Naruto Super Farm

541, the final explosion

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Edward's spikes fell to the shining top, but after falling, Edward was discovered, this clearly looks just a general shining, but after Edward's attack, Edward is able to Feeling that your body is like a fried flying.

Just a moment, this huge impact of this stock has passed the huge impact of it, it is to give Edward.

Edward's body flew over behind the back, hit the housing above the house, the house is already a few diverse walls to be broken by Edward's body, Edward's body is behind, the whole body is Inlaid into the wall.

After the Edward was hit, but Ding was also turned to the side of the line, and he looked at the stone that wrapped Yizhi Bai silver to the package.

However, the remaining light group in Ding is, it is lost to the top.

The body card is also noticed in the wall of the wall, and it is a strong warning in the heart of Edward, who is gradually approaching the above.

Just a small part of the light group, that is, the whole person of Edward is fried, and the impact of the impact is already disappeared, but the injury to the body of Edward's body and wall impact is already a very good. Pain, the body just wants to move slightly, it seems that it is to be torn.

Under this painful companion, Edward is still a persistent to extend his hand to the front, then the light of the fingers, the rays of alchemy appear, spread from the foot of Edward, soon going to go On the side of Ding Ding.

But Ding is also surprised to look at Edward's alchemy at this time.

When I was only assaulted by Edward, Ding was also seen in Edward's injury. In her opinion, Dan Dan should have no physical strength that can continue to use alchemy, but the scene is obviously telling her. Her judgment is wrong.

However, after careful, after reading the light of alchemy, the expression on Ding's face became very disdain. Although Edward's move was very surprised, this alchemy appeared at this time. But the point of view, just a general alchemist, alchemy used, this intensity alchemy, is impossible to affect her trick.

It can be seen that in the light of the alchemy used in Edward, there are some stone compositions that make up the vines, these vines are gradually growing on the ground, and then hit the top of the top of the top. On the stone, the stone is fixed by a few chains, and the sudden collapse is suddenly collapsed, falling into the ground, and the light group thus thus throwing out of the brought.

After seeing the stone of Yisha Bo, Silver silver was affected, but Ding didn't die, but when I saw this stone, I touched my own attack, but Ding is Knowing that Yuxi Bin is dead, after all, the power of this light group, but it is very huge.

The stone and light group contacts each other, then a dramatic explosion, the dazzling white light is a thorough coverage of this city.

Even if it is caught in the wall, Edward is also able to feel the huge impact of this huge impact from the space in front of him, and Edward's body has a distance from the walls of the surroundings. The huge thrust is also even more unbearable.

After the light is completely dissipated, Edward can also see the scenes on the front, and the scene in front of me, let Edward feel very uneasy.

With the original light group, this city has a huge deep pit, and you can see the figure of Dan, in front of Dan, have several layers of defense, it seems that it is not affected.

This explosion is destroyed by a whole half of the city. At this time, Edward is not very much about Yisi Bo Yin or a living.

But very quickly, the pupil in Edward is a sudden zoom, because he is seen, the body that is protected by the preserved defense is the body that is protected by the preserved defense, suddenly the shot like a sack, sprinkling many in the air Blood, then turn over the ground.

At this place, only Sui Zhi Bankai, Edward, and Ding Three people. At this time, Edward was called the card on the wall, the body moved, then the person who fleated but flew, it was very obvious. Yischo silver.

From the deep pit there, you can see something like a monster. At this time, it is the monster, but it will be flying.

No, this is not a monster, is Yuxi Bo.

Edward is also aware of this, and the same tentacles like monsters around Yizhi Bo, in fact, something like mucus, in Yisi Bo silver, there is a number of different sizes, so far from Go, it is to make Edward generate misjudgment.

Looking at Ding, Yu Zhibo, is also a rest, but rushed over the front, and went to Ding, then re-gave Ding Yixiang.

Yuxi Bao Yin's attack fell on Ding's body, but in the eyes of Ding, the body of Ding is to break through.

After the continuous attack of Yuxi Bo Yin, but Ding is also dead, this is already broken body, but Ding is impossible to continue.

Then, Yuxibo silver is also to solve his own problem. At this time, Yisi Bank's physical condition is very unstable. These things are the same as tentacles, in fact, Yisi Bo Yin's body, Su Zhi When Bo Yin is still in a state of molarization, these tentacles are actually a magma that is fixed by Unechebra, and that huge impact is to break the stone, and when the Yisi Bo is coming. , Yuxi Bao Yin Rui pulverized body, Rapida is floating around around.

In order to prevent the body of the body, Yishibo silver is also despite the specific shape, that is, the magma formed by the body is cured, and then the current is now giving the wind, there is a number of monarchies. People feel the horror of the tentacles.