Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 456 Chapter of the Evil Second Level Lord's Projection Giant

At this time, the altar has completely changed a picture. I saw the center position of the altar. There were countless blood-red chains in the chaotic rune, and one of the energy locks of the soldering iron were almost incorporated. Wrap the left to the sacrifice into a scorpion.

"Ah, ah, save me, hurry to save me, I am also useful, Sovente, I also use it ............"

The severe pain instantly made Zuola in the innocent state, but this is only brought to her more torture, and the violent erosion of the abyss energy is extremely terrible. It doesn't have a second kung fu. The beautiful flower of the beautiful flower is baked by high temperature, and her soul is like a lot of holes like being eaten by some east.

But ... Zuola's sorrow is meaningless.

In addition to Oval, I won't look at the altar, I won't pay attention to the mourning of Zuo, and I started to work in the altar. Soven stood in a hidden battle. No trace, and Kane and punk are quickly adding defensive measures to meet the fall of the leadership.

In such a chaotic process, Le Zara's mourning and rescue are not destined to have any response, or ... the most important reason is ... she is already useless, and no one can save her, because - Just behind the body of Zuora, a big hand that has been energy-added as entities is extrusion from the gap opened from the altar.

With the huge energy squeezed with the huge energy, after seeing the black red big hand, the punk's face has become unprecedented.

Punk, who has the Memory of Olympic Surgee, why is the heart of the legendary level of the legendary level, even if it is now just a part of a legendary strong, this absolute rolling force is also It is still not a master of the master!

"See the ghost .......... Kane, be careful!"

There is no time to make too many reminders, seeing that the big hand has become bigger and bigger, in a few milliseconds, it has been condensed to the point where the cave formed is difficult to accommodate, and the punk has to use the fastest. Speed ​​gives yourself released as strong defense:

"Master Curse" Spell - Anda's Strong Shield "

Supervius Tips - Magic Compression

Supervilive Skills - Double Consumption

"Master Curse" Spell - High Dynamic Dynamic Dynamics "!

A two spells are in an instant in the punk, the purple light of the bloom completely blocks the punk's body, and the five-story protection bonded to the body before and with punk. Now the protection spell bonded by punk is the top peak. Seven layers!

But ... facing the black red giant claws that have been larger than the mountains, the speed is more than ten times, and this defense is too bad enough.

There is no time hesitation, in order to avoid the paws of the projection of the secondary lord, punch can only activate the spells cured by the robe immediately.

"Master Curse" Speed ​​- Any Gate × 3 "

In order to escape, it is undoubtedly extremely extravagant, but ... the facts will prove that the choice of punk is incomparable!

Almost in a punk wrapped in the purple kinetic energy, the next moment of the three arbitrary doors, accompanied by the tidal of the sky and space collapse, the boulder the sky is also like a landslide. I smashed the ground.

"boom"! !

At the moment of the giant claws and ground in the smashing space, like a small sun, a lot of hot glazing, and countless sandstone dust is stronger than the strong force in a strong force. Substances, more Huangsha is evaporated directly from the hot shock wave, and the steam cloud formed by sandstone material is even shocked. The air layer is sent!

In the desert at this moment, if someone looks down from the high altitude, he will be surprised to find that there is a blood red giant mushroom cloud, and the sand sea composed of Huangsha is like the true sea. It has been playing the waves, countless dust, almost forms a real "mushroom" with "mushroom cloud" to sweep around, in the deafening roar, even the space around "Oasis" is in powerful impact The front layer is collapsed.

One hit, just just a blow! This is the terrible power of the secondary lord's projection, even if there is no use of the truly powerful law, even if there is no use of any spell, even if it is just a lot of abyss energy The most efficient way to take a claws, this horrible instantaneous killing is completely weak, and a large amount of nuclear bomb.

Although such a paw and the true legendary spell are still not comparable, the horror destruction it caused can still make a big loss in all masters of masters present.

The most terrible thing is that such an attack is completely handless for the projection of the secondary lord, and the power consumed is like a sluggish that is incredible with the secondary lord.

In theory, as long as this sub-devil's lord is not impatient, as long as the small opening of this Unicom's abyss has been open, the subjunction of this sublimator can take a slap in the frequency every two seconds!

However, temporary seems that punk does not have to worry about the continuous "nuclear explosion".

This sublimator just jeoparded only a casual stretching, now, the sublimator's projection giant claw is struggling to pull the law in the abyss, it looks like this crazy demon secondary lord The situation that only one hand can reach out is very unsatisfactory. He actually wants to pull an enlarged exit that really caught himself.

For punk et al., The demon secondary lord projected the behavior at this time this time is undoubtedly a good thing.

On the one hand, its behavior is destined to be a useless work - the rule of Ferren's plane is not the movement of a projection that can be pulled in the district!

On the other hand, this demon giant hand does not have an attacking behavior also gives punk and others an important astholic opportunity ... I want to know that after the critical slap, even if everyone hides in time. The most direct front strike, but the remaining wave in the center position has caused a strong killing.

After such a horrible attack, "Oasis" has long been completely changed.

I saw that it was originally a big basin, and most of the surrounding Huangsha were blown far away from the terrible storm. It was originally a hard force to squeeze under the power of power. Glass, including the position of the remaining shock, is compressed by the energy into rock ground, and punk and Keyne, Oval, and even Sos, Sso, is directly pressed into the bottom of the crystal!

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