Naruto Super Farm

519, is trapped

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Ming Ming Yizhao Yin has just been cut off between the sludge and the broth of the body, but at this time, these sludge is still controlled by Yisi Bo silver, some sludge formation, and stretching When I arrived in Yuxi Bai, it seems that I have to grab the Yuxi Bank.

These are wrapped in the rope of Yuxi Bai, but not like the sludge of the mud, Yisha Bo Yin is able to feel some pain in his own calf, which is obviously being taken into meat. .

At this time, Yuxibo silver is also in the body of Last, and the link of the landscape of the landscape is cut off, but the lands with no wake up, and felt strange Unechego Silver is placed on the chest of the lands. In addition to a little ups and downs, there is no life characteristics. At this time, Yuxi Bai silver is also known, the landstead is already dead, although it is cut off. The link to the lance, but it could not stop the mud. At this time, the mud seems to have a self-consciousness, even if it is not necessary to spend free action, it is found this After that, Yuxi Bao Yin's face has also become more ugly.

At this time, he is already understanding. These siltted ropes are why they want to control themselves. At this time, Yuxi Bank is already known, this sludge is desirable to use himself as a new core.

After losing this core, although this sludge still can continue to move, it is obvious that there are some losses in the mud itself, so in the body of the mud, it is just next to the original core. Wave silver, naturally becomes the goal of silt.

These ropes who are entangled in Yuxi Bo, Yisi Bo Yinkin are clearly understood that they are very powerful, it seems to be to give their skin and cut off, then enter their own body, to that time It is estimated that his life will become the nutrients of this guy. Yuxi Bo Yin naturally does not want this kind of thing, but at this time, Yuxi Bank is weak.

Just like the wounded before being injured before, a inexplicable obstacle is blocked with the spiritual power of himself. At this time, it is impossible to put these ropes that are wrapped in his body. Cutting, this time, it is estimated that Edward, which can only be worshiped outside, and Yisi Bo will also hope to put it on Edward.

In the body of Yisi Bo, it is already unable to mobilize, but the lightning that Yisi Bo Yin is condensed, is still the control, at this time, Yuxi Bo silver has nothing to help. Turn your hands, but the remaining thunder is flying out of the sludge, and the soft silt is not blocked. Thunder is going to the outside, go to Edward.

In front of the monster, I was affected by this inexplicable oppression. Edward was very painful. At this time, it was almost unmovable, but as a thing entered his body, Edward It is found that your body can be moved at this time, the monster gives himself a sense of compression, which is already completely disappeared.

I felt the strange Edward, and I also looked at my own hands. I can see that I have entered my body. It should be a lightning, at this time in Edward's hands, there is a thunder-electricity in the occasional, these lightning In the body of Edward, it is not harmed to Edward's body, but it is more strengthened with Edward's body cells. At this time, Edward is a perceived, his physical quality is a qualified. .

And these lightning, Edward is also impressive. If he has not remembered, the use of these lightning is Yuxi Bai, that is, the Yuxi Bo Yin, is there any difficulties, so It is a need for your own help.

Looking at these is the lightning that enters your own body, in the eyes of Edward, it is also a strange light, then it looks at this monster standing in front of himself.

At this time, this monster is already stopped, just like an ordinary sludge mountain, it is stacked here, but Edward is known, Yuxi Bo is still in the mud, he must have to go to the past For the rescue, otherwise, when Yisi Bo Yin, Yuxi Bo, which is dead, this monster, it is estimated that it will be able to move.

In the body surface of the monster, there is a place, there is a trace that is damaged, a circle is the same, there is there, if Edward's judgment is not wrong, it should be in his own , The injury caused by Yuxibo silver beside him, Yisi Bo Yin should be in it.

At this time, this monster is a restricted action by Yuxi Bao, and Edward is also ahead of time. It is intended to destroy this monster.

Edward put his hand on the body of the monster. It was also frowned. This monster's body, clearly look like a sludge, but when I contacted him, give him feelings, it seems to have it. Like the flesh, it is clear whether it is the recovery ability of this, is it true to real flesh?

In the hands of Edward, it appeared in the light. Subsequently, the monster was mud, and it was also a crack that came to appear, and then gradually collapsed. At this time, Edward is chosen the body of this monster. Transformed into other substances.

Although there is some pressure on Edward, this time, this approach is the easiest, Edward is doing this, while in the hands of Edward, this is centered, the spider web is in the spirit. The surrounding diffusion is gradually spread to the whole body of this monster, and it is necessary to collapse.

But after a while, Edward's face has a doubtable expression, because at this time, although the body of this monster is full of cracks, but there is no happening, even even a piece of debris is not dropped. Down, this situation is very abnormal.