Naruto: Super Powers

Naruto: Super Power Chapter 729

"Let's say it by Jinghua!" Saye Gongxin also knew that she was not very much treated by this dragon king, and what she said might be counterproductive.

"Yes...yes...elder brother, he went to Europe..." Jinghua didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to do at first, but Shaye Gongxin of the official compilation committee found her and said the seriousness of the matter.

"Go to Europe? It's time to relax!" Ji Tengchuan had a hint of surprise in his mind. He didn't expect Godou to be a bloody man, so he would go to Vauban for revenge!

"No, he is going to find another king for revenge!" Jinghua became anxious and quickly explained.

"Isn't that good?" Ji Tengchuan said indifferently, he didn't bother to interfere, it would be good if Godou was killed!

"My brother is not the opponent named Woban at all, I am worried about him..." Jinghua said in tears. Although she was very angry and disappointed that Godou killed Grandpa, she didn't want to see her brother die away!

"Jinghua! You should know what a king is now! The king is not a thug, let alone a firefighter! The king is the highest man in the world, and it is extremely unwise to intervene in the struggle between two kings at will!" Ji Tengchuan shook his head Dao, the meaning is clear, it is impossible to shoot without benefit.

"But... can't you help me?" Jinghua looked at Yuri, Yuri glanced at each other, and shook her head helplessly, indicating that she could not help.

"Can you just sell yourself?" Athena pouted and snorted dissatisfied. As the goddess of wisdom, she has seen through the essence of Ji Tengchuan, he is a LOLI control!

"Sold?" Jinghua was taken aback, and then reacted, her pretty face blushed, her little hand held the corner of the skirt, thought for a while, and mustered the courage: "Wang, if you need it, I can... "

"Is Godou worthy of your sacrifice? And if you follow me, you won't be able to be free again! Are you willing to do that too?" Ji Tengchuan first put the ugly words on the front. He is a very domineering person and cannot tolerate his own. The key to women's half-heartedness is that the two sides have no emotional foundation.

"This is the last time!" Jinghua lowered her head. After this time, she had done her best to the older brother Gotang, and she had treated herself as a stranger!

"Okay! In order to prevent another human tragedy in France, we don't hesitate!" Just after Ji Tengchuan finished speaking, Lily received a call and her expression changed drastically!

"King, something has happened in France! In order to avenge Vauban, King Kusana realized six of the power incarnations he had obtained, and they are now madly sabotaging in France!" Lily's face turned pale, although she did not see it. The tragedy of France today, but think about it, the incarnation of the six gods is absolutely a nightmare catastrophe for France.

"Is this guy Godou crazy? Realizing the incarnation of a god, if killed, it means losing a power! Didn't Vauban stop it? How can I say that he is also the king of Eastern Europe!" Ji Tengchuan secretly smacked his tongue, worthy of his benevolence. Moral Godou, going crazy, is simply anti-human!

"Vauban is in Spain and should be on the way to France! I'm afraid that time..." Lily understood very well, this battle is absolutely endless. One of the two kings must fall and sleep underground!')

Mime private 933

Chapter 0054 Goddess of Revenge, Saint Seiya?

"Why..." Jinghua couldn't believe it. Although usually dull, but his elder brother, who should be very positive, was unscrupulously'doing evil'.

"Didn't you stop it?" Ji Tengchuan asked, looking at Saye Gongxin.

"Of course we tried to stop it! But it's useless at all! The king seems to have gained new power and become stronger than ever!" Saye Gongxin smiled bitterly, and there was more helplessness in her heart, the old man in the family. We are still thinking about how to use King Kusanaru, and now it seems that they are all in trouble!

When Ji Tengchuan heard this, there was a hint of surprise on his face. It should be that Godou broke the [Wellers Lana] oath. In this way, it was equivalent to the complete liberation of the ten power incarnations.

Generally speaking, power cannot have so many restrictions. The reason for this is that [Welerslaner] abused his divine power at the beginning and caused disasters. The gods and kings were dissatisfied with his behavior, so they fought 800 One day and night, [Welerslaner] was finally beaten, and since then he vowed to use divine power carefully.

"Forget it! Are you going to France too?" Ji Tengchuan was too lazy to say something else, and asked Saya Gongxin, what if Godou liberated the ten incarnations?Not enough to see in front of him!

"Yes!" Shaye Gongxin nodded. She came here for this reason.

"Well, that's the case, then let's go!" Ji Tengchuan snapped his fingers and formed an aperture around it, covering everyone in it. The next moment, the aperture dissipated and the surrounding buildings were already European-style buildings!

"Are you in France all at once?" Saye Gongxin trembles!

"This is one of my powers! But it seems that there is the power incarnation of King Kusanaru here!" Ji Tengchuan pointed to the distance, and a huge wild boar was violently destroying everywhere, just like a large forklift. At that place, only a piece of ruins remained.


