Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 198 Aix's decision

"Wik Sword, don't you come out, see me?"

Outside the big army baked in the Mi Gig, a unsolved blonde girl with two servants who have never been dressed in the military camp, and the beauty that just angryly roaring The girl is Turlinka.

At this moment, Terrelin and her loyal ruling official Ax and maida have been surrounded by less thousands of army groups, but they have three no fear, but they are more close to soldiers one by one. The official grade percentage of Aix leaked, scared the leg belly, and several soldiers sweeped by Ax were even afraid to fall on the ground.

Terrelin did not pay attention to these "Aristocrats" who only bullied the poor people. She stared at a high-level account that was in the military camp with a double-eyed dinner.

The princess of Teleinka is also a knight who is a priest-level peak. It is aware that a formal Judan, which has not been concealed, is still doing it. It has been around for about five minutes. Wick sword is not slow I came out of the account, he deeply saw Tenlin card, and then closed his eyes tired:

"Hey! Temple of Trinka, you are still coming, you are still still, you ........... finally came."

After eating a deep sigh, wearing a fire red armor, carrying the flashing of the magic Light's hands, the Victor, the Victor, which is far away.

In the face of Vick complex eyes, Terrelin card responded with the most angry eyes and discourse:

"Vik, you still have a face to see me, you still have the face leading this army, you still have the face of the" Mu Feng Discipherrant ", you are still the victory of the country."

"There is no doubt that I am Wik Jian Sheng, my loyalty has never been a dusty dust, and I have a" Mu Feng Discipher ", I can come up with the chest."

In the face of the Question of the princess of Turlinka, Wik did not hesitate to answer, his tone, the sound is powerful, and it is perfect to cover the helplessness and pain in the hidden.

"This is your so-called loyalty to the country? Is your loyalty to raise the butcher knife for the innocent people? Is it the three princess of the Royal Dirun's royal family?"

Teleinca sets the hands of the iron armor into a fist, and the sturdy leather could not suffer from huge strength.

"As your childhood swordsman teacher, I have to correct your three mistakes"!

Vik plainly looked at Turlin card that fought vigorously volatile with anger, and said:

"First, my loyal object is only one from beginning to end - that is the sacred king.

Second, raising the butcher knife is not my original, I am just ordered, as a tool for war, my behavior never exists any "nature."

Third, you are not the three princess of the Dilong Royal, according to the orders of the great king, starting from the end of the third month of the cold, you are a big rebellious, must be in extreme prison. "

After that, Vic also suddenly released his own pressure, and the soldiers around a time did not return to the tapered tie, and they didn't return, let anyone see it, here is here to become three The warfield, the princess, the princess, did not move the "loyalty" Wik Sheng.

"How can you do this…………"

Seeing that Vik Sword is not moving, Turlinka has once again felt weakness and sadness of the desperate group, she didn't understand why the other person who personally taught himself is kind, what is the teacher - Vik Jian Sheng wants to make this kind of behavior without goodness.

Desperate Turlin Card Princess has brought a crying and praise:

"Wik teacher, look at the god of Justice, tell me this is not true, you are a kind force, you have to return your own subject, this is not you taught me?"

Looking at the princess of Tenka Card, the Victor's eyes couldn't help but show a hesitation, but in the next moment, this wipes were unquestionated and completely replaced.

"The command of the king, I - the aristocratic Joint army will announce the victim, the leader of the rebellion" Glory Army "is not a way, intention, rebel offering the royal family, selling the country, in the resolution of the king The death penalty .......... Now, now "!

After that, the Wick Jack Sacred "Mu Feng Discipherrant" wrapped around the energy romance, at this moment, the whole person in Victs seems to have become a sword that cut everything. The horror of the smashing mountains, the horror of the torn land rushed to the sky, and the entire battlefield was burned because he was born with a little fire.

"The great justice of the gods, ask you to descend the miracle to let the generals of Vick awake, is this the loyalty representing" order ", but why did I only see a deeper dark?"?

The princess of Terreka finally realized that he could not convince 's Victor, from the small to the big "princess" life brings her only blind self-confidence, now, Turlin Card has to admit - fact I don't know if I don't know the Victor Sheng, even if the powerful Judan has been a teacher who is five or six years.

"Naya, you have leaving the princess hall, I will be able to resist the Saint Victor here."

Ax didn't expect Wik Sheng Sheng, did not say a few words, he had to attack, he quickly ordered Naaya with this Turkin withdraw.


Naa, silent, immediately nodded, her thin body abruptly disappeared in the air, followed by, standing next to the horse, taking the lips forcibly letting himself wake up from the Weijian Shengthen horror Linka Princess is also lost in an instant.

In less than a second, Na Ya and Terrelin are like disappearing, there is no trace or atmosphere between turns.

I saw Naaya to take the Turlinka, and Aix took out a cold sword with a cold shining, and then she went silently:

"It's very good, Na Ya, just with the princess temple, it is, no matter how the princess is, it has been personally adventurous with the enemy, and even my ruling officer has sacrificed this negotiation. Among them, those who have accused the princess of the princess did not have a bravely stood up and negotiated. "

In fact, when the Princess Trinka Caqin is intention to the Migggee, Ax also wants to use a tough means to prevent blind confident princess, but he will realize that he can't do that.

Some power to support the glory force to continue to work hard from Tenlinka, which is committed to the princess of "not afraid of sacrificing protection."

After the "Church Party" aristocrats prepared to massacre, after the news of the people in the Kingdom, the soldiers of the glory army and the people who support the glory army need to see the princess, they hope that the princess of Terreca will negotiate, to stop, At least we must do our utmost to protect our subjects.

If this time the princess of Terrekka has not come out, then there is no need to fight again in the morning church. The glory army of the leader of Turlin Card is really going to face collapse.

"With Na Ya's god, with my fight against death, with Wik is a sword, it is not good at chasing. The proliferation of the princess is absolutely over 80%, and when they see the princess, they will be born, all the glory army. It will be thoroughly thoroughly hitting the enemy .......... The Dirun Kingdom still has hope! "

Ax optimistic thinking that the Glory Army is not afraid of the scene of the front line in the command of Turlinca, and he only feels that his blood has to ignite.

Imagine the future of hope, Ax, who is born outside, roaring, dozens of dark blue arcs jumped in the long sword in his hand.

"Come on, Vic, let me see if your blade is like the rumors"! "