Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 646 Last Question


This is a little doubt in Gaatika. It is also where he is in the steric of the tear soul. He has worked everything for Pandora's "good". He formed a mutual assistance, intent and nobles. Escape, he wants everyone to get happiness .........

But now ... Gama Truck has only got a ruthless betrayal, he wanted to understand this problem, he is not willing .........

"Why is my" good "will usher in betrayal! Why do you want to live my kindness! Ake! Answer me, I know you in the city wall!"

Although the weak feeling is still hovering the soul of Gainer's card, as a master of master, the bidth of the teenager is still enough to spread through the entire Pearl City, and the aristocrats who are "appreciating the scenery" in the city wall. Of course, I also heard the grief of the general shout. Book network

Finally, in the eyes of Gainer's death, smiling Akto appeared in the city, and his side followed the "new noble", those "new nobles" naturally was originally Gaina "Peers" identified by Tip card, they have been the size of the "Mutual Help Poor Army", but now it has become a member of the nobles.

"Gaatika? Hahaha, see what you have become like, you are just a idiot's wild dog!"!

Getting a look at Gaatika, who is on the verge of collapse, is standing in the city of Akto, but he has been smiling, he has been in the "brave", because in his opinion, species The behavior is completely idiot Gaatika. It is not worthy of the power of the power, not worthy of the attention of people, not worthy of Pandora's beautiful woman.

Today, Gaatika has lost everything, so there will be several master strong people to put this sleek warrior, and the power of Gaatika has no longer existed, and his " The companions have become their own followers, and they will never praise the sweet boy as the "Lord of Salvation". The beautiful Pandora is even more fragrant, although Akto is finally no chance. The beauty of the beauty, but seeing the Gainessa lost his most precise love, the psychological "deputy official" will have a gloisy that cannot be speechless.

So, I don't know anything about the upcoming disaster, but also in Aktto, who is happy, said, continues to stimulate the spiritual collapse of Ganatika:

"Let's take a look at this idiot. What is he thinking? Savior? Or the so-called big man? Just laugh at me! So how low and other poor follow you, but for free bread, we give you For a while, I will seek today's Ronghua rich! Kind? Now there is still idiot to believe in that kind of thing, live you fall to today's situation, gamma ~ ~ ~ card "!

Akella's language is not in love with the soul of Gaatika, and next to him, a "new noble" is still unable to agree with the nodes, and some people have accepted gamma. Nashika's gold coin is a businessman who is brought down. Some have a little talent that Gacentka's serious teaching, and it is the peasant who will help the help will help when they are starving, but now they have. The identity of the "noble", they are all unscrupulous, laughing at the ganada's unrealistic kindness.

They want to classify the boundary with this former "benefactor", then the heart of the heart is rich and rich!

"It turned out to be like this, it turns out ... The so-called kindness is something like this! My kindly of everyone's betrayal, Pandora's kindness is the meaning of the despicable villain ... kind? I insist on the kind ... ... From the beginning, is there a joke that does not exist? "

When I drilling into the soul like a worm, Gaatika slowly lowered, and the dead breath replaces the "brave" that the volatility of the volatility, today's "teenager" looks As if it is a lost soul, the collapse and the broken dark dark with fast terrible speed is filled with its inner and soul .........

"Where is Gaatika!

In addition to watching the city wall, there are several masters and five arms that are urgently rushing over, and they have arrived at the head of the aristocrats at the beginning of the city. At a point, especially when Moraca Master flew, he only felt that the emotional fluctuation that had just been like a wave of flames has become almost unsatisfactory.

"Report everyone, the people are there."

Seeing "big people" came, Akto quickly changed a charming smile to guide a big aristocrat, walking with his fingers, and everyone saw a low head at the gate of the city. I don't know what I am thinking. Gacentka.

However, some accidents are that the first time is not a nervous Moraka master, not the drunken Taranta, but the old aristocratic wasted of the hair. Sust!

"Yes, it is Gaatika! It is this dead bastard, and I will recognize him"! "

The complex emotions of hate, pain, despair, etc. in the pupil, which has been maintained at the "aristocratic", and finally lost calm when seeing Gaatika.

The original desperate old nobles have been quiet in their home houses, but now, he learned that Gaatsu appeared in the amazing news in the gate of the city, but did not wait until the inner surprise bursts, reason The old aristocrat immediately thought that today's Amoda-Claw is coming back, even if you grasp the Gaatika, they don't have time to find gray crystals .........

From the despair to hope, from hope to fall back to despair, the sound of emotions is to make the first old nobility to make the first hysterical.

I saw this look weak, but it is actually an old man who is a priest-level warrior directly jumped into the wall. He also regards any danger or instrument, in the city wall, the aristocrats don't dare to confuse, the furious Worth is just fast Run to Gaatus, and then he grabbed the gods of the teenager of the eyes and tied:

"Where is the gray crystal?"

The voice of the old aristocrat is like a hungry wolf, hatred and anger let his arms are dramatic.

But Gainessa is still just a silent look at the old man .........

"Where is the gray crystal?"!

With force shake the body of Ganeta, the old aristocratic voice has broken the hoarse, and now he looks like a pledges that pray for the pledges.

But ... even in big sounds, it is impossible to causing the attention of Gainessa ............


The old nobles have a question of two times. He only comes two times. When Worth will continue to open the third sentence, it is even more deafening, more embarrassing and tyranny, but a step faster!

Only this sound is not from the aristocrat from the city, not from the pale migrant master of the face, but ... from the high-altitude cloud of the fire!

"That gray crystal ... Where is it?"