Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 218 Torn Defense

amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Hu Yan, don't marry with you?"

? LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; feels that Kurin is a fascinating eyeliner, and Trinka Princess is almost conscious.

LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "And you think I don't know what abacus is playing your Camos kingdom, compose foreign military? Said, don't just want to swallow us "glory army"


LT; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Telein's face, she can't imagine that Kroscourn is so shameless, they The so-called "help"

It is actually the stone of the Dirun Kingdom.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; you want to see, once those "glory"

Really in the Kingdom of Camos, in the army of being dismustted in Camos, which "glory army" will there be a few years later?

Soldier remembers the glory of the Dirun Kingdom? Will there be a person is willing to throw a head and sprinkle the blood of the Dirun Kingdom? LT; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Camo Kingdom's wolf ambition is Zhao, how can Trinka princess can not be angry, now only Loyalty to the Dirlan army only left the "glory army" for more than 150,000

Once even this army has also forgotten the glory of the Dirun Kingdom ......... The Dirun Kingdom really has to completely become the affiliated country of the morning church.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "This is the country established by the Dirun Kingdom, is an independent sacred country, I am never Allows it to become the attachment of the church of the morning ......... "

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Turlinca's gaze, eye-catching man, she uses low sink The voice said: lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Every soldier of the glory army is the warrior of our Dirun Kingdom, they never Will be the hand of the people of the "

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "No, no, no, don't use" hand "

So ugly words describe it, you have to know, I am helping you keep the "glory army"

Warrior, if your warrior is dead on the battlefield, what is the loyalty to say? "

? lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Kurlen ignored Turlin's anger, as always, using an exaggerated tone tried to obey Terelinka princess.

LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Dear Princess His Hall, you don't have to worry about the" Good intention of the soldier refused to receive Camos "

As long as you have married, the Kingdom of Camos and Dirun Kingdom is a friendly neighbor, "Glory Army"

The warrior will not even go to a friend to be a guest, "

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Kurlen's expression is more greedy, he himself also closer to Turlin card, until it The princess of Lenka is aversion to two steps, and Kurlen is exaggerated to suck the speech of a girl's fragrance.

LT; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; see Kurlen's ugly, Teleinka is almost unprecedented, she can't accept " Glory

Stroved by the Kingdom of Camos and can't receive such a man becoming your husband.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; guy with Kurun forms marriage? I am afraid that I am more wonderful than this!

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; this is the idea of ​​Turlin.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; heart's anger and disgusting Trickka princess cold face, she is already in front of him Breast's nonsense.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "The soldiers of the glory army will stick to their glory, I will not live up to their expectations, card Moss's messenger still please return, I believe that under the efforts of Zhong Zhicheng, "Glory Army"

Must be ............ "

LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Do you have anything?

? lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Kurlen suddenly broke out the words of Princess Tenka, his voice has improved. One octave, the tone of the tone is full of ridicule: lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Your soldier There is no doubt that is loyal, I heard that they are not afraid of ten times a strong enemy, even if only the last person is left, they will also shout the name of their beloved princess!

But this is a real world, loyalty can't let the soldiers have resistant to thousands of people, and they can't reinforce them that they have not been repaired.

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; As far as I know, the next offense of Chenxi Church will start, let me think about them Fortunate ... It seems that there is a seven official level of the holy person to bring the team, the captain seems to be called "heres with the killing"

I heard that the captain I like to use a burning iron plate to block the skin of the captive official, hehe!

The loyal officials who have to respected the princess of Turlin Cala can be unlucky ............ "

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Don't say ..."

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Let me think about it, I remember that the aristocratic coalition seems to start from the north, they The army has more than 300,000, but the North "Glory Army"

The defenders seem to be more than 50,000, !

It's a disappersion, I want to stay in the living, I can't stay ............ "

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "I told you to say it!"

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; as Karen said more, Turlinka brain is once again started to emerge. The impact, she seems to see countless soldiers who accuse themselves, that is the scene she can see every night, the loyal soldiers shouted "glory"

The slogan is fried as a broken meat, and the family who dies the soldiers cried before the death of a paper. It was fainting ............ lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp NSP; amp; nsp; On the day of the uprising, Ten Linka told himself that these sacrifices are necessary, they are "glory"

The sacrifice pays is meaningful. In their sacrifices, victory will inevitably go step away.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; but in the heart, Terrelin can't be asking yourself: lt; r / gt; lt; R / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Is the so-called glory really more precious than life? What is the victim of the warrior really worth? Continue such a war really Is ushered in victory? "

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; now Kurlen tears the last defense line in Turlin card, he put everything Pointed in a statement, forcing the 18-year-old Turlin card.

LT; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; continue to fight, but everyone will die, or .......... live, at least let soldiers Have a chance to live!

LT; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Trinka confused, she didn't know how to choose it, is "Dilan Kingdom Hope "

This identity is going to think, or you should follow "Girl Terrelin Card"

This is the same as you choose.

LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; see Trushenka Princess is completely lost, Kurlen not only stopped speaking, but struggled Before going to grab the princess of the Terreka on the mimeh, he used his hand to hold the princess's chin to look at himself, and then loudly "make the knife"

: Lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Your soldiers are fighting for you, but you just want them to go to white Your soldiers are still waiting for them to join the "pillar"

Triumph, but they not only can't wait for their loved ones, they will become a low-lying slave, but they are even burned by the fire. Now I will answer me, respected the Temple of the princess of Terre, do you really want your people's life, You really have a heart ......... I looked at them. "

? LT; R / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Finished, Kurenton opened his hand, Ren Relinka poured on the cold ground.

LT; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; "Enough, don't say, please don't say, I promised, I promised ............ "

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; Slighten Turlin card couldn't help but tears, she didn't know how they were Ok, but she knows that she can't bear to look at the soldiers who are loyal to the kingdom die.

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp;

lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; see Trushenka princess lost the soul, Cullen's dark rings have been pinching Sorry, no matter what to say, he is an ordinary person without a career level, and he is still a lot of pressure on a priest of Turlinka.

lt; r / gt; lt; r / gt; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; amp; nsp; but now, he knows yourself.