Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 441 Waiting

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"Desert, it's really big, the sky, it's really bright, the wind blows the grandfather's handsome long hair, the sun kisses the cheeks of the grandfather, oh, this is a fascinating teenager, no wonder there is no wonder there Many girls are willing to hand in flowers for this uncle .......... ".

Plug the gun on the sand, standing in the rock backlight, Kahn put a look like a three-flow poet, the same as the weird poems, although the whole poem has a problem, but also a pile of It is not aware of the same uncerture.

"How is it, is it surprised by this uncle, I can't think of it. This uncle will give poems. By the way, the uncle's poem is in Miki Nattan (which of Kane The country) is very famous, and the first place in the "big poet" campaign has never dare to compete with this uncle. "

Pride show, Kane in the sparkling ribs, I still look for a shape, see that the sample should be the "beautiful man" work that is famous for a famous Felun's famous sculptor, but he The imitation is obviously like the lyrical poems he don't.

Silent sigh, I have been staring at a vulieken punk in the distance, I finally can't help but speak:

"Okay, can your guy can't be quiet? Your idiots don't think your lyric poem is more vulgar than your ride?"

All the way to the now punk is discovered, Kane guy is definitely not equipped with narcissism, he is true and true, and it is still a type of tension, even if it is about to face a tension, This guy's mouth can not be closed.

"I seriously doubt that your first is to rely on threatening examiners. After all, this is so bad lyrical poem ............ Perhaps only uses a gun holder in the neck of the examiner to make people give a heart to the first one." .

"Euras Eola Oola, that kind of idiots that don't understand art is to use force to threaten it, you can open it ............"

Ok, it seems that punk is really right, Kane's lyrical poem is really relying on the ride in his hand.

However, the Kane in the words is not intended to be tangled in this topic. Stretching, looking at the oasis of the distance, this uncomfortable knight looks more to the punk's gaze, there is more doubts and vigilance.

Pick up the ribs again, let the long rods of the ribs like touching the toughness, Keyne said to the punk, saying:

"First put down the grandfather's lyric poetry ............ I said, carefully calculate us waiting here for a day, now this uncle is super ~ doubt, your guy ... What are you waiting for? "?"

Flexible shaking a gun in his hand, Kane once again aimed at the indigenous oasis, it is clear that this knight is waiting for it, or say ... he is in punk. Waiting "suspicion has not hidden:

"My old friend, you don't tell me that Sovente's trap is ready to complete, can you start, then when we should have nothing to do, why must you wait here to wait for a day? , This is really strange? If you are discovered, it is not very troublesome. "

"I am not saying, we are waiting for a good helper"!

Looking at Keyne is full of vigilant, punk's tone is still unseudolized.

"If you don't want to wait ... You can rush in and Soven, my prophetic spell tells me the old nest of the dream, as a heroic knight, you can now rush to put the ground Lite up a hole, don't I stop you? "

After the tutorial response, the punk continued to continue to use a variety of prophetic spells, although Kane is already a little, but the punk is not worried, no matter what the knight is It is not that I have already discovered my own plan for myself. When I started to start, I was a friend who was a friend. I didn't sit down and talk about it.

Seeing punk uncomfortable perfunction, Kane's eyes clearly flashed a angry brilliance, he is now very sure that the Master in front of you will definitely play the idea of ​​"Eating", but just as the intake of intake, He still rushed into the oasis hard stroke Sossend, so no matter what conspiracy is there, Keyne can only be temporarily moving.

Silently slammed, finally, Cairn still returned to the soft sandy sand and then continued to write the lyrical poems that category, but at this time, Kane's poems obviously be more unfumant. Ridicule

"Oh, what is the great poet saw something, the beetle on the sand dunes drill holes, it is waiting for its prey? Is it a brick to add bricks? The dunes seem to be cool back, but it is obvious Don't do it safely, oh, scorpion, sad beetle will be buried, it is really stupid and live. "

Regardless of whether Keyne's foot lyrical poems continue, the passage of time will not stop.

The big desert may not be easy to feel the change of time, after all, from the morning, Mira and Chucka's glory has grinded with the sake of the hammer.

But once you go to the evening, as the burning sun finally disappears above the horizon, the fast-reduced temperature will tell all the cold time in the desert, until the sky is completely dark, and the cold is not The cold wind in the Horses Mountains is swept in every inch of sand dunes and oasis. At this time, the desert is undoubtedly a dark and dead world. Even the most full of feathers don't dare to fly on the sky at this time.

But ... The dragon is clearly not afraid of such a little short.

I perceived more obvious "soul markers", the mouth of the mouth gradually evacuated, very clear, a "accommodation", a "accommodation", which has begun to get the old nest of this dream session, a fight that can be expected It is about to be staged, and that the escape from the Hoshan vein is also finally going to draw a journal.

"Oval - Acacid throat"!

The micro-side sides of the slightly cannot be checked, because the distance is too far, even punk's eyesight can only see a vague cloud in the dark sky, but he knows that these peaceful Baiyun will tear into a fragment by the dragon's roaring, and the timing of yourself will come soon.

"Well, Keyne, no need, let's depart"!

I estimate the speed of Black Dragon flight and arrival. After a little, I started to prepare the defense spell while reminding Kane, who is bored to the carving stone, of course, the facts will not go to punch. " Waiting ", but it should be" already waiting. "

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