Naruto Super Farm

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The giant that the death penalty became turned into a man, or some of the people who had the original death penalty. If they judge from the face, it is similar to the original human model, it is close to Yisi Bo Yin, close, At this time, Mickey on the side suddenly rushed out.

With a three-dimensional motorized ornament, the compressed air sprayed out, spraying the physical body of Mick, and then used the hook lock in the hands as a guide, it flew the ugly giant, and then the giant The hand is cut out, the blade falls above, in the giant's hand, left a big scar, the meridians above the giant arm are cut off, at the same time, the giant arm is also sliding, falling On the side, and the people around the survey groups rushed to front, the blade in his hand was constantly launching an attack toward the giant, avoiding the back neck of the giant, just a kung fu, this The giant is put down, and the body is scar, but it can't continue to move, and the scars on the body have affected its actions.

A thick rope is wrapped around its neck position, which is fixed to its head, so that it is unable to bite his own mouth.

At this time, the giant was controlled, and the people of the investigation team had a chance to observe this guy. The giant is constantly struggling under the binding of the rope, wants to leave this place, only However, the limbs on the body are already interrupted, how can you leave from this place?

At this time, the people inside the investigation team are also trying to talk to this guy. It seems that it is possible to find the possibility of communication between the two sides, but after a few words, on the opponent's face and action, I haven't seen any reaction, just like I haven't understood, this reaction is also proved, this guy, it has become a giant without a brain.

This is proven, everyone here, has been silent, this giant, is indeed, it is in front of them, it is unquestionable, they are the fact that they look See.

When they have been investigating outside the wall, those giants who kill them are all these guys, they are killed by them, from a certain angle, they kill them, this is Undoubtedly.

"Why did he be different from Allen, Allen seems to be able to manipulate the giants, but also can restore your own body, and this is no change."

Elwent is to look at Yuxi Bai Silver, start to ask.

The rest of the investigation team, after hearing this, it also looked at this side. For this, it was also very curious. Of course, Allen also saw it.

Allen's prisoners in the investigator will naturally have the right to decide to go to the investigator. At this time, the investigation team will bring Allen to bring it together. When I saw the human death, it was the most surprised. It is Allen himself, you have to know that he has been suspected to become a giant, but he is unobstructed, even if there is some flaws in memory, but he is not willing to believe this kind of thing, and Now, after seeing someone turned into a giant, he also gradually believes that he defeated the giant's own, it should be that his voice became a giant, otherwise, many places are explained Not clear.

Allen's hatred of the giant, it was like a joke, and the giants who have wanted to destroy them. For several years, the results were finally found, those giants themselves, actually and them The same human, this kind of thing, let Allen feel unacceptable. At this time, I heard the key to Elwen asking, Allen naturally looked at Yisha Bo Yin, hoping to be from Yuxi Bo. A certain explanation is obtained in the mouth.

"I am not very clear about this, but I will see something, you should understand."

Yuxibo silver put his shoulders, then came to a survey group near the survey group, it was a short guy. At this time, the face is very serious, and the status among the people seems to be not general. However, his name, Yuxi Bin silver is still unclear, just because of his hand, it took a piece of blade from his hand.

Almost there is a half-sized blade, at this time, it is caught by Yuxi Bo, which is a sense of inexplicably violating. After all, other people have a hand-catching, and Yuxi Bo Yin directly grabbed the blade itself, the people around the investigation team, looked at Yisha Bo Yin to the giant, and it was also curious in the eyes. Obviously, I didn't know what Yishibo silver is going to do.

Then they are seeing that Yuxi Bo Yin is behind the giant, and someone is also ranking.

"Do you want to kill it? It is now an important test product."

A person who has just been pulled out of the blade by Utizhi Bank, and it is also the same as Yuxi Bank, and the eyes are not solved, and a trace of cautious.

"No, as long as you do it, you can't kill it."

Seeing him and the survey of the survey, because his actions are some of the nervousness, Yisi Bo silver is helpless, this, then coming to the back neck position of the giant.

This operation, Yuxi Bank has been done once, at this time, it is done, it should be no problem, it is not enough to fail, just catch a giant next to it, Yishen Bo Yin Silver Thinking, it also looked at this giant.

The giant's head is bound by a rope, it is unable to act, but the eye is still turning to Sui Zhi Bai's silver, the mouth is slightly opened, and there is no reason in the eyes, it is obvious, this guy and Allen The body that is free to become a giant, is completely different, so Yisi Bo will start, and there is no idea to be in love, this guy, and the giant of the mountains, there is no What is the same, and there is no preciousness like Allen.

Yuxi Bai came to its back neck position.