National Beer

Chapter 1103 My Dairy Empire

In 1983, Niu Man Jiang once again met your people.

This year, his dairy farm was merged by the Inner Mongolia's return to the people's milk food factory. He encountered a new plant Chang Liu Shengyuan.

Liu Shengyuan is 8 years older than him, and it is also a person who later in the breast industry. "The ghosts are more" Zheng Junhuai, the food factory of this year's loss, through the historical opportunities after the reform, and the means of business contracting, and it will be lost.

Niu Manjiang is active in the factory, first promotes the team leader, and then serves as the head office. In this decade, the Niu Manjiang "opened". All the way from the sales manager to the food factory "two hand" business deputy general.

Before and after the recovery of the recruitment of the recreation, the Bumble Jiang was in charge of ice cream, and the ice cream production. He led a new young man to successfully plan "Inner Mongolian Coffee, Ice Cream Storm", hit the "bitter pursuit, sweet enjoyment" slogan to the center TV station, there is a popular nationwide.

In 1993, the scale of food factories catching up with the market economy in the market is getting bigger and bigger. He successfully forms an Inner Mongolia Dairy Co., Ltd., and Liu Shengyuan has served as chairman, and the deposit of Niu Man Jiang Ren.

In 1996, Inner Mongolia, successfully landed the capital market and became the first listing of milk companies in China. In the same year, Niu Manjiang, a well-versed marketing, has set off a marketing storm of "Yili Cake into the Olympics" with Atlanta Olympics.

It is this bold marketing means, so that the Inner Mongolia Dairy brand quickly went to the north and south of the Yangtze River, and the performance also soared.

At this time, the name of the Niu Mani, which is the name of Yili, is the most headed and superior executive.

"Our cattle, in the company, in addition to Liu's general is him, he can directly direct the company more than half of the employees, the company's 80% of the performance is in our cattle total ..." The driver drunk, spit out the truth.

Qin Dong smiled, so outstanding abilities, the original company must not stay.

This is how much it is, and the two are from the washing bottle. Qin Dong has grown from the work section to the sales department to the group. Work……

But he was fortunate to meet Chen Shifa and Zhou Fenghe. He not only did not be kicked out, but it all the way is high ...

People are different from people's situation ...

But at this time, Niu Manjiang did not say that Liu Shengyuan did not word. He didn't say that Liu Shengyuan had a bad thing, he bought, he is unwilling, but it is not said.

This is called the city government, also called your mind!

"I also blame me, in May this year, the company held a meeting in Zhengzhou, negotiating whether to expand the production of freezer products, I said, this leadership team can't do a big event! ..." old cow smiled.

In this case, it causes Liu Shengyuan extremely dissatisfied, and it goes angrily.

Perhaps it is a bigger business difference, this is the scene of Niu Manjiang Qinmen, Snow.

But I know that he doesn't mention it, Qin Dong can't take the initiative.

Such a lot of people is not only a long time, how to get along, how to win, need wisdom, otherwise it will definitely be a deficiency in the future, and it is brought to Yang.

"Qin Dong, I don't want you to say, I went to our Hohhot's talent market, I have been forty-three this year, the age of 40 or more is not considered here."

It is not easy to see it.

Leaving the Inner Mongolia, his heart is not a taste.

"Today, the wine is covered, you will mention it, Qin Dong, how about you come here?" Niu Manjiang looked at the old forest in the seat, "milk and beer, all food, you need Marketing ... "

Qin Dong looked at him, Niu Manjiang is watching him, everyone is watching Qin Dong, see how he answered.

"I am here, I am afraid you can't stay this Buddha." Qin Dong's wine is wine.

When the love of Niu Manidong, he also ended the wine bowl, "Nothing, this world, I have to have me to eat."

"You are wrong," Qin Dong is precise, "You think I am a white show, Wang Lun, you are not a leopard head, I am not a person who can't stay, I mean, you are born to be a handsome, I The suggestion is your personal entrepreneurship, pull up a team, put a big banner, I want people to give people, ask for money to give money ... "

Niu Manjiang looked at Qin Dong. Many years of reading people's experience told him that Qindong is not a lie.

"In this way, if you start this business, you account for eighty points, give me twenty," Qin Dong's Beihai Group, Niu Manjiang also knows, now Qin Dong is active, good wind, you can send him to Qingyun .

"Don't, I am truth, you have difficulty capital, you said directly, how much it takes, I will arrange people tomorrow, I need someone, I need someone from Shazhongquan and Xilin beer, what is needed, Xilin's Buli Guide will fully support ... "

Qin Dong has splended, and Burround is only a bit of one.

In this case, the Niu Manjiang stood up. He looked at this young chairman who had a fourteen year old than him. "I also have stock in Inner Mongolia, sell stocks, I can enter the share, but the money is not enough ...... This, Qin Dong, no matter how much money, I am forty, you are sixty, you are helping me ... "

At this point, Qin Dong is no longer confident. "OK, we will play together in the world, and then the shares will say ... take wine, today you have to drink."

"Life has to know the feet, Schain is in the same way."

"But Qin Dong, I am nothing now ..."

"No, the most rare thing in this world is the same, you have, and you have a lot, that is, people have everything ..."


The sun in 1993 is very warm, and through the window, it is a group of light fog in the hotel's room.

When Qin Dong woke up, I only felt uncomfortable. I really didn't know how much wine, I didn't know how I was lying here.

The mobile phone, rang, when the voice of Xiao Qin patrol, Qin Dong made Du Xiaonumaid, "This year, I don't return to Qin Bay for the New Year."

"The Body of the Hiji ..." Du Xiaotang on the phone was in a hurry.

"No, it's okay, it's okay, I have something, I have to do a big thing, the group will be a beer, condiment, health products and dairy industry, four legs, four pillars support, smooth and stable ..."

The phone there is surprisingly, "this does not affect the New Year?"

"Well, don't affect our New Year, but I am afraid that the old cow can't go ..."

Qin Dong decided not to return to Qin Bay for the New Year, and in the New Year with the old cow, it was in Inner Mongolia.

Since the Inner Mongolia dairy has already carried a cattle full of bovine, then he created a dairy empire belonging to him!

"We have to rent a place to rent, the satellite is too small, you have to rent it, you have to be in Hohhot, there is a provincial city, all aspects of relationships and transportation are not other places ..."

Qindong is negotiating with Bumin Jiang, and the two are active, and they will do place in the city.

Sanzhi, Wang Yi's drug store tiger bone chasing cream ...

Looking at the Niu Manjiang, I walked like this, Qin Dong said that he didn't have money on his body. He was in Inner Mongolia. His annual salary has passed millions, but he sprinkled the money out, and he didn't have much money.

"Rent, also rent a bright place ..." Qin Dong looked at the logo of the city, the Metal's rush horse, "Well, this year opened this year, we will rent a office building near Parkson ... "