Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 808 is determined

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Punk thinks that our investment in Gaineca is worthwhile, because in all aspects, Gaatika does have the opportunity to advance the legend.

Although "willpower" is not able to measure with accurate data, the caster believes that it has been completely extreme, and the vortex to hatred two thousand years of teenagers will never be too low.

At the same time, since he pursued the extreme revenge thoughts, you can all touch the peak of the master. So at least he can prove that he as a "fate of the feature", the luck should not be too bad.

As for the ability to understand the ability and understanding .......... Gaatika is just the extreme, not mentally low, not to mention this guy is still in person with punk to guide Pandora in Pandora, so I want to come to him. "Will" The evaluation is at least no problem.

In a comprehensive, the teenagers at this time is already a good "seed player". His at least there is a basic qualification of impacting the legend. Now he is only a "God's Division of Demide". Yes.

In the prudent judgment of punk, Gaatika's promotion of the legendary success rate after the "Demon Division of Demonira", which should be more than 30%, this successful chance is mostly most people in this era. It is already very amazing.

So after careful consideration, the legendary Master never let go of any opportunity, has finally faintly decided.


Gaatika lost a eye, but his eyes were still very good, although this guy's thinking was extremely and crazy, he remembered that he would come here to take a risk to seek punk, then prove that he is still good at grasping Opportunity.

So when I saw the punk wear, I fell into a state of silence, I thought I had to be seriously stressed by Gainessa, who was rejected.

Mr. "Destroying the Little Language", I am willing to pay everything in order to kill the people in the world, my determination is comparable to the fake gold and secret silver. If you can give me a strong opportunity, then I am killing the god of Tink Before the country, kill "God of Justice", I can listen to your order and become your subordinate. "

Solemnly make a promise, the young Avengers have stood up and look at it. He has a big expectation for "help" you can get from punk here.

"Oh? I am a neutral chaos of the destruction, this wilderness is because people have the ridiculousness of my fear. In order to retaliate the" just walking dog ", you even don't hesitate to cooperate with" evil people " ?

I heard the speech of Gaatcheva, the mouth of the punk hooked a smile.

He is not very much in gagina, who wants to retaliate is which great power, because he can determine that Guys such as Gaatika will not be able to have enough strength to revenge, he is more careful about this The teenager who hate and hysteria, the boy, is not enough to be obedient, will not take the initiative, after all, punk does not want all the orders to get through the eye contract through the judgment.

And the performance of this crazy Avenner still makes the legendary Master very satisfied.

In the face of the doubts of the caster, Gaatika did not show any shake, only to see him unspeakable, said:

"Whether it is neutral, evil, ordered, chaos is all right, only those" kind "sharing a hypocritical coat, those who claim to be" good ", let me nausea, let me anger, let my dear Pandora are Pain, so as long as I have the opportunity to remove those hypocrisy, whether it is confusing or evil, it doesn't matter. "

The sunset came down on the horizon, and the blush cloud reflected the fire red ground. Before "Mira" and "Qikasa", the blood color of the whole autumn, swaying with the wind. Artemisia grass turned into dancing flames, plotted the rock of the rock, the heat of the heat wave, and the whole world seems to be in the flame.

"You are actually crazy, and you are not understandable as the devout of the stubborn and mad believers of madness."

The quirky looks at the teenager in front of the eyes, and the wing of the rigs in the mouth of the punk.

"Yes, I am crazy when I died at Pandora, anyway, this world is crazy, why don't I be alone?"

With the soft movement of touches the lover, I touched the fresh ruby ​​in the right eye. The speech of Gaatika is full of greatness, and then, he retreated the seriousness of the serious expression and continued to say:

"I am a madness that is sinking and revenge. Because I only have hatred to wash my heart, but I can still be your help. If you need to fight in the future, please be sure to give me a life and death. opportunity".

The juvenile looked at the face of the face of the hood, and couldn't know if he had enough value. He didn't know if he would be taken by his inner. dead.

But for this unique opportunity, Gaatika is still willing to stand in place, waiting for the "trial".

He needs power to revenge, very need! In this world, only punk may give him a power!

"It's very good, since your determination is so firm, then let's take a look at the possibility of promoting the legend."

The dignified gazard is a few seconds, and the punk uses the sound without emotional color, and this decision will also be the "transaction" of his and ganatica.

"I will give you a very precious medicine. You will advance the legendary success rate will have greatly improved this drug, but as a price of this drug, you need to sign a legendary trial with me. Eye contract, if you advance success, you must have no conditional obedience from me before you advance the Yaoyi level, and the eye of the absolute order will be a testimony!

The voice of the caster is cold and heavy. It sounds like the darkness in the whisper, even if it is a long time in the magic tower, Gaatiki can't make a cold war, because this is accompanied by night approach And punk declare, the silent wilderness seems to have suddenly reached the soul of the soul.

"Sebastian will take you to the hospital stay in the magic tower, then you only need to wait for me to make a good medicine and contract, but even if I have idle, I still hope that you can make full use of every time Adjust the state of the soul, because the opportunity to advance the legend will only once. "


"I obey orders"!

Seeing punk has turned directly into the delivery door, Ganatika quickly replied with a whitening voice.

He understands that he finally got this precious "opportunity"!

{Old Tie, please remember the new}