Naruto Super Farm

572, historical replica

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After the governing store, the guests in the grocery shop were left, and they were called, obviously dissatisfied with the move of Yuxi Baiyin, but Yuxibo silver did not respond, because there is no need, wait until there is Those giants in the side entered here, then these residents, ten eight nine, all will be killed, this thing, Yuxi Bank is also very clear.

At this time, his city is also a city, a place in the wall, if it is destroyed, once it is a door to the inner city direction, the second The wall is also to fall, and if the second part is lost, the human beings on this island just rely on the world in the first wall, how can I survive?

For this, Yuxi Bank is also curious, and it is also the occurrence of cold blood.

On the top of the second wall, very fast, there is a huge hand to catch up with the wall, the huge sound is surprised by the following residents, when they look at the palm print above, face It has been an incredible expression. The palm print, some people have an impression, and the residents here are survivors a few years ago. At this time, I saw the palm print, the previous bleak memories, They were awakened.

Then the super large giant's head is appearing above the wall, watching the following guys, at the same time, the city gate is also broken, the city gate is a constant impact, then there is a high The figure entered the armor, the armor giant, at this time, it is also broken here, coming here.

After the armored giant, he follows hundreds of giants, which is the passage that has opened the armored giant, which is constantly incorporated into this wall.

Just a few years of Kung Fu, here is the tragedy of several years ago, the city wall was broken, and the giant outside entered it, and it was moving towards this.

After that, naturally, it is also a previous replica, and the residents have begun to escape, and the training soldiers who are stationed here are also here to maintain the order when these residents are evacuated.

And that armored giants, and super large giants, I don't know when it is disappeared, and it has returned to personal, and it is a team that enters the training soldier. The order here is constantly maintained.

Of course, their tasks are not just this, although they are training soldiers, but they have been learning how to fight with giants, so in this place, they still have a more important task, that is, give these giants to expel, Even if it is just a training soldier, it is also to force when the attack is facing these giants.

Yu Zhihua's attention is placed on Allen, although Allen is very hard, but his own talent is not very fast, his flight movement is also smooth.

That is called Sany's girl, in this area, it is also in a state of crushing Allen. At this time, Allen is in the confrontation giant, although they are successful, but Yisizhi Boss can be seen, the main extension, or three, Allen's feelings of Yuxi Bai, is more like a cumbersome.

It is not to say what Allen is wrong, but ratio with three, Allen is more like a decoration, is given to the protection chapter, Allen's existence, but will let the three bunches of the hand, because Sancha's purpose It is obvious to protect Allen.

After a moment of fierce, because of a giant attack around, Allen and Sancha were separated. Sancha was in a state of a person, and it is still easy to deal with the giant around, but Allen is different.

Relying on the experience of the usual exercises, Allen is flying to the back neck part of the giant, and then cut down, a knife appeared in that place.

But even far, it is also an issue that is able to find a problem from Ukui Bo. It is the wound of Allen, it is not deep enough, can't hit the human body under the giant back neck, that is, at this time Allen, the attack failed, Yuxi Bo Yinshi is aware of this thing, looking at Allen's encounter.

Allen was thinking that he was killing the giants, it was also obviously laverse, landed to the upper side, then start changing the blade, but when the blade was halfway, Allen was aware of it. The air around you seems to be trembled, and then it's a fact that the guy is still alive.

Allen suddenly turned his head and looked at the giant behind him, and greet Allen, it was the big hand of the giant, the giant's hand firmly grabbed Allen's body, huge strength oppressed The limbs of Lun, let the blades in Allen are falling to the ground.

I lost the arms of the weapon, nature is unable to continue to fight, although Allen is working hard, but at this time, it is still unable to break away from the giant's hands, this is normal, after all, Allen It is only a general person's power, while ordinary humans, how can we compete with giants?

Of course, if Allen can use the power of the giant at this time, then you can get rid of it, but Allen even if it is in this kind of life and death, it seems that it is impossible to use the giant of the body, Allen is The giant gave it, then it was sent to the mouth.

When swallowing, from the giant's mouth, there is also a sound of chewing, it seems that it seems to be biting the body, and Yisi Bo, who is on the side, looks at this, complex.

Allen just being swallowed, it should be no dead, Yishibo silver is thinking about it, that is, if you don't have to save him, after all, the giant's power should be very rare.

Only in Yisi Bo, Yinshi is sweeping to the surrounding guys. When there is a giant, after destroying the wall of this wall, Yuxi Bo silver is also giving up this idea.

There is no need, although the giant is very rare, but in the surrounding people, Yuxibo silver is also observed, there is no need to be limited to Allen.