Naruto: Super Powers

Naruto: Super Power Chapter 868

They are really scared!

In just one night, so many people died. With the addition of the previous game helmets, the death toll was almost 10,000!

In this case, the Japanese government was the worst. It was accused by thousands of people and the emperor was forced to come forward, emphasizing that those experts must rescue the trapped gamers within a time limit, otherwise they all get out, and the country does not need you!

All department personnel are in action, even the officers of the Self-Defense Forces are involved!

The hospital patient pushed the bed, and there was a girl with NERVGEAR lying next to him, a cute girl with shawl hair, running to the ward with the doctor!

"Sister! It will be fine! Suguha believes that she will wake up!" The girl sobbed in tears.

Suddenly, the girl on the bed pushed her hand!

"Huh?" Tonggu Zhiba wiped his eyes, did not see dazzling, really moved!

"Doctor, my elder sister just moved!" Kiriya Naoha called immediately.

"What? It's impossible!" The doctor on the cart next to him shook his head and thought that the other party was wrong.

But the next moment, the body of the girl on the bed shivered like a convulsion, and the doctors immediately changed their complexions.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" As if feeling that her sister was suffering tremendously, she hurriedly grabbed the girl's arm and called.

"Hey!" The girl reflexed with her arm, and with a wave upwards, Suguha felt a huge force coming, and her whole body flew out five meters away, hit the wall, and landed on the ground.

"Hurry up and hold her hand!" An experienced doctor immediately shouted when she saw the girl stretch her hands towards the game helmet.

The other two doctors around immediately tried to press the girl's slender arm vigorously, but in the next moment, they were flushed, because they couldn't hold it at all, and the other party was too strong!

"Come on and help!" The doctor yelled, and the doctors who heard the call rushed out. Although they didn't figure out the situation, they did their best!

"Use a hoop!" a doctor shouted.The iron ring buckle is used to control the patient, mainly for the epilepsy of goats and drugs.

"Uuuuuuu!" The girl let out an unconscious growl, her whole body convulsed. She pinched her hand on the steel pipe handrail and squeezed the handrail directly. The iron cable was broken and fastened. She was relieved before it came, and the screws on it couldn't bear the huge force. , Ding ding ding banging off!')

Reference 1129

Chapter 0030 Rescue, Jedi Anti-kill

"I'll help!" A man with glasses happened to see this scene, rushed out and shouted, pressing the girl's arm!

At this moment, all the blood vessels on the girl's face were exposed and bulged out, as if she was suffering from inhuman pain, her legs kicked wildly, and two unlucky doctors were kicked and passed out!

"Not good—! The heart rhythm is seriously disturbed!"

"The blood pressure keeps dropping and severe internal bleeding may occur..."

"Brainwaves are chaotic...Oh my God...what the hell is going on?"

The doctors are crazy, what is going on?Who can explain?

"Hurry up and use the cardiotonic! Pacemaker!" The experienced doctor shouted immediately!


The pacemaker is pressed on the girl's chest, pulled up, pressed down, and pulled up again!

"No way! The heartbeat is going to stop..." a doctor said profusely.

"Use electric shock! Let the heart resuscitate!" The old doctor immediately said that there is no way!

"Look... the corner of her mouth..." a doctor called in horror.

When other doctors looked at it, they saw a lot of blood leaking from the corner of the girl's mouth. The girl suddenly opened her mouth, blood spurted out, and all the doctors who spilled had their faces covered!

"Sister——! You must hold on! Don't leave me alone! Uuuuuu..." Suguha cried and squatted on the girl.

The man with eyes took out his cell phone, searched for a number, and dialed, "Kindai Rinko, there was a SAO player who suddenly suffered from body spasms, bursting of blood vessels, even vomiting of blood, heart rate disorders, and cardiac arrest, as if he was suffering tremendously. What's the situation? Please let me know!"

On the other side of the phone, Rinko Jindai froze for a while, glanced at Akihiko Kayaba on the hospital bed, and said, "SAO is an imaginary space! When entering the game, the default pain perception is 10%. Players can adjust it by themselves, but it will not be higher. 40%, because when the fatal pain in the game exceeds 50%, it will be fed back to the real body, causing damage, and even causing myocardial infarction and death!

According to your situation, the real fatal pain of this player exceeded 90%!Nerve anesthetics must be injected, otherwise the painful and hurt consciousness from the nerves will continue to feed back to the body, which will cause death!"

Hanging up, the man in glasses saw that the doctors were using electric shocks and shouted, "Give her a nerve anesthetic!"

"In this case, if you inject a nerve anesthetic, you will die faster! Huh... the heart is beating again... calm down!" The old doctor shook his head and refused, but suddenly found that the girl had recovered her heartbeat and no longer had body spasms. The brain was not burned by NERVGEAR!

"What the hell is going on? Does your sister have any hidden diseases?" The old doctor looked at Suguha and asked, to put it bluntly whether your sister had a disease like sheep epilepsy!

Suguba's tears fell, and she burst into tears. My sister was fine, but after hearing the question from the old doctor, she said angrily: "My sister has always been in good health. There is absolutely no hidden illness!"

If it wasn't for the old doctor to save her sister, Suguha would have cursed!The man with glasses bent down, picked up a screw cap that had been twisted, and looked at the girl on the push bed. How did such a petite body burst out with such terrible power?

Seven or eight big men couldn't hold it back. This was absolutely far beyond the limit of human beings, reaching an inhuman existence. What's more frightening was that she was still unconscious. If she wakes up...

"Hello, I'm Seijiro Kikuoka! One of the officials responsible for investigating the second group of the SAO incident! I want to know about your sister! Can you talk about it?" The glasses man invited Suguha politely.


tea kiosk!

"In other words, your sister doesn't have any weird power? Just practiced kendo for a few years?" Seijiro Kikuoka narrowed his eyes.

"Yes!" Suguha nodded, then pleaded with a face: "Please, please rescue my sister... She must suffer in SAO... Uuuuu..."

"We are also working hard! Hope to rescue them soon! Of course, including your sister! If there is a breakthrough, I will find you at any time, you can take care of your sister now, I think she needs you now!" Kikuoka Seijiro faces Said with a smile.

Souha stood up without any scheming, turned around and ran away.

Looking at Suguha's disappearing back, Seijiro Kikuoka muttered to himself in a low voice, "I have the ability that I didn't have before! Is it obtained in the game? It seems necessary to give each player a physical strength check. Maybe this is a clue to a major breakthrough! And that kind of thing (the spatial vortex formed by the server) cannot be explained by science!"


Transfer the picture to the first stage of Aincrad!

Are you going to die?

Tongzi suddenly thought of his sister, maybe he shouldn't be immersed in the game, ignoring the people around him!

everything is over!

Tongzi felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't move anymore, and his destiny ended here!

(Sister, you must hold on!)

Who is calling me?Tongzi vaguely heard the voice of a girl, so he was much more sober!

Is it my sister?Sure enough, hallucinations have appeared!