Naruto Super Farm

592, Allen's transformation

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Looking at the armored giants near Allen, even if your body is already hurt, San Di still wants to move toward there, put your fingers on the ground, through this The way to pull your body, the blood on the three bodies is soon being dragged out of the ground.

"Three, you are fine."

And this time, a blonde woman came to the side of the three.

At this time, Sancha is already a feeling around it. This sound sounds is some familiar. It should be the training troops with yourself, but only the three people at this time look at the figure there. But I feel that the other party is so vague, and consciousness is gradually sinking.

"Christta, don't run, what should I do if I have been attacked by the giant."

At this time, Jurm was also coming to this side. Looking at the three bodies lying on the ground, the eyes were also very weird.

Because there is a reason for the power of giants, the vision of Jurm is also good. At this time, it can be seen. Although in three, it is blood, it looks very miserable, but she can see it. I have to come out, the most serious injuries should be her right arm, the rest of the place, just being shot from the blood, it is red, and the three matters who have fainted it will be because of blood loss. For more reason, as long as it is taken back to the cultivation for a while, it will not be dangerous.

Instead, it is only a little injury in the three bodies, so that Jermie is a surprise, although the excellent performance in the training soldier is obvious, but before, she also saw the female giants. The strength of the boulder, according to the reason, after the ordinary people were hit, it should already be a bloody bones, but in the three bodies, there is such a hurt, naturally, it will surprise, maybe, perhaps Sany is more than the imagination of Jurm.

This kind of thinking, watching the Christta who wants to hug three, Julier shakes his head, and then I will go to help.

The armored giants are in the cage of Allen, and Allen has always gaze that the matter is just hit, Allen is not aware of, the sudden emergence Sound, although it has caused Allen's attention, but did not let Allen cast it on the side. At this time, Allen is dead staring in front of his armor giants, estimating both parties. the distance between.

According to the information from that group, his giant body is to be a little bit more than the ordinary giant. It is almost the size of this armor giant. In this case, it is almost the same. When you want to transform, Allen's fists have been holding tightly. The wounds in your hands are gave to the card in it. It has always been unpacking, but also let Allen have a capital that can become a giant. .

Lainer controlled the armored giants, it was gradually close to Allen, and after coming to the nearby, I also noticed some different, in the Cage of Allen, although there were some railings everywhere, but still There is some gap, you can see Allen's figure.

From the beginning, Allen's body seems to have not moved, like the armored giants who are not observed.

Is Allen be scared?

Looking at Allen who won't move, Laner's heart is a confused thinking. The pace of the feet is not stopped. Anyway, Allen at this time is already closed, as long as it is to take the cage away, Ai Lun also can't escape from inside.

When the two sides were approaching a distance, Launa also noticed what. Through the eye of the armor giant, Laner saw Allen's head, just half low, the same angle, it can be clear I saw it is approaching.

And it looks like, the atmosphere that Allen, who is around Allen, is some strange.

Although I feel some of them, Laner is still approaching armored giants, after all, he is already coming to Allen, it is already in front of everyone to expose my identity. Let's talk about what to do again, it is already finished.

Soon, the armored giant came to the front of the cage, reaching out, grabbing the cage, ready to lift the cage.

Suddenly, in the cage, there was a white light, and there was a sound that was smoked. At this time, Lainer realized that it was not right, this white light is a scene when turning into a giant.

Even if it is already aware of it is wrong, but under this distance, the armored giant is such a huge body, plus the weight of the armored armor is on the body, and Lainer is not reactive.

The white light has not been completely dissipated, a fist, is the position where the armored giant is, the armored giant is a giant that the front of Allen is turned into a game.

It may be that Allen itself is different, but may be because of the anger of Allen itself. At this time, the fist of Allen, obviously the red hand, it is the position of the armor giant, it is successful, then The armor is crushed, and the splice is dropped below, Allen is successful to hurt the armor giant.

Looking at the armored giants who have fallen on the ground, Allen also rushed over, sitting on the armor giant, is constantly using hands to attack the head of the armor giant.

In the head of the armored giant, there is also a helmet is responsible for protecting, but Allen is completely different from the gap between the two sides. The anger drives Allen's movements. The hands are constantly falling on the face of the armor giant. Just for a while The armor on the face of the armored giant, there is some depression, but more serious is Allen's hands.

The red hand and armor collision, even if the giant, Allen's hands are already full of wounds, those who have created because of a strong collision, this is full of allen's fists, and at this time Allen, even did not know this, still being angry to command, regardless of his fist on the face of the armored giants below.