Naruto Super Farm

020, forced to ask

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The surging energy makes everyone amazed between them, soon is that they have received intelligence!

At this time, Yuxi Bo Yin has a few people soon directly undergoing the half train.

It's a jumping at once, and it is not far behind them, it is the train station!

Oceanna Railway Station

At this moment, everyone was shocked. I didn't expect this train until I just thought about it, and I was immediately at this time. I saw a wild man appeared in front of them.

The man had a huge sickle appeared in front of everyone, and the face showed cold look. He widened his eyes. He went out a few debris and sneer. "I didn't expect you to run actually dare to run. Getting off, I am really interesting, a group of bastards, it is only such a word, is it ready to die! "

This rain just said here, and suddenly it is one of the faces of everyone, but it is obedient that Yuxi Bank is coming!

The eyes showed a cold snorted, turned over white eyes, and then shook his head, and sighed and said: "It is your fool. If I have not guess, you The name seems to be called Avery Gord, right! "

Just finished, Ali Governor immediately turned his sickle, and at this time, he was a clear and said: "Yes, this uncle is called this name, you want to stop we are just 1000 years. You don't think that I can fight you! "

His words said this, the mouth outlined out a few disturbances, while at this time, the Yischi Bai silver face of this moment revealed the thick speechless, snorted Said: "Since you have said this, if you don't teach your words, how can I worry, is it that you are ready to die?"

When his words were finished, I suddenly gave birth to another surprise!

At this time, I suddenly let the Ai Lusha rushed to say: "Wait, Silver, now I can't hit him here, or just waste time, the guy is definitely something else, So will get off the bus to stop us, the guy is definitely what is going to do! "

Just say this, I suddenly made the face of Ali Gaol's face full of smiles, and the face was full of disdain, and she said softly: "It turns out that you also know Ah, I thought that your brain couldn't turn completely. It turned out that you can guess it. It is even more likely to block you. These guys are really interesting bails! "

Yisi Bo Yin heard his words, his eyes were slightly contracted deeply, and it revealed a bit of cold cold. It immediately revealed a bit of a bit of doubts, very surprised: " I didn't expect that you dare to ran to us to provoke, your courage is quite big! "

When I finished, Ali Gol was immediately revealing a few disdainful cold cold, and said a faint smile said: "But just a few fairy tails, you think I am,? Will be afraid, I certainly don't have a one-way, I'm not enough to make me feel afraid, but I just feel that you are unable to! "

When he said, he was very confident. It reveals a strong confidence in his eyes. Is it strong? Didn't pay attention to Yisi Bo Yin instantly overturned a car, is it powerful? This guy is still there, there is no brain, this is really a sense of surprise!

And at this time.

Yuxi Bo is deeply absorbed, and the eyes are slightly contracted. At the same time, the mouth is outlined, and it is faintly: "Is it? That's the case, then you have to prepare, my strength is not like It is that simple you see, since you all said this kind of words, then you have to prepare, after all, you have to welcome it, but my strength! "

When his words were finished, he suddenly took a deep, slave's horror energy suddenly surged, and the sound of the rumored, and the amazing power was suddenly surging in 4 weeks. It felt 10 points of terrible, The uncomfortable energy of the amazing energy appeared between the bombards between the body, so that there was a force of a tear in 4 weeks.

It seems to be the general energy of the tear space, and suddenly there is a surging 4 weeks, which feels a cold and chestnut. It is not hurtful, and the power is good. How is this guy?

At this time, the Ai Laha is not a big jump, a good guy, did not expect him to do this, at this moment, the people of everyone do not want to think, flow, flow, show a bit The sense of shock, scared a big jump, deeply inhaled an atmosphere.

At this time, Yu Zhibo silver only revealed a few more cold and cold, the sound of the mountain was suiled, and it was a little smiled and said: "If you are afraid, you can don't play. Oh, I haven't used true strength. If you are so scared now, I will not let you go, I will hope that you can surrender, this can save time! "

Eli Galder has heard this, and then she frowned. When the teeth were biting, they showed a bit of murderousness. After deep sucking a breath, the cold smiled.

The energy of his body is ripple, he also has no polite, but it is a very angry look, it seems to be completely despised, and his arrogant is very big. Helping, where he will be scared at this time.

He immediately became a big eyes, the amazing power emerged, and it was obviously the powerful force of Yisi Bo. Yinshi in front of the challenge. At this time, the eyes showed a little arrogant. Laugh. Said: "It's really a ridiculous, you will be able to defeat my mom, you can only lose money, you can never win!"

His discourse said that he is very confident that it is very excited. It is very excited. The body is a taste of a turbulent force, and the amazing power is overwhelming. Confidence, he suddenly took a deep breath!