Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 241

One brilliant circle is extremely fast, at least in punch, you will find less than a second from the beginning to another, just in this time, during this period, the punk can be determined, even with the system analysis, I still have no perception. To any space fluctuations, it can be seen that the level of this transmission ability is high.

The light curtain in front of you quickly dissipated, and punk also started collecting information from the surrounding environment in the first time.

This is a big room, which is more than the football field on the earth. The walls around them are naturally the mysterious legendary alchemy, and the room is still quite empty. No gas does not have a water source. In addition to the four corners of the wall, there is a very shabby laminate, there is only a few big quarters in the venue.

However, because the alchemy walls in the room flicker, the big "trial farm" is not too dim, and the faint golden gloss reluctantly illuminates most of the area of ​​the test refining.

While collecting environmental information, punk is now replacing your clothes, I don't know how to change, and now, the masters of the masters in his body include storage ring, and the greenhouse of the green is already disappeared.

Although the remains of the Western Civilization can do not feel strange without knowing that it is unknowing, but he is still a "anti-stroke" means of this harsh buddy, you must know that he is Even if you can't activate any curing spell, there is a toughness of the hard antirector.

"The dead buckli robe has no hood, it is really province!"

The punk is dark in the heart, and his a blue head and the pointed ear are rarely unable to cover up, which makes the punk feel some are not used to it.

But now, on the eve of the battle, all the above things are finished by punk within a few seconds, and now he is silently fighting his enemies, and that standing in the center of the venue.

The high thin figure is covered with a black cloak floating in the air, and his fingers are only three, and each is a pale bone, which is completely covered with face covered faces and Expressive expression, only three faint ghosts are cold and staring at opposite punk.

Obviously, the enemy faced by punk is not human, punk, also knows this creature, it is a completely tail-tired, soul!

This semi-primitive half-entity monster wanders all the year round, they are usually very good at handing resentment, and can also engrave the soul of other creatures, and the name of "Pastoral" is here.

These monsters will not have any human wisdom after reaching the official level, they all cultivate magic, but most of the souls don't have to cast magic, but they choose to concentrate on their talent spells, so most of the past The souls are all walking talent Warlock route (specialist who specializes in talents).

Combined with the results of environmental exploration and analysis of this biological data for the souls, punk got a lot of intelligence in just less than a second:

"Well, summary, I still have three advantages.

First: This is not a dead position, there is no any death creature, so the soul of the soul of the "blood return magic skills - the soul swallowed" will not be used.

Second: The resentment of the soul summon is universal enough, so broad venue is very suitable for swimming tactics.

Finally: As a "blog" caster, I have a lot of understanding of the talents of the soul, but he can't understand what spell I do. "

"It looks that the advantage is still very big ............ big fart! People are a master of master herd, let your strengths see ghosts"!

The punk almost opened his voice, just he got the system's auxiliary results, standing opposite to the fifteen masters of the fifteen masters just stepped into the master threshold, although Punk's fourteen and There is only one level of gap between the fifteen, but this level is a big realm, if the punk runs away, he is a bit grasp, but it is necessary to use the hard screw other than the magic items ............ This is a wooden !

Punk, even if you can't even get rid of the big side, you can only hurry to sprint the place, because he saw the soul of the soul, slightly flashing slightly.

I have already vigilant punk, I don't want to avoid it, "kinetic energy shot" + "magic compression" This escape method is more and more smooth.

It turns out that the punk's response is too correct.

Just after his body, a dark ray almost wiped his back, and the kinetic energy entangled on punk was instantly erased into a large piece.

The silent black ray hit in the empty, the alchemy floor is of course not damaged by the district master's attack, but the kind of pure negative energy that is scaven is, but the horror, that is The temperature instantly dropped to zero one hundred degrees, and punk in high moving states could not be hit by autonomous.

"Master's Plasticity" spell - negative energy (talented version) ............ Never be hit, as long as you go up, you will die "!

The punk is joined to feel the conclusion of the negative energy fluctuations behind the body - this is a thorough master spell, and there is no weakening at half. If you accidentally touch it, you are a bone. Lower!

During the process of all flying, punk also tried to align a soul of the "trial field" center, but a pity, it is a pity that people's souls have a contemptuous look. Instant talents blocked the attack of the kinetic cone.

"Master's Plasticity Spectroys - Negative Genetics (Talent Methods)".

"See the ghost! Well, I really see the ghost .......... Now, this ghost is hit, it is dead, the attack is not broken, do you want me to consume and consume a master of master? I dare to bet. Can die ten me "!

Even if it is a calm punk, there is a little anxious. I have just a "negative energy" wipe punk slightly, or if the punk mechanism is free, "kinetic ejection", now his head is gone!

"How to fight this B, completely open, there is wood!"

The intake of punch can only be deliberately decorated and fearful, and as much as possible, the soul who don't know high, it is best to keep the other party's contempt.

Punk has been calm down in your heart, and you will not affect punk thinking!

"There is absolutely a way, Nutsherll civilization will not be inexplicably let the successor will die, theoretically the winner is absolutely existed!" LT; LGT; ... lt; gt;
