Naruto Super Farm

591, flying boulder

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The three bodies flew up, borrowed with the spray gas of the three-dimensional mobile device, very fast, flew from the female giant's arrested, and the position of the cage of Allen was flying over.

The female giant's hand was arrested from the side of the three, grabbed it, and didn't catch anything. However, it was a three-hit, the female giant did not have any special reactions, but the lower body is Have a move.

After seeing the actions of the female giant, it is necessary to keep up with Liwell, but also guess what, watching the eyes of the three are also panicked.

"heads up!"

Liwell's voice came out in the air. After heard it, it was like a feeling like it, turned over, looked at the actions of the female giant there.

After seeing the action on the feet of the female giant, the three pupils were also suddenly enlarged. At the foot of the female giant, there was a giant stone. At this time, the female giant is playing the feet toward the boulder, and Sanyi is also I realized this, but her body is already in the air being inertia, and I can't change my direction again.

The crochet claws in the air were returned. At this time, there is no way to quickly change the direction. San Jian is also able to watch the female giant is a foot to kick it on the top of the boulder. Fly towards the three bodies, and the three eyes look at the eyes of the stone, but also become very serious.

In the air, the stone is quickly close, once it is hit, the big probability is directly killed, and the three at this time can understand this, that is a big thing than her body. The boulder of a circle, under this huge power, the triple is not a means that can survive under the attack of the boulder.

What should I do, do you want to cut the one with a knife?

Sanzi has swept the blade in his hand, when flying from the air, the habit of long-term training is to let the three pieces of consciousness will be pulled out, even if it is not attacking, it is also made. Such a move.

However, after a little thoughts, three can be judged, it is unable to cut the boulder, at this time, the body is flying alongside the body of inertia, the body can be mobilized. There is not much power, even if all the strengths currently can use, when you touch the stone, it is estimated that the blade will be broken.

The stone is close to the stone, which is already approaching the three, and the three is still looking for a way to avoid.

Direction, unable to change, and want to put the stone, it is impossible to do, the stone passed when the stone is approaching in the air, and it is already transmitted to the ears of the three.

No way, in this emergency situation, Sanjia is unable to find a suitable opportunity to completely solve the stones in front of it, under the urgentity, Sanjun is also able to use the blade stand on the side The top of the claw.

At this time, in the process of recovery, Sancha will put the blade on top, try to make the rope to cut the rope, at the same time, is the direction of the crochet claw In the past, the process of hook claws in the air cyclone was taken by Sanjiao, and then he was caught on the boulder on the side, then the successful hook.

I saw this scene, Sanyi was also loose, then put down the blade in his hand, grabbed the rope in his hand, then the bodies were touched by this rope to move.

The dynamic potential of high-speed flying boulders can be very powerful, and it is hung in the hook claws above. Nature is also transmitted to the side of Sancha. Through this potential, the three bodies have happened to The deflection, although it has changed in the original direction, but this is the only way to think of the only thing in San.

This should be the potential energy of the same strength. After passing by the rope, it is attenuated, and the potential energy that falls on the three bodies is also high. The three hits are so fast, and the three hits are hit by the boulder. .

Even if it is already prepared, change your own body orientation, but San Di is still hit by this boulder, hitting the right arm of the three bodies, then hit the body of the three bodies, huge The power shock is coming to the three bodies. The potential that is passed by the rope before and before, it is a mutual collision. It is just a kung fu, and the three is feeling. It is like something like it. Like, strong pain came from his body, and the face of Sancha is also very ubiquitous.

After the collision between the different strengths of this, after the mutual offset, San Jun also hanged the top of the boulder. It is a feeling that his right arm is already lost, and the body moves with the boulder.

However, it is a three-odd individual, because the strength of the female giant has not been fired, so the three bodies at this time is still in a state of flying by the boulder, if it is going on, though Sanzhai itself will not be more hurt, but it will be taken away by this boulder, this is not what is willing.

Son, the top of the boulder, Sanfang is a sweep of the line, and the armored giant is going to Allen. If you leave, you can't continue to watch Allen.

The pain brought about by the injury on the body, Sanyi is using the only one-to-active left hand, and the following is the hook claw, and then release the crochet claws hung on the boulder, and the three bodies fall toward the ground. The blood dried above the right hand is also overflowing in the air.

When I came to the ground, Sanjun is ready to change the body movement to unload, but in the body is just a moving, it is a pain from the right arm, forcing Sanjun to give up this move. The body is directly on the ground, after a few turns, it is covered with dust, and looks at the side of the front.

The body's injury is subject to second impact, it becomes more serious, and Sancha is even feels that he can't stand up, it can only be moved by crawling.