National Beer

Chapter 261

Day by day, Qin Dong is doing experiments on breeding and mutagenesis in Qinwan. Dong Qingkun is also very busy in Shennan College. He is also doing comparison and purification of yeast from abroad and Beijing Fermentation Research Institute...

When time entered the beginning of July 1988, the basic laboratory work was over.Both Dong Qingkun and Qin Dong conducted final feasibility tests in the laboratory and screened out industrial solutions.

In mid-July, Dong Qingkun conducted an industrial production test on the small beer brewing equipment of the Institute of Light Industry to verify the laboratory results.Qin Dong only conducted a pilot test in his beer workshop at the end of July, and the results of the pilot test have never come out.

In August, it finally came quietly, the last step to remove the smell of beer and horse urine, and the factory's industrial experiment was about to begin.

This is the last step, and you must be very sure to move the program to the brewery for industrial testing.

Shennan Railway Station.

With people coming and going, Mei Yuxiu and Dong Qingkun slowed down when they saw this group of Gothic buildings with a strong Baroque style.

Both have studied in Germany and are not unfamiliar with foreign architecture, and they are also familiar with foreign beer brewing technology.

"Qingkun, you still used the yeast provided by Germany this time, and Xiaoqin used the yeast from the Baisha Brewery," Mei Yuxiu walked very slowly, "I have read all your test reports, seems There is still a gap between our own yeast and foreign yeast."

Dong Qingkun's heart was bright, no need for industrial experimentation, the teacher is already showing his attitude, what he said is actually the final result of the competition.

"Teacher, although I use the yeast provided by Germany, the yeast from the Baisha Brewery, as far as I know, was also imported from abroad two years ago," Dong Qingkun said with a smile, "our yeasts are all established On the basis of foreign yeast."

Since they both used foreign yeast, he meant that the two were still on the same starting line.

Mei Yuxiu knew that Qin Dong used the yeast from the Baisha Brewery. He made improvements. After selection and purification, the performance and fermentation degree of the yeast have been significantly improved.

In the past few months, Dong Qingkun has also significantly improved the performance of the yeast provided by the institute and fermentation, but it is still not comparable with the yeast provided by Germany, so he finally insisted on using German yeast.

"Teacher, beer is originally an imported product. Foreigners have been focusing on beer research for at least a hundred years. The technology of the beer industry is also an accumulation process. We can't just use it because of imported products, just use it..." Dong Qingkun sees Looking at the blue sky in Shennan, although the weather in September is very hot, the sky is high and the clouds are pale, and the autumn is cool.

"Our beer industry has been developing in great strides for many years. The beer equipment and beer craftsmanship have been improved very fast, and we must continue to work hard on the most important yeast..." Mei Yuxiu said, he cheered up, squeezed through the crowd, and walked Enter the platform.


With a long cry, the green train slowly drove into the station.

"Well, it's time, you get in the car."

For this final industrial experiment, Dong Qingkun was placed in the Rongbi Factory, while Qin Dong was still in his second branch.

"Xiao Qin is a wine-making prodigy. I still insist on my point of view. Over time, he is limitless, but his family situation affects him. After all, he has not been educated systematically..." This is what Mei Yuxiu feels very sorry for, and he strongly demands Qin The reason for the East University entrance examination.

A worker can research machines. Enzymatic saccharification is produced in practice and comes to practice. However, fermentation technology and yeast selection and mutagenesis cannot be learned without foundation.

"I looked at the materials he sent me, and I was still comparing a few strains of yeast, and doing some improvement work. For him, it was already commendable..." Mei Yuxiu watched the passenger flow into the train, "Qing Kun, you specialize in fermentation technology. Xiao Qin knows everything, machinery, saccharification and fermentation. This is like a fist hitting a person and two fists hitting a person at the same time. The power will be dispersed, so he should reflect on it..."

Dong Qingkun didn't know, so Mei Yuxiu smiled, "This will let you know that you are his brother after all. In the past few years, Xiao Qin Taishun has made him stumble. He also knows that there is a sky outside, and there are people outside the world."

Qin Dong now knows everything and can do anything, that is, when he is the director of the factory and he is engaged in scientific research, Mei Yuxiu actually doesn't want him to be the director now, at least in the past few years.

Dong Qingkun immediately smiled, "Teacher, I will take care of the face of the younger brother."

"Well, let him know that it hurts so that he can continue to study, instead of getting caught up in the affairs and interpersonal relationships of the factory. Okay, you can get in the car. Next month, after school starts, I will bring the teachers and Some students, observe your results live."


The train started slowly. Mei Yuxiu looked at the train going away and walked back into the bustling crowd...


Unsurprisingly, when Dong Qingkun arrived in Qinwan, there were flowers and smiling faces everywhere.

"Alpha-acetolactate is very easy to oxidize and decarboxylate to form diacetyl under the conditions of higher temperature and the presence of oxidants... Since the non-enzymatic oxidation rate of alpha-acetolactate is 100 times different from the rate of diacetyl reduction, only the alpha in the fermentation broth -Acetolactate is converted to diacetyl as soon as possible to reduce the content of diacetyl in beer..."

Dong Qingkun smiled and walked into the fermentation workshop. His tall figure, loud voice, even the yeast brought back from Germany, and the terms that ordinary workers and leading cadres could not understand, all coated him with a layer. Golden.

Zhou Fenghe and other factory leaders accompanied him, and even the deputy director and deputy chief engineer of the joint venture Qin Beer rushed over. Wang Congjun, the director of the District Industry Bureau, also came to the scene personally to see the teacher studying in Germany. Style.

The workers of the Rong Brewery General Factory also formed a group, some people looked at it coldly, others laughed and squabbled.

"People have eaten bread and drank milk. They came back from studying abroad. Look at those words, I have never heard of them..."

"People still use foreign yeast, foreign yeast! I think they can do it."

"Qin Dong is not bad, why are you so ambition to destroy our prestige..."

"Yes, the matches and soap in your house... which were not distributed by Qin Dong. Now that prices have risen so sharply, how much money have we saved..."


The workers were chattering and talking. Among the crowd, Fang Lingxian approached Luo Yuhui, Qin Beer's deputy chief engineer, and reminded him to take a look at the second branch factory.

"The second branch factory, I won't go. Go, what's to behold?" Luo Yuhui waved his hand. "I also read Xiao Qin's test records. He wants to induce hybridization. It is so easy. The German yeast is so good. It’s there."

When he said this, Fang Lingxian didn't say anything any more. He walked out of the crowd and walked to the bicycle shed. "Hey, Lao Fang, where are you going? This is a great opportunity to visit and learn. After all, you are the deputy technical director... …" Luo Yuhui kept saying behind him, but his voice was soon drowned out.

"Lao Fang, where are you going, why don't you get to the fermentation workshop?" As soon as the bicycle was launched, before reaching the factory door, he ran into Chen Shifa.

"I'll go to the second branch factory to watch Qin Dong's experiment," Fang Lingxian gritted his teeth and made up his mind. "Director Chen, I want to report something to you in advance."

"what's up?"

"I want to resign and no longer serve as the deputy technical director of Rong Beer."

Chen Shifa was taken aback, he dragged Fang Lingxian off the bicycle, "Why, do you want to return to Qin Beer as the deputy chief engineer?"