Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 185 Night Work Union

After the end of the round, the punk is fully aware of the fat "Tower" in front of you is a very bad role. The fat on his body just looks like a fat. If you have not guess, there is no mistake. It should be filled with a strange substance that can be arbitrarily changed, and its freight adaptability is excellent, it can be attached to a large amount of gas increase intensity.

Find here, punch can not help but brow.

This "Tower" is really worthy of his top number, which can be so easy to drive a can cone, enough to prove the power of its defense.

But if he just has a strong turtle shell, punk can not be afraid, almost after the "kinetic cone" failed, punk has completed new spells.

"Official Crama"

"Supervil Skills - Magic Compression"

Similarly, the iron towers who have smashed the neck are more anger. He quickly turned to the body, with the shield of the spikes, the high-concentration of the earth, gathered on his short leg, see this human form The murder beast is about to initiate a new charge once.

"Official Grade Story - Charge"!

"Two friends, how is it for me?"

Just when the next round of fighting, a light fluttering passed into the field.

In the face of the existence of the enemy friend, punk and "Tower" immediately stopped the battle to see the center, they all know that the most unstable factor during the battle is the sudden "and things".

I saw a man wearing a snow-white windbreaker. I didn't know when I appeared next to the venue. There was a bright fizzant in his waist. The messy hair is bright, and the sharp face is smiling. It looks only. Can let people think about a creature - fox.

"Damn, do you want to find it too!"

"Tower" is a madman, one is unreasonable, but his body keeps defense and there is no action. It is obvious that "Tower" is a madness but not a fool. He knows that he must protect Sneak attack.

The punk is just quiet, he is also vigilant to look at this unidentified white man.

At this time, there was no guests under the official level, and the five official levels gathered here were in a strange balance, and now the scene can be said very nervous. Even if you have always been a cloudless boss, you have no thoughts.

Similarly, no one dares to make an over-excited action, because in this tense, any person may have a possible representative of the attack may be attached to other people.

The tension atmosphere lasted for two minutes, and finally the white man spreads his hands and then broke the silence.

"Now everyone should be calm, please accommodate me to introduce, I am the President of the Night Walker League, you can call me the white night, just find out the strength, so sincerely invite everyone to join us Together, we will take advantage of the interests in the dark. "

After that, a man who claims to be white-night is careful to give a nobility invitation to etiquette, and then not in words.

"What is the conditions we join, what is the benefits, what you have in a so-called interest?

The punk asked almost tweaking the white night.

After the punk, everyone is ready to listen to the replies of the white night, no matter what, the five official levels present in the scene are completely self-tailing, and there is no interest to do it.

"Yeah, I hate you so little, I don't want to listen to you without goodness."

This is the question of "Tower", the attention points are a bit different ............

After hearing the punk problem, the white night friendly smiled and said:

"Our Night Walker Alliance is very loose. The access to the task is all voluntary, the task is shared, and it is not possible. The union itself is just a platform provider and the task. Of course, these tasks are mostly in line with the interests of the alliance, which is also "compensation" required by the alliance.

We need to know that due to the pressure of the Dirun Kingdom of the Country - Saurling, our identity "sensitive" people have to hide the head, not enough resources, so we should unite and work together. "Hunting "! As for our affiliates ......... I will tell you, the title of our growers is "Silver Cane"!

"Silver cane, is the owner of the Blackburg Camp, the Silver Conduch ** teacher".

After listening to the white night, the first blood claw is called.

At this time, everyone was very shocked. They didn't think of the only one behind the organization, and the "Tower", the "Tower", made a decision:

"Laozi joined, I didn't see the fake gentleness, and I had to let me kill it."

"No problem, attack some churches and nobles are the project we must have."

White night smiled and throwing a dark card of "Tower", then said:

"That card is identified, and if there is a task, it will also be notified, please accept it.

After that, there is twisted head to look at the punk and blood claws on the white night:

"Several one is just added to see, this card does not have any organ trap, the silver cane is just the master of the master, not the legend, I think the caster over there can be correct testing"

After that, I didn't have a few people to answer, and the white night threwed a black card to three people, and the precision of the trajectory allowed all cards to fly in the hands of three people.

The punch is carefully returned, then the command of the Magic No. 2 replaces himself to catch the card.

The material of the card can be said that it is normal to the extreme, it can be said that the magic conduction is high, only the above magic imprints prove that this card is indeed from a master of master.

After a fast detection of the system, only one text transfer method carries it. The punk is basically determined by a mage as an advocated alchemy, and there is no hand on the card.

I saw that everyone took care of black cards, and smiled while smiling in the white night, I continued:

"You don't need to be so nervous. The authenticity of the task can be confirmed before, even if the task is halfway to exit, it is allowed to be betrayed, the only loss is just a trophy. You don't need to carry cards with you. Emphasize! All the mandates of our Night Walker Alliance will live full. "

It is so clear that the white night is so clear that punk's response also proves that the card itself does not have problems, the blood claws and bosses have collected black cards.

Punk is faintly look at the white night, then put the black card into the ring.

Although he seems uncomfortable to accept black cards, he still thinks that this day is encountered from the madman - RC "Tower" to this unidentified white night, not coincidence, not to mention .........

"Sure enough, all the official grades of all Blackburg camps are here in this day!"

Punk murderees feel, secretly thinking in your heart.
