Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 798

Strictly speaking, Kane's plan is very nice, and its execution is also in line with his consistent fruit style.

But .......... Considering the competitors of the mad knight are the cautious legendary Master-Sa'an ............

His plan really will have a successful opportunity?

Obviously, there is no!

Since punch has decided to take the Hui Yue's stick, how can he not think of a sufficient plan in advance.

Therefore, when I found the Cairn rushed to himself as the meteor, the faceless caster did not put down the arm of the stick, he was only very appropriate to release an early preparation in front of himself. And it is very suitable for spells where the situation is copened.

"Legendary Curse" spell - time imprisonment "!


The next moment, the mad knight of the look, avoided the magic area of ​​"time imprisonment" ............

Fighting is second only to the abyss energy in killing strength and destructive, so after Kane launches "charge", the energy level of his carry is very high, even "time imprisonment" can only make his body short-lived Stopping.

However, in the speed of the legendary level, the short-on-one stop is enough to determine the result of many things.

For example, using this safe moment, punk uses the Master's hand to fish in his hand, then, when the face angry mall knight broke the "time to imprisonment", it was extremely calm " Destruction of the whisper has once again activated the "Red Gem Necklace" flashed away.

So, in a flash of light, the caster and his hand disappeared at the same place, while the Kane Fengrui's ride can only pungerate a lot of bleak in the spatial space of the empty space. The hole of the shock wave,

Empty cave floods the murdered storm, the fragmented rules are sufficient to prove Kane's attack and the sharp fierce.

But unfortunately, there is no target to attack these ravaged rules.

The dispute must bring victory and failure, a stick can only be all people, although the mad knight has burst all the speeds in order to get their own interests, but his result is still in the end, and the beautiful Hui moon stick Shoulder ............

Perhaps some people say that punch can successfully get the powerful effect on the red gem necklace, but ... in the battlefield of life and death, Magic equipment is not part of the professional strength?

Of course, although the words are saying, it is only true that Keyne, who is always speaking, will not be willing to work.

So the gloomy mad knight immediately touched the gun body after bypassing the laws that made his own manufactured, and then continued to refer to the fistard of the distance:

"Punk, your bastard is too much! Do you really think that this uncle is bullied? Don't forget that this uncle is two people, really don't get cheap, you should be careful to get Aztland The rear dust "!

If you get the benefits, you will blow you. If you don't get the benefits, you will be the main street.

Now that the face-to-face snatch is not successful, unwilling mad knights immediately started to make a threat, in order to show the advantages of "people", Kairn quickly stopped to watch the "smile" to watch the "smile" .

But for the threat of the legendary knight, the punk that is checking the statute of the Staff is completely indifferent.

"Do you think it is very sorry? So just try it, but I have to warn a idiot in advance. If you are sure you want to use the battle to determine the belonging to the belonging, I am afraid that only one person can live. Leave this battlefield "!

Icy glaring of the mall of the mall of the squid, the sound of the caster is like a cold body in the winter, under the embellishment of the star background, at this time, the punk expression is only deep and quiet, it is like him. The "unsteadless duel" just secretly met is just a chat with the weather.

But in the spirit of the words, anyone may feel that it can feel it - punk is serious, this already destroyed whispering "," destruction whisper ", did not joking!

In fact, punk is really not afraid of being able to fight with Kane and "smile". He knew that the legend of the girl gods was limited, and it was so long, he also wanted to leave the girl Shen Ming that hide God's way.

As for Cair ..........

Although the legendary knight's strength is more stronger, it is more difficult, but as a means of a very rich caster, punch still does not fear a civil society that has exposed most of the topic in front of him.

In the end, the legendary fighting technique of "instant killing gun" "The stab" of the transient is really very powerful, but the legendary law "destroying the whisper" is not vegetarian, at least Poke is really not believed. Have a hard work, a legendary spell, can continue to fight.

In this way, even if the next second cramp and "smile" really jointly attacked himself, the legendary caster who has begun to think about the fighting strategy has also confidently playing a five-five open situation, and then retreats to less Problem, the possibility of losing the battle is basically not available.

With such a bottom gas, where is the punk will give up the interests of your hands? He has sufficient strength as a chip! When the battle of the crisis is placed in front of the battle, never liked to show the weak legendary Master, and the "you dare to come, I dare to play", and then rejected any "negotiation" in the first time may!

In the face of punk so arrogant, Kane, who didn't come to Taiwan for a moment, but he didn't come to say anything, but ... was "smile" by him inexplicably to "station", but he first stepped on his attitude.

Obviously, girl gods did not want their own "representative", and she couldn't accept the Cairn's mad knight to "represent" himself.

So wait until Cairn voice, quickly improve his speed, stay away from the "smile" of the battlefield center, it is clearly said:

"In advance, you don't plan to participate in any battle, Kane, you are nothing to find, you can't intend to smash it, say ... The skill is not as good as the interest, there is a face requirement Negotiating, it's really not only when you lose your face than Satas. "
