Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 347 Unexpected Protest

"What do you want to do, want to rebel?"

I saw the "Glory War" that the nobles who were unparalleled, and the Glory War of Glory, and Ji I only felt that the lungs were blown. During this time, he has been addressing various arrangements in the army. Thinking of these seemingly weak nobles actually jointly, I dare to collectively protest when the war is about to begin.

Thinking of this, Jagi is not covered with his sword handle - the battle of glory is absolutely not allowed to be disturbed, but ... these nobles are important in the country of this country, and even several big families are also crucial. Food trade.

For a time, Ji Ni didn't know what follow-up, strictly said that the nobles made an obstacle are not to violate the order in the nobles. The sub-conservation system implemented by the Maple Leaf Kingdom and the monarch ** parallel system is allowed to be in the parliament Against the objection.

No words don't say anything else, but the nobles have long been expressing their opinions for a long time.

I saw the gaze of the owner of the palace hall, one sitting at the forefront of the old aristocratic stood up:

"Zodas people, now it is the morning, if there is time, you may wish to listen to the old man."

The old aristocrat did not shook in the eyes of Jiao Niger. He looked up with the gorgeous crutches straight back, and even the clouds were light and light.

Then, the old aristocrat is not unknown:

"Zodas people, the judgment of the kingdom suffered from three hundred years ago really makes everyone uneasy, my grandfather has also returned to the embrace of Tiro under the moment of - throat, the evil The shame of Black Dragon has never been forgotten by us, but .......... "

Speaking of this, the old aristocrat raises his head and gods, the gods standing in the sunshine - Zodas:

"... But life will continue to continue, the kingdom still has to continue, our blood will also inherit, and the war will not be glory, courage and sincerity are still instead of bread! Zodos Adults, your age I am big, and the old man who is old, the old man, can only be a child, so maybe we can't understand your concept ... But this country really can't bear more war again, even the richest The aristocrat has also exhausted the last home wealth ............ "

"To shut up…………"

"............ Every noble territory has begun to be ridiculous, more and more poor are displaced ............"

"Enough, give me a badmation, this coward"!

Angry Coco interrupted the narrative of the old aristocrat, because his hair, his hair started without wind, the ground under the foot is more instantaneous inch crack, at this moment, the anger of the anger is like a lion !

The anger lion slammed the sword, and then issued the roaring of the Avengers:

"You have a coward of this group, you know that the enemy is being raging, the despicable aggressor is ruling our people, the glory of justice is shaking, the glory of the kingdom is thrown into the sludge Decline, now the sacred war is about to begin, these weak people are actually retreatful ............ "

Speaking of this, Jiao ni is a step forward, and the brick stone in the hall is accompanied by "" "sound slice:

"I - Maple Leaf Kingdom Protection University General Jagi Sagas will never allow this happening in my country, now I ask you to ask you, immediately send all the private army and leaders to participate in the battle, listen Ok, this is a order! As long as you have a nobleman belonging to the Kingdom of Maple Leaf, you must abide by the command. "

The sound of Jiao Ni is tone. The scar on the face is more accompanied by a green gluten. The horrible momentum swept the whole palace hall. I don't know how many aristocrats were scared. I can't move. .

However, the headless aristocrat is not scared by the roaring of Jagi. He is dead with turbid eyes to die with turbid eyes, and then almost talk about it:

"If you insist on war ... then, we will lead our family and wealth to leave this country! So please accept the order, otherwise, the French family will represent the 30th Lord of the Northern Cevet, the Kingdom of Maple Leaf, announced voluntarily to give up All the title "of the Maple Leaf Kingdom"!

The old aristocrats' words are low and even hoarse, and they are difficult to say. Sadness and helplessness are full of this almost incredible words - I want to know that in the Ferren, the title is almost every family most important thing, even if countless The treasures and reputation can't catch up with a bull's title, because the title representative is a symbol of an identity, representing all the nobility of the family of the family, unless you encounter the family's large crisis, or a real rights aristocrats give up the title almost Is an unimaginable thing.

But now, the old nobles do this, and those who do this are not only the old aristocrat.

"The Duke of Ke Mo, please Zodas adults recovered the order, otherwise, the 26th lord of the Maple Leaf Kingdom will announce the voluntarily giving up all the title of the Maple Leaf Kingdom ..."

"And me, the 12th lords of the east wheat field will announce ........."

"I am also a 28th lord in Chaoyou Valley ............"

After a long silence, another real-honored noble began to threaten the coke in the capital of twelve big dukes, and their voice or is full of helplessness, or full of angry, but ......... The aristocrats in the field still chose to use this most helpless way to force the Coco to change the decision.

This is never just a threat. If Jiaki is not willing to change attention, then these aristocrats really make such a decision. After all, they have some years of searching for people, even if they have no downtown, but they can still be a rich business in other countries.

Of course, the right to give up the ancestors of the ancestors is very distressed, but they can't meet the requirements of Jagi, and the destruction of Maple Leaf has also been referred to as the day. Now, many weak nobles are even really considering. Abandon the tattered big ship of the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

"... Coward! Coward! Cowar, is a group of escapes ... coward"!

Under the anger, Jiao Ni's teeth biting the crushing, looked at these nobles in such the most irresponsible way in such a key moment, and Jiao Ni is really anxious, these nobles have mastered this. Many important rights have a lot of private troops, controlling a large number of wealth ............ Especially the Dukes also control the business between Maple Leaf Kingdom and Chuckara Kingdom, once these nobles really strike ......... ... The Maple Leaf Kingdom can be broken in this winter.

When I think about it, Jagi is extremely anxious. He really wants a sword to die, but ... he can't do so, Jiakao is still a "back", even if you don't consider what is broken The problem, he can't just just because "political opposition" will kill the ring.

But .......... Anxiety is just a person in Ji Ni, and it is also just an Ji Ni.

Just when the Royal Palace Hall is about to fall into silence again, an ice-cold voice sounded.

"That ... interrupt you, if I have not heard the wrong words ... Do you want to stop this war?"