National Beer

Chapter 46 Our life is full of sunshine (recommendation and collection)

"Happy flowers are open in their hearts, love songs are drifting with the wind, our hearts fly far away, looking forward to the beautiful revolutionary ideal..."

During the summer, the weather was too hot to breathe. At noon, the big speakers in the factory began to play revolutionary songs again.

There was noisy human voices and steaming heat in the canteen. The canteen simply put the mung bean soup under the grape racks outside the canteen. Under the green shade, leaning on the cold stone pillars, at least one could feel a trace of coolness.

"Qin Duan, mung bean soup."

Holding the enamel jar, Qin Dong took the big bowl from Xiaoqinggong in the packaging workshop. The soup was too hot. He placed it on the stone bench and pinched a delicate grape vine, and put it to his nose to sniff gently.

"Look, Liang Jingwen!"

"Liang Jingwen is here for dinner!"

There was a slight commotion among the young workers. Qin Dong squinted his eyes and saw the factory announcer in white and red dress under the green grape frame.

At this time, the smell of grass floating in the fields can be smelled in the city. The girl in a white dress and red dress walked across the concrete path, and her plastic sandals knocked briskly.

"Ring Ling Ling--"

A group of young workers screaming from here turned the bicycle bells to the ground like hail. Well, the hail at this moment is transparent.

"Liang Jingwen, sit here," a young worker was courteous immediately, "There is a place here."

"Thank you." Liang Jingwen herself was holding the lunch box, but she was looking around.

"You are a typical friend who values ​​color and despise people," Lu Xuguang stepped off the bicycle, "Isn't there someone next to you, hey, Liang Jingwen, sit down with me!" There were already people sitting under the grape rack, and he patted. Back seat of own bicycle.

"No, I'll just stand." Liang Jingwen smiled. This smile made Lu Xuguang completely dizzy. "What you brought for lunch, let us see."

"My mother's fish-flavored shredded pork, can you taste it?" Liang Jingwen said politely.

"That must be, you must taste it," Lu Xuguang stretched out his enamel bowl unceremoniously, "Oh, god, it's so fragrant..." he said in his mouth, muttering in his heart, "Oh, I put so much. Oil, no wonder you look pretty..."

"Give me some too..."

"I also taste..."

A group of young workers immediately gathered around. Today the announcer came to the world and opened cannibalistic fireworks. Every young worker wants to taste this different shredded pork...

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Lu Xu looked at Qin Dong's method, squeezed out from the side, and came to Qin Dong, "Da Dongzi, I, Hu Hansan, are back again, can eat something? Up!"

"Master Qin, do you have something too?" Without Lu Xuguang's courtesy, Liang Jingwen came to Qin Dong with a lunch box. Qin Dong put the vine in his mouth and smiled, "You don't have much left, let them all I'll grab it all, you can eat it yourself."

"It's okay, my mother brought me a lot," Liang Jingwen flushed, but the lunch box in her hand still stretched out in front of Qin Dong stubbornly, "My appetite is also small."


The small green workers who were squeezing the smell of fish-flavored pork seemed to have a taste. Lu Xuguang took the lunch box and got some fish-flavored pork into Qin Dong’s lunch box, "Here, Liang Jingwen, tomorrow What do we want to take a try?"

"Tomorrow... I'll talk." Liang Jingwen bit her lip lightly.

"Hey, Liang Jingwen, Secretary Zhou is looking for you, let you go to his office." The chief of vocational education, who was about 40 years old, walked over with a stack of papers. Liang Jingwen glared at Qin Dong and put down the lunch box. Don't eat it, you can eat it."

Hey, there is meat to eat?

A group of young workers immediately came up, Lu Xuguang finally scooped another two spoonfuls of shredded pork from the lunch box, raised his leg and kicked Qin Dong, "Hey, Da Dongzi, I will give you meat on a pole, I said , Why don't you know good or bad?"

"Go away." Qin Dong smiled and stood up, "Sister Liu."

"Qin Dong," the head of the vocational education section smiled cordially. "The young worker job certification training, Secretary Zhou asked the young workers under 28 to take a rotation training. The class will start this afternoon and will be off for ten days. The class will be in the union club. participate."

Full-time?In such a hot day, leaving the childbirth is the greatest benefit, Lu Xuguang wiped his sweat, "Sister, is there me?"

"No." The head of the vocational education section smiled, "Next batch," she looked at Qin Dong again, "Xiao Qin, attend on time in the afternoon, I have agreed with you Director Zhang."

This Qin Dong was not on the liner for the young workers’ training. However, Chen Shifa asked Qin Dong to participate in the training. Several deputy factory managers also agreed that he was good, and the head of vocational education also understood that Qin Dong was selling beer. , Did a lot of things for these factory directors, no one has three aunts and six wives, seven uncles and eight masters... even she herself has made one hundred catties of loose beer from Qin Dong's nephew who is about to get married!

This is good news. Qin Dongle is happy. Now he needs manpower to sell beer and Murder Street restaurant...

In the restaurant, Du Xiaoju looked after him at night. He delivered beer to Du Xiaoju’s section chief. The section chief took care of her and prevented her from going to the night shift. But she not only collected money but also worked as a waiter. Xiaoju’s mother loved her daughter. Go and help... Du Yuan went by after get off work, and Da Guang's parents also came to help. This manpower is almost enough...

Here at the beer dealership, Lu Xuguang and Du Xiaoshu are in charge. Du Xiaoju introduced her retired master to do the billing. The staff was relieved for a while...

"Eldest sister, who is going?" Qin Dongshun asked.

"There are six people in your workshop." The head of vocational education looked at the list in his hand, "Well, Liang Jingwen from the Department of Publicity and Education..."


The crowd suddenly dropped a bomb. The head of vocational education only felt that her ears started to buzz. Looking at the attentive smiling faces in front of her, she wondered that there were no young workers in the training courses for young workers. So passionate...

"Dear people, go hand in hand, hand in hand, our life is full of sunshine, full of sunshine..." Qin Dong picked up his rice bowl and walked towards the workshop, Lu Xuguang immediately followed, singing behind him with his teeth.

"Fuck off." Qin Dong was also polite.

"The flowers of the double stem are competing to open up, the birds with wings spread their wings and fly, facing the wind and rain of fighting on the Long March..." Lu Xuguang still sang, and Qin Dong gestured to pick up the rice bowl to smash it, and he laughed. Ran away.

After returning to his office, he poured boiling water into the rice bowl and looked at the work plan on the wall. Qin Dong turned on the fan and was about to sleep.

"Qin Dong."

The door was open, Zhang Qingmin smiled and knocked on the door with his finger.

"Director Zhang," Qin Dong stood up with a smile, but he was secretly wary in his heart. This Zhang Qingmin, who repaired the filling machine by himself and came to the packaging workshop as a section manager, did not give himself a good face. He simply had Chen Shifa and Wu Geng. Now, he can't do anything to himself.

However, today's smiling face looks alive and flattering.


A flash of lightning struck the sky, and the sky grew gloomy, and it was about to rain.

"Qin Dong, there is something I want to discuss with you?" Zhang Qingmin closed the door smoothly, "Do you think it is convenient?"