Netheril’s Glory

Explanation of population issues

Since I set the "curved wheat" crop is a civic version of the civic version of the pirated imitation version of the Pirates of Besali Mao, " Its production is far more than hybrid rice.

Ferren's mineral resources are also rich, and the second largest is not covered.

Due to magic and artificial existence, most plagues of the crowin have basically been extinct, which is also the Olympic teacher, but once it is gone ............ The professionals may be squatted on the spot), these will be described behind. .

Due to the activity of the elements in the air, people's body is also very strong, and the prosperity can be strengthened! (There is no family planning)!

The reasons for the large number of people in the Ferlun 's population are generally the Warcraft attack towns, and the large-scale "experiments" of various legendary professionals, the greed of the nobles, the natural disasters of all kinds of earth-critical (space distorted storms, multi-universe rules But not to talk about it).

But even if there is such a disaster that often leads to a small town or even a city, Ferren 's population is still around 150,000, a small country has hundreds of city, all 10,000 Small country, thousands of secondary countries, hundreds of people, dozens of empire! (The lack of strong legendary movement can't kill a few people as a trial product!

The exact population of all Fedun is unattended!

However, it is determined that the Philinsee is the second largest place in the whole multi-universe (the first large abyss), the number of wisdom creatures is also the second largest (the first big or abyss).

The strong people can't come out, the abyss really can do it on the area, the population, strength, RC, Fedun, plus the entire multi-universe!

Why do so many people have developed like civilizations .........

Those who have talents will go to be a profession. In addition to gout, who is scientifically, but unfortunately, the goblin doesn't like to share! The spread of knowledge is to be blocked by occupations, Shenming, and nobles.

The small drama will move, wait until the protagonist arrives at the moon, has a good forces, and controls several countries will encourage birth, and then "take" tens of millions of people as cannon as can produce "raw materials every other time" "