Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 768

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In the world of children, those who look not worth mentioning are rare wealth, such as a candy, a doll, even a tattered newspaper may become a small guy's favorite treasure, many people may I don't know that when these treasures take it away, the anger and pain that the child can feel that it does not differ much from the adults who have been robbed.

So, at this time, the little girl who took the magic stick will only cry, until ... a pale palm is hard to hand in front of himself, and the girl caught in front of himself. stop.

Because in the young palm, a flashing magic stick is flashing in the sun.

The tears looked up, the little girl's eyes were surprised.

She was amazed at the "baby" of the loss, and she was surprised that a high body shadow that was wearing a white robe was in front of himself. At the same time, she was more surprised to see a low head, cheeks red The little boys don't want to deliver a magic stick to yourself.

"The robbery will never get the correct way to get financial, when you are looking for a kind of selfishness, you will lose more than a honesty, you will lose your friends. The most sincere friendship. "

Push the little boy who is awkward to hide the little girl gently to the front, smile, but the tone is serious white robe youth tells the little boy who is serious about the lips:

"Just apologize now, see if you all have a bite ... but it doesn't matter, everyone's nature is kind, although you have made a wrong thing, but as long as you sincerely regret it, you will be forgiven.

Gently patted the back of the little boy, encouraged the child's "White Big Brother" with his eyes and retired, and said that he had given the space to a little girl and his head. A little boy who is going to catch steam.

Then, after the silence and twisting of a full and more than ten seconds, the self-contained young boy finally used the sound of the same size as the mosquito buzz:

"That ... Sorry, I shouldn't take your things ............"

"... no ... no, okay, I am me ... I forgive you ........."

While the little boy is exported, the girl's face is also burning red immediately "Teng".

I have to admit that the vast majority of Baishi City children are still very kind. They accept education is also very kind of good guidelines, so even if some children have some less right behaviors, it is just a bit. Tonless.

In this case, when I saw a little guy who was still shorter than myself, I didn't know what to say like a small flower cat like a small flower cat.


Fortunately, the silence of the two children has not been continuous, because a series of applause has just been in the side, listening to the crisp chain of the spring water, the crisp championship, easy to break the embarrassing atmosphere that is filled in the air.

"Well, this is the same as it is so early, you can play toys together, but you must remember, you can't grab someone else, and don't forget Said a truthful thank you for giving your gift.

Seeing two children, red face, low, don't know what to say, white robe "a very heart brother" is smiling and going to play a round field.

The little child's attention is very good, as long as someone reminds two sentences, those who can't say a sentence will soon disappear in the heart of the child, and that lasts for a while Thinking, the right idea is deeply imprinted in the child's heart, I will soon forget it .........

Regardless of how it is said that it is an important part of education. It is an indispensable component, and it is undoubtedly a child who can educate a child's white robes in the three words in three words. Student's experience.

Sure enough, after getting a reminder of "Big Brother", the shy little boy little girl quickly forgot the previous unpleasant, then transferred the attention to the magic stick in front of the monster and the big rabbit doll next to him.

The little child is not revenge. When the beautiful magic sticks are replenished, even if the little girl who just crying, the little girl who is still crying now is not the "small partner", which is the "murderer" that I have been to my own baby.

"That ... Thank you, Mr. Rabbit, thank you very brother!"

The girl smiled and took the lead in giving himself "Big Brother" and "Rabbit Doll", and the sunny smile blooms in the young face of the green onion, this is full of thanks and joy. Laughing can be said to be a child, the cleaner, and the most flawless smile.

At the same time, the little boy who was secretly pulled by the girl was also reluctant to say "thank you".

Only in his gratitude, there were more than a few unique and complained, and even when he lifted his head very quickly made a funny face.

Of course, young people who wear white courties will definitely not care about children's naughty evil. He is just a soft hair, and then gentle the way:

"Little angel, don't thank you, you can go to play, remember to pay attention to the carriage when you cross the road."

Sunshine is on these two short figures, and the embarrassment of the morning is on the white courtyard. When the other two young figures run away, this is wearing white, being outlined Young people from the Phnom Penh look look more and more divine.

Especially the eyes of the two children are ... The feeling of the kind of eye is just like a smiling old man looking at the scene of the children and grandchildren. It is always flooding in the eyes of the world. Holding peace, tranquility, happiness, and beautiful.

Although the old eyes are now present in a double-pointer that looks more than 20 years old, the combination of these two is completely natural, and there is no violation of the young people in White Robe. The feeling of feelings.

Moreover, when the doll magic is already distributed in the magic rod in his hand, after still aun, the child has also scattered, but the young people still stand in the position not far from the rabbit, did not continue to move. Foots, through the mist of the morning, the goal of his gaze is not something else, but it is a colorful plush rabbit that smiles, and hand dance.


In the concept of the caster, all the things that have never exist "toys", so this rabbit doll may be a funny mascot that attracts children in many people. In any of the masters, it is a rich alchemist!

{Old Tie, please remember the new}