Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 407 Town Town

"Can you evil, is today all people die in these livestock?" -

Standing on the city wall of the town, the Baron, which was covered with blood, made an angry roar.

The sheep's attack has never been windy. In the three attacked towns, the two treasures were destroyed and pulled. Generally, this group of bloodthirsty sheamers did not have good equipment, the weapon is just a stone And the woodl ', but their strength is really super ordinary human, a group of 2 meters high, the sheep head of the two-three meters is really not the side town in the desert to be resistant.

Now, only the soldiers in the three towns will gather in the last hazelnut forest town. The people who come to the hearts of the people have burned the generations of the generations of the generation, and the fire is burning. This last small town reluctantly delayed the footsteps of the sheep's attack.

But ... The flame will not be burned forever, when a green forest is burned, its extinguishing will be as fast as its combustion.

The hazelnut forest is just a war forest around the town. In fact, only a afternoon, the bears burned to swallow the wealth of the people, and the fire that blocked the sheep's attack gradually extinguished.

At this moment, although the embers of the forest have a Mars, the barbalism's sheep head is not afraid to rush to the small town. In the eyes of the town of the treasters, these are full of more colors. ' The wooker of the pigment war is tantamous to rushing out of hell, and the fire of the big fire is emerging. 'Waven' does not hinder them, and the fire is filled with the air, 'Strike has sent their violent.

"What can I do, what can I do?"

Seeing that the sheep head has killed half of the militia rushed to the city wall, the bullion of the blood drops did not help but urgently, the eyes were blood.

However, in the battlefield, it is meaningless, and an anxiety is only dangerous for the soldiers.

"Hey, ah, ah,"!

When the Baron's heart is hot, a sheep head does not know when to climb the wall, now this at least two meters of five sheep's warriors are on the side of the terrible roar, facing the bungee. The bone big 'stick' smashed down.

Under the urgent urgency, the Baron only encompassed the long sword in his hand attempt to resist, but in front of the blood-filled bone 'stick, a little long sword appeared so small, when the big' stick 'squatted At the time, the Baron and his long sword will be broken by this sheep's head. The strength of a sheep's head is not ordinary human becomes.

"It's time, you have to die"!

Seeing that there is a huge bone 'stick "than your own head, it is getting closer and closer, and the Baron's heart is only the rest of the thoughts.

If there is no accident, the Baron of the three small towns is going to die on this bloody city, and next, the entire towns will not be auspicious - the lambed robbery is never If you stay, they always like to put the "prey" into 'meat' mud, then bring back the tribe.

However, just like a sudden unfortunate, the same, lucky coming is often unexpected.

When the Baron has closed his eyes, the attack is not coming.

The starled Baron holds the eyes of the last fantasy, and then he swearing that he has never been a "female 'child so tears for a day.

"As a nobility, even if you face death, you should have a big eye to deal with it. Close your eyes will only look more like a coward, just this."

With a crisp, drinking is a string of flutter, in front of the Baron, the sheep head suddenly made a unbelievable eye, and his head was slipping from the head, and that is thick and flexible. The degree is not better than the soft genus, 'Mao' is so fragile, they have the bones of this sheep's head, blood vessels, muscle 'flesh' being cut, cut the wound too much, the head of the sheep head You can continue to stay on your neck for a while.

Almost mechanically moving the head, the stunned Baron looked at the little 'female' who stood next to the dagger ', at this time, there is a' female 'child with wheat' color 'skin is the' Jing 'spirit of the moonlight. Unset is unhappy.

Obviously, people now appear here naturally follow Oval because of Ericsson to save people.

"Don't feel" Strike ', I am not countless, there is a more powerful thing that is your true savior. "

'' Out of a smile, Aisha said to the Baron said that at least three sheep people have also harvested the life of at least three sheep's heads, and Eesa, who took the shadow of the shadow, is like a butterfly in the 'flower'. Even if you are in a glazed night, the kind of light figure, the cleaner's technique, the killing of the water is still being deducted by less 'female' hardcore, has a beautiful sense of dance.

"But just this is still not enough, although the sheep's priest fighters and the town's class-level tourist is attributed, and when the ordinary sheep head is afraid to let the marital, but ... sheep head There are too many people, and the killing efficiency of the two privileges is probably caught in the sheep head to kill the bloodthirsty sheep. "

Thinking of the quantity of amazing sheep's heads, the Baron's eyes were dared again, and the support of the two professionals can protect themselves and a small number of towns, but most towns still can't survive, small towns It will also be destroyed, all the wealth of his family will disappear ......... Unless this less 'female' said "more powerful savior" is really a person who slaughs into the whole sheep's army.

"How is this possible? Want to do at least the strength of the official level, how can the big person come to this remote town."

Holding the last hit and the last touch, the Baron probe looked at the city wall.

In the next second, the Baron, who had just stuffled, blindly bluntly.

He saw a scene that did not want to dream!

I saw the three towns of those who chased the three towns, the murder, the slaughter team, such as killing the 'chicken, the dog, now is actually being slaughtered!

Yes, that is, the massacre, the battle can only be called the slaughter!

I saw a brunette's teenager was raging in the army army. All the places he passed by him, the sand dust was accompanied by the hematism of the sheep's head, and flew over half of the air, due to The killing and traveling speed is too fast, in the Baron, this teenager, even incorporated into a bloodstorm, and all the sheep head people who were involved in them were smashed like a plug. Come, even those crazy sheep heads who don't know how to hit the killing toll, the super efficient slaughter whirlwind does not stop signs.

"This this……"

Baron used his hands to die, he caught the city wall and said that he didn't say it. During this time, he was really ... It's too thorns 'strike'!