Naruto Super Farm

630, Wang blood

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Liwell was taken back to several Malaysiamen and went to the square of the Malaysian.

I saw this scene of Allen, the mood is also very bad. After a short observation of a moment, Allen is also aware that his current situation is very bad.

Although I am now suppressed, in this case, even if I have achieved the breakthrough above the battle, it is not big for the situation, unless Allen is to bring these investigations. The companion is given away from the leave.

Such thinking, Allen's face is also very subtle, and it is also a giant that is tightly suppressed, when I think, the giant is not forgetting. However, in the hands of Allen's more and more closed, it is still unable to break away from the giant of Allen's embedded giants.

At the same time, Elan's hand came in a place in the giant of the, the strange feeling of the previous kind of the giant encountered, it was again returned to Allen Body.

That feeling, when Allen's hand is placed in the back and neck of the giant, it is suddenly strengthened, and it is more and more intense. Subsequently, it has reached a certain degree, let Allen recalled. I got up the thing that was held in the dungeon.

At that time, Allen's body was tightly, it was unable to become a giant, just when Allen was desperate, a person who claimed to be his brother, Jike came to the cell. In the middle, it also told him a lot of things, and in the end, it is Jik and Allen's physical contact, which triggered a mechanism in the force of Allen Giants, which let Allen have seen a lot.

That power, the power of Wang blood, after touching the people who have king blood, the body of the ancestors in the body is touched, let Allen have seen the memory of the giant of the past, and in that moment, Allen has a feeling of omnipoes. After all, the power of the ancestors is the most powerful in all giants. In such a moment, Allen is the power of any of the ancestors, or even A bound by the vows of Mondeline.

However, it is just a moment of a moment, because after, Jike is the hand, after Allen is lost and the people who have king blood, Allen also lost the kind of almost inevitable. a feeling of.

At this time, when I touched the giant position of the giant, Allen was also discovered that I have always felt the strange feeling, it turned out to be desire, in my own, the power of the ancestors, is eager And Wang blood, this time Allen is the location of Jik, and therefore, I have experienced the role of Wang blood. His almost ubiquitous feeling is also returned to her body.

Allen is the power of the ancestor giant, and the giant of the ancestors has been orderled. Subsequently, Allen is letting their own hands, let the previous ancestors in front of them here.

After being released by Allen, as Malai, Jiji, which should be handed to the giant of Allen to launch an attack on the Giant of Allen, but this time the giant is standing in the original. On the ground, it was confronted with the commands conveyed just allah, and after a while, it was finally moving, but the giant is looking at the side of the Malai army, then it is there. I launched an attack.

Originally, the giant of the companion, at this time, at this time, Mlei Shi soldiers have appeared this ridiculous feeling, watching constant attacking their giants, Malayshi They have started anti-resistance, but they only bounced on the giants of the giants, they would be bounced, and the scars won't stay on.

Lili, who was given by Malay soldiers, also noticed that this is very horrified. He is unclear what happened, but this time the Malay soldiers panic, but he left. Good time, after the giant of the , after the attack on Malayshie, the squares of these Malay soldiers were also disrupted. Liliwell here was also found a chance, returning to it. The two Malay soldiers who were putting their own were paid to the ground, then they left here.

The giant of the In the distance, with them, they left this place.

Mlei Shigs who attacked by the giant of the megah, it was unable to continue to chase the previous few people, only able to run in this place.

After a long time, the Malaysian here is already completely disappeared, and a small part is to escape, and the remaining Mlei Shi will become these straws on the ground.

At this time, the giant of the is also like recovery, it has changed back to Guik's person.

After the human beings, Jike looked at the horrible shape in front of him. The expression on his face was very bitter. In the last, Allen was successful to launch the power of the ancestor giant, which actually manipulated him. The body of the giant.

Although these Mlei Shi soldiers are not intentional, at this time, Jike is no choice. If he returns to Malay, he killed him, affirmed It will be died, the power of this giant will pass to the next person.

At this time, Jiich is naturally a choice. He has chosen to leave, defended Mare, and made this kind of move, it is unable to get free to get it under the trial of Malai, waiting for him It is only the end of the next generation to the next generation. It is a little initiative to have a lot of activeness when choosing the next generation of giants.

Just die here, natural is not Jiji's wish, he thinks, finally Allen conveys the tone of the order to his own, maybe herself in the dungeon, the words said to Allen, and Not a white feet, Jik is thinking, it is also left in the distance, and there is another direction.