Naruto: Super Powers

Naruto: Super Power Chapter 941

"Idiot! My brother also recognized a superpower (SAO player) as the boss! Don't be afraid now! Give it to me!" Endo shouted arrogantly.

The two evil parties gritted their teeth and rushed over!Sinon took a deep breath, absolutely not letting go, squeezed a fist, and at the same time her body accelerated, and she appeared in front of Endo instantly!

"Nani..." Endo couldn't believe it, dizzy?

In fact, Shino didn't expect that, she just wanted to rush over, so she squatted Endo. Together with this idea, she had a speed that ordinary people could not match!')

Chapter 1218

Chapter 0119 Domineering, Late Thanksgiving

"You really hate it! You don't need to pay back the money! Get out of here immediately!" Sinon stretched out a finger domineeringly and clicked on Endo's round cake face, and shouted.


An icy cold fear uncontrollably gushed out of my heart. Although it was touched by a finger, it felt like a gun against my head!

"Okay...Okay...I'm sorry...I'll roll now...I'm going to roll..." Endo was so scared that his whole body was sweating. The original round body, fat and trembling, looked extremely disgusting!

Sinon snorted, holding her schoolbag back in her hand, and walking towards the campus, while Endo collapsed completely to the ground. It was so terrifying that she would never provoke Sinon if she was killed in the future!

When she came to an uninhabited place, Shino raised her hand and stared quietly, then hammered the wall with her backhand, with a click, the wall was punched out of a punch hole, and countless cracks spawned from the punch hole...

"This power..." Sinon looked dumbfounded. This power was never possessed a day ago. Why?

Suddenly, all kinds of unsuitable images for children appeared in my mind, and Qiao's face was blushing suddenly, it must be Chuan, he was protecting her and giving her strength!

Take off the glasses, the pupil focal length changes slightly, and the surrounding scenery is very clear, there is no nearsightedness at all, and I am not a four-eyed girl!

Sinon was refreshed, her face was full of confidence!


School in the afternoon!

Shino left the school gate and suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle!Turning around, it is the same three-wheeled military motorcycle in GGO!

"Hi——! Mengmei! I don't know if I have the honor to take you for a ride?" Ji Tengchuan said hello with a smile on his face.

"Hehe! Of course!" Sinon walked to the car and stepped to sit, hugging Chuan's waist with both hands, leaning against Chuan's back with a pretty face and happiness.

beep--!The motorcycle started, and then went away!



"Welcome!" The girls in the bar applauded when Chuan came in with a girl.

"Hello!" Shino blushed, embarrassed and authentic. The girls here are probably all the "girlfriends" of this guy Kawa, and all their own "seniors"!

"Don't tell me? Chuan!" Asuna asked with a smile while supporting her jaw.

"She is Sinon! The champion of this BOB competition!" Ji Tengchuan introduced, and then pointed to one by one: "She is Asuna Yuki, Keiko Ayano, Rika Shinozaki..."

"Don't... don't say that!" Shino said embarrassedly.

"As for these two... one is forcing Andrew! The bar is never decorated! The stingy uncle! The other is the infatuated Liao Taro, the name of the game character Klein!"

"Hey hey hey... don't say that, you know my bar business! How can I have money?" Andrew cried poorly.

"Pretend to be poor! The government's monthly subsidy is enough to cover a new one!" Ji Tengchuan said with a look of contempt.

"Is the case over?" Tonggu Kazuko asked with concern.

"Well, it's over! Shinkawa Kyouji, his brother Shinkawa Masaichi, and Kim Bendon have all been arrested, and the case is successfully completed!" Ji Tengchuan nodded and said roughly the case!

"It's really... incredible!" After listening, everyone showed awe-inspiring expressions, interlocking with each other. If it were written as a novel, it would be extremely exciting!

"By the way, Sinon, there is another purpose for bringing you here today! But I... I hope you don't get angry!" Ji Tengchuan said to Sinon with a serious expression on his face after finishing the case.

"Purpose? Be angry?" Sinon said with a nervous voice.

"Well, remember I told you! You are a hero! Not a criminal! Tongzi and Asuna went to the city yesterday! I think you deserve your glory!" Ji Tengchuan said calmly.

After speaking, the door deep in the bar opened with a creak!

A thirty-year-old woman with hair shawl, professional attire, holding a cute little girl in her hand!

The woman led the child to Shino and bowed, "Hello, Asada...Miss Shino! My name is Osawa Shosee! This child is called Mizue! Three years old this year!"

Sinon felt that this woman seemed to have been seen somewhere, but she couldn't remember, and the three-year-old girl was completely strange!

"I worked in a bank three years ago! I'm that female employee! I'm very sorry! I'm really sorry! I should have come early! After that happened, I was transferred to Tokyo! I was pregnant again, and then forgotten... I didn’t even say sorry or thank you..."

Tears flowed from the corners of Osawa's eyes, a look of self-blame, and she thought that the girl who shot the gangster with a gun must be very painful. The behavior that should have been praised for sure was misunderstood by the world and brought her a great deal. Mental pain!

"! Thank you! Thank you for saving Mizue and mother!" Little LOLI thanked innocently, and at the same time handed Sinon a graffiti crayon drawing!

Sinon knew everything, yes, she did the right thing, she saved the kind people, and at the same time a wave of happiness and warmth came to life!

A belated affirmation, but she will not resent anyone, go on firmly, and the one she loves...



The top of the building!With the breeze blowing, Ji Tengchuan was sitting in a hundred-story high-rise building, looking down at the traffic and pedestrians!

Tongzi came behind Chuan and said, "Can that condition be fulfilled?"

"Of course! But are you sure what you really want to do? Wouldn't it be better to resurrect your parents?" Ji Tengchuan asked unexpectedly.

"No! I really want to see them! But I don't want to disturb them! People who died in SAO, they shouldn't end here!" Tongzi said with a firm face, yes, her request is to resurrect those dead players !

Although it sounds incredible, and most people in Japan are cremated, now there are only ashes, even if there is no cremation, only bones are left!

"You are really stubborn! Forget it! This is not difficult for me!" Ji Tengchuan shrugged!

For resurrecting those who died, they will not gain power, and after death, power will return to the tree diagram.

Similarly, those players who have gained power are the same. They do not have the ability to live forever, and power will return after death. In general, he has no loss. On the contrary, with this opportunity, he can carry forward his creation sect!')

Level 1219

Item 0120

More than 300,000 players who should have died suddenly resurrected, shocking the world!

The leaders of all countries actually know the existence of the true god, but no one dared to make an idea, because as long as they acted, they would belch bizarrely and die in various car accidents. In short, if they want to fight the true god’s attention, no one can survive Twenty-four hours!