The wild boar twisted and disappeared suddenly!

"What's the matter?" Erica asked strangely.

"Recalled! It seems that King Kusana has already been up against Woban! Let's go and see!" Ji Tengchuan used his mental power to perceive the whole of France, and the next moment he teleported to a wilderness with the girls.


Of course, there were two people on the scene, one was an old man who looked very energetic, wearing a windbreaker, brushing in the wind and rain, his eyes glowing with green light, like the eyes of a wolf.

The other is a weather-beaten boy with hatred and determination in his eyes!

"Oh, I didn't expect that other kings would visit in the match between the king and the king!" Woban looked at Ji Tengchuan with a hint of surprise in his tone.

"King Kusana, please stop!" Saying Gongxin saw Godou, she ran forward and stopped.

"Saya! Give me your way! No one can stop my determination to revenge!" The eyes under the bangs of Godou were red, full of murderous intent!

"Wang, you..." Saye Gongxin was taken aback, how could she have such terrifying eyes.

"Hey--!" Godou stepped forward, slammed Fei Saya directly with a palm, came in front of Voban, and said coldly: "Woban, this time, I am determined to avenge grandpa and seek revenge for you! "

"Vengeance? Young king! It seems that you don’t understand the rules of the king’s game! You started the battle yourself! Now you want revenge? A joke! Are you a soft persimmon when you are an old man? Last time you let you go, young Do you really think you are so lucky every time?" The Marquis of Woban frowned, and his tone was full of anger. For the new godslayer, as an elder, he was tolerant.

After all, there are only six or seven people who can be called companions with him!

The lives of other ordinary people, for him who was born in the era of war, did not have the concept of ordinary people's life at all, no matter how many people die, there will be no heart disturbance!

"This time is different! I am an Avenger! I will do everything to kill you!" Godou gritted his teeth and said, this time, in order to kill Woban, he has made sufficient preparations. Every power of Woban.

After all, Woban, the Godkiller was born more than two hundred years ago, and there are no big secrets about power. As long as you have the heart to investigate, you can find it!

"Doing everything? Young man, the old man finds that you are more and more like me! Forget it, it doesn't make any sense with a frizzy kid like you! By the way, the new godslayer, your purpose is again What is it?" Woban shook his head with emotion, then turned his attention to Ji Tengchuan.

"Come because of the transaction! Jinghua, let's talk about your request!" Ji Tengchuan pointed to the little girl beside her.

"Brother, I hope you give up revenge, don't you have enough dead people? How many tragedies do you have to create before you are willing to give up?" Jinghua said loudly.

"Sister, why are you still with this person? It must be you, it's all you..." Godou's eyes were full of hatred. It was this guy who broke the relationship between their brothers and sisters completely. It is unforgivable. He still dares to confuse himself. Sister!

"I think you are suffering from rabies, you bite when you see people! Isn't the lesson from the last time enough?" Ji Tengchuan's eyes were cold, this dwarf king is really dead!

When I heard the last lesson, Godou felt a pain, because that time, people from the mysterious side of Japan always looked down at him, which made him feel ashamed!

"Damn...I won't let you go! Bastard!" Godou shouted angrily.

"Ksana Godou! Shut up! Are you really crazy?" Jinghua stopped calling her brother. Although she didn't know how capable Godou was, she offended the two kings all at once. What's the difference?

"Ahahaha! Sure enough, the world has abandoned me! So..." Godou suddenly laughed wildly, and then ten powers appeared above his head. The powers turned into light, constantly changing, and finally all attached to Godou himself. Body.

"Damn, saint?" Ji Tengchuan couldn't help but complain when he saw Godou's transformation.

At this moment, the appearance of the Godou changed drastically. His face became the face of a teenager from Welles Lana. He wore a golden helmet with horns. The armor on his chest was a pig's head. Behind him was a phoenix wing. The legs were camel knee pads. Arm guard, ram arm guard on the right arm, feet on the white horse flames, holding a golden sword, and blessing with the shield of wind around the body!')

Chapter 934

Chapter 0055: Ancient Body?Duel

Godou's appearance at the moment is not correct. It should be said that this is the original [Wellers Lana] image of God of War. At this moment, the divine light is shining, the divine power is surging, and the air tornado that forms around blows so that people can't open their eyes.

"What the hell is going on? How could King Kusuna become the god of infidelity?" Erica was stunned. At this moment, Godou is simply [Wellers Lana]!

"Because of the restoration of the ancient body! The same as what I did at the beginning! Today's Veleslana and King Kusanagi become a whole, thus realizing rebirth, but I don't know who this realization belongs to!" There was a little surprise on Na's face, she was indeed the God of War who had never been defeated, and to this day, she still possesses such a powerful divine power.