Naruto Super Farm

531, the weakness of the giant

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At this time, Yuxi Bank is also observed in the bottom of the ground. When Roy is successful, the big head is given the burning together, Yuxi Bank is also very exaggerated, after all, the power, even Yushuyubin, there is a difficulty, but under the increase in red stone, Roy is completed.

In the bottom of the capital, Yisi Bo, can see Roy at this time, under the help of the subordinates, gradually escaped, and look at his Yuxi Bao Yin, and I thought about what, the flame of Roy just In fact, there is not much power, but it is possible to cause harm to that giant, but the previous thunder does not have a significant harm to the other side.

In other words, is this three giant, is it more fearful?

Yuxi Bank thought that he was a shortcoming of the other party at this time, so it stands here, drilling out from the bottom of the ground, looking at the guy on the side.

After Yuxi Bo is coming out, it is straightforward to stand in front of this three giants. The three giants are also putting their eyes on this side of Yuxi Bai, from his vice angry look, he is obviously There is no forgetting Yuxi Bank.

Three giants came over, this time, this time, it is not to attack with his feet. The three giants will bend their body, that is more than a circle. Folk, at this time, it fell on the body of Yuxi Bao.

The speed of the three giants fell quickly, Yishibo silver did not have to react, it was hit, flew out of the body, hit a building, and the body was inlaid.

But in the house, Yisi Bo, but there is no injury, not the strength of the three giants is not big enough, but because after the body of Yuxi Bai, there is a mat, and the impact of Yuxi Bank's silver. It was offset.

When the giant's attack fell on the body of Yuxi Bai, Yishibo silver was also condensed out in front of the body, although the shield was crushed, but the giant's fist fell to Yisi Bo's silver. At the time, the remaining impact has been relieved to a very low extent, and Yishibo silver is also easy to avoid an injury.

At this time, Yuxi Bank is also from the middle of the house. On the body of Yuxi Bai, there is a red brown liquid, which is constantly flowing, which is the ability of magma fruit.

Yuxi Bo's eyes looks at the three giants' fists, on the top of his fingers, there is a place to be broken, although the three giants will soon recover the original, but Yuxi Bo is still paying attention to At that time, the shield formed by Yishihua Yinshi was in Chakra, which was incorporated into the fire properties, and the result was through this three giants caused a certain harm.

That is, the other party is indeed no resistance to the flame.

So, the temperature is more intense, isn't it easy to solve the other party easily?

At this time, Yisi Bo Yin is so thinking, and this is the same, and the body of Yuxi Bai's silver is gradually melting. It turns into a beach magma, flowing in this house, and is The bricks in the house are also melted, and the number of magma has more and more, soon it is overflowing from this house, spreading the giants on the side.

It is estimated that the first time I saw the magma. The three giants did not have any ideas to avoid. They didn't even pay attention to this magma that was moving on the ground.

Until, when the magma fell at the foot of the three giants, the three giants also felt an extraordinary pain. When they were so excited, they were back, and they wanted to avoid these. He felt a slush of pain.

But at this time, how can Yishi Bo Yin let the other party leave?

When the magma on the ground is slowly flowing, Yuxi Bo Yin is not a light here. Under the control of Yuxi Bo, the three giants at this time are already surrounded by the magma. In those homes around the three giants, they are assimilated by magma, and the reddish brown exudes high temperature liquid. At this time, the three giants will be surrounded, and he is already caught.

The three giants seem to be aware of this. At this time, three heads are constantly glanced around, and they want to find a way to leave, but after a while, he may also know that he can't leave here. After that, it is running over the side of Yuxi Bao Silver.

Looking at the guy gradually approached himself, Yuxi Bai's face also had some subtle expressions, the reason is very simple, the three giants at this time, the light is going to cross those magma, that is, the body has many scars. How can I be defeated? At this time, Yuxi Bank's body is already a magma, it is not the body that this guy can touch.

Three giants came to Su Zhibo's silver, and the fist was falling down in Yuxi Bao.

After this huge fist, Yuxibo silver can also be seen, his body is shocked with the other's fists, floating in the air, and there is a huge impact, it seems to be Yes, your body is blown away.

However, the face of Yuxi Bao silver is revealing a smile. At this time, the three giants who have come into contact with Yuxi Baiyin, his palm is the body of Yuxi Bai, silver, touched the body. In his palm of his palm, there was a lot of scars, and the flesh and blood in it was already exposed.

The three giants are the injury of fast recovery of their own body, and Yisi Bo silver will not let go such a good opportunity, the three giants bring the wounded hand, at this time, there is Yuxi Baiyin Not far from the front, how Jixiao silver will soon walk away.

Yuxi Bai's body is in the air, and it comes to the hands of the three giants, then a part of the body is entering it, along that wound, enters the three giants.

Shortly, the residents in the central city can see that the three giants are constantly mourning.