Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 200 Na Ya's fall

"No, how can this, Ax, Ax actually ............"

In order to force the cry of you, the lips of the princess of Turlinka were bitten with blood. She relied on the shoulders of Naaya. Only such Terrekca can make her grief to get a soft comfort.

"In the princess, we must live, I swear".

Seeing Teleinka sadness, Naaya only felt that it was as painful in the heart, she used a fine to heard the sound silently, the shadow energy continued to promote the body. .

"A little faster, a little more, just leave these damn fog, you can sneak into the shadow, so it will be a little more!"

Na Ya's figure is already the remaining shadow. She is very fast, but Naia is still much more than these fog, in fact, as long as there is another five seconds, Na Ya can be separated from the range of light fog, and Nana and Turlin card who have elapsed again will basically declare the sneak success.

But do you give them this opportunity?

Seeing Naaya flying in the fog, I just killed the Wik of Ax on the sword, only shook his head.

The strong people around Turlin Caica said that they have excellent quality, great potential, faithful, if they grow up, will be the talents of the Dirun Kingdom, Vik really does not want these future "pillars" Hardcore killer, but ............

"Official Grade Story - Fighting Wings"!

"Secrets - Yan Chong!"

Vik Jian Sheng did not shook his head, throwing out all the thoughts in the heart and then launched the fight.

A large amount of hot fire property is on the back of Victor, and then quickly condenses into a giant wings, the rocks of the ravage hot air, accompanied by the ravage of violent heat waves, and the statue of Victor.

The speed of the wing of the vibrant is commented amazing, but Wik Sheng Sheng still feels insufficient, he is cautious with one of the secrets of one of the bottom cards.

Two blazing fire rings surrounded Vic's body, heat promotion allowed Vikebra's flying into the team again.

The results of the pursuit naturally did not have any suspense, and Vic flew to the team with the entrance of the supersonic fighter, and Naaya just runs with the princess of Telelin, who is wearing armor, in three seconds. After that, Na Ya was chased by Victor.

"Goodbye, named Na Ya's brave"!

Wik is sighing, and then highlights the giant sword "Mu Feng Discipherrant" to the brilliant armor from the air, the burning armor burns red, burned the giant sword of Bear Flame It is even in the half air to cut out fine spatial cracks.


Vik's attack is like a meteorite dropped from the sky, and the destruction he caused is not to go to the meteorite.

The horrible energy moment broke out, the ravaged wind rolled away, every sand dust, Victor's grounds around the ground, was turned over, and the location in the center of Victor There is a huge blast, and a crack running throughout the pit is also burned with a heat wave. It is the power of the Victorian Sanzi, the earth is burned by high temperature, the rock is cut off, the space is Tear removed fine cracks.

In the center of the , the body of Naia's body is black, the limbs are broken, and the blood is blushing, and the ordinary tattered wrap is as weak, and there is no movement in the crystalline rock, there is no Anything a little.

The princess of Turlinka is intact next to Naaya's body. Her hair is still the beautiful, bright silver armor does not even contaminate a dust.

"It turns out that in the last moment, I will give you the shadow plane that Turinka will be given to the Knight of the Knight, but I don't have the attack."

Seeing the princess of the Terreka, the Trinka, who is around Naia, and Wik Jian Sheng already knows what the laden is not in a very second.

He suppressed a sigh of relief, and he was unattended. It was clearly prepared to release the fighting technology - charge, it was clear that Naia saved the princess of Turlin card that was originally impossible to live, but only left Naia, the dead bodies, have threatened Wik Sheng Sheng.

"No, it shouldn't be like this, Nay, tell me this is not true, hurry up, ask you!"

Turlin Caigan did not pay attention to the Wik Jian Sheng, who was awarded by the wind. She was in hand, and she took the hand of Naaya to try to splicing the original position. The teardrop is smooth and smooth. Slide, the tears of the big droplets fall on Naaya burned the body.

However, the princess of Terreka is not the protagonist in the knight. Her tears will only be evaporated in half air. Naias can't live because of her cry.

Regardless of how painful, no matter how sad, no matter how it is unwilling to believe that Turlin Ca's princess has to accept the fact that Ax and Nay have died.

"Great , as a loser, I have already looked died, but why do you have a price for my mistake? Is this the test of justice? Is this" test "also called "Justice"!

The confused girl prayed to the gods, but there would be no gods to respond to the believers who have not reached any official level.

"Okay, the Trinka Temple, what is the lastment you want to say, if not, .......... The monks will perform the command of the king."

Vik walked to Turlinka, and the "Mu Feng Discipher Punmers" was gumped with the White neck of Turlin.

"Lord, are you laughing at me?

In the face of the approach of death, in the face of the grief of the person who passed away, Terrelinca did not sink in the sad desperation as a very common girl. She firmly wiped the tears on her face, with a cold and quiet eyes Unnevered acessed Victor.

"As a loser who is not buckle, I thank you for giving me a decent end, but as the last hope of this country - the leader of the" Rong Yao Army ", I condemned your ignither, more condemnation King of the king "!

The hearts of Turlinca are full of endless anger, sadness, and unwanted, but ultimately, all emotions are all kinds of cold words and their attention to the response to Victor.

"Wik Sword, the country and department is my most precise existence. It is more important to love than my life, and you are destroying all of them, now, use it by my ancestors. Disciplinary people cut my skull.

I swear here, if I am alive ........... I will inevitably launch the most crazy revenge for you behind you. "

Turlinka, closed eyes, said, her voice is like a hundred spirits, cold.