that is, the landshey has to live, if it is here, it is known to be killed by Yuxi Bo. So, it is okay.

At this time, the landscaping has grown the stone of the sages in his arms. It is also thinking about what. At the same time, the movements under the foot are constantly accelerating, trying to leave before the attack of Yuxi Bo Yin, is from this place.

At this time, Slose on the side seems to be slow, it is moving over the side of the lands, it seems that the movement of Yuxi Bo's silver in her body is not small. At this time, the body of Slus seems to be left like a rain behind the rain, even unable to maintain human form, just able to see its body is gradually moving in this place, moving toward Raste This is climbing.

Last naturally noted this, the Slosa's unfilled body above Silles also saw a liquid formed a mouth shape before the opposite side, and then opened a few times.

From the mouth, the lands is also judged that Slose wants to say, "save me."

After I found this, the movement of the landstered has become slow, and it is hesitant. At this time, if the lands is chosen to choose Slos, it is to give up the stone stone, otherwise If you have the ability to landste, you must not take away the stone of the sages.

Only for Brissal, the stone of the sage is about her dream, so at this time, Leste is hesitating, she doesn't know what she is going to do.

At this time, the lightning in the sky is also getting more and more intensive, and the thunderstorm is awakened from the thinking, and then the lands is also a decision.

At this time, Last, the eyes of Slose were full of mercy, then the movements at the foot of the lands were also accelerated. The body is also gradually dive. It is necessary to leave here before the lightning is falling. At this time, Slose is not a pleaded with the blessed mouth, and there is nothing.

No, the lightning is falling from the sky, and this area is covered. .