Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 914 Report

After returning from the spatial space, I thought about a few seconds of punk, and I finally decided to put the information about the 523th floor of the devil, and I used to have an abnormal situation of the Amoda-fructic claws, once to gray crystal Research, as well as the relevant guess for the participation of five-color Dormyamat, sent to "President".

After all, the actors' tasks are related to this "big event", any information that can help "President" to make judgments may make the punk to participate in the task more secure ... At the same time, "will" "Is also a leader who complies with order. If this information is really worthless, he will definitely pay rationally pay.

Anyway, for today's legendary Master, and Amoda's wars and the secrets of Mi Mi Betzi are not a secret, saying, let go, let "the president" knows oneself and "candy" The business of business people also helps to protect the devil to work, how to make this thing only.

What's more, the two thousand years have passed, and punk needs to take back their "pale".

In this way, an edited long information is sent by the caster as a carrier to the black crystal card as a carrier .........

"President" is rumored, and after the short three seconds, he will respond seriously.

This is also a simple reply, the amount of information is huge:

"Hello," Destroy the rational ", in the information you sent, because the research information on gray crystals has a certain value, so as a remuneration, I can add a personal" small function "to your State. Unfortunately, I have already known other information, so you will not be able to get more compensation .......... Since your current ability to use very uncomfortable "trading methods" and "subordinate The reasonable gains "get the soul of the 523th" Devil's demon secondary lord, then my kind suggest that you sell those soul fragments to me, considering the current "executive" member only you can hide the collection Devil soul, so you can get a lot of magical resources as a reward.

Note: Your Staff has completed the transformation, please pick it to the following coordinates. "


I have to admit that the "president" is really dripping, and his handling of things is always satisfied. For example, now get a response, punch, because he is not only really a payment, A "outstanding" income of sustainable development is also harvested again.

"The soul that was originally thought to get the demon secondary lord can only study research, but now it seems to take enough to sell to" President "............ Considering the" Yao Dayou "consistent Generous reward, this is already a very good additional income. "

On the side of the magical crystal card, the punk side, while walking, walking towards the Basement of the magic tower living in Gaine Tips.

He is going to see how the strength of the born enemies after 10,000 years of exercise.

Nowadays, there is a second "oversupply" existence, "destruction of whispers" will naturally pay more attention to ganati gain on "bloody", because those harvest can now be able to replace utility resources!

-----split line------

The empty magic tower still appears cold and clear, the atmosphere of the dead is the theme that is always unchanged. Even if the time has been unconscious, it has long been a long time. The kind of mood that releases the empty charm still does not have a decrease.

It can be seen, people who live in such a silent building must be very resistant to lonely, because in the magical lights, every inch alchemy wall in this tower will not appear because of the time of time Variety…………

However, this is nothing. For the legendary strong, "loneliness" has many times that it is not so strange and terrible. Whether it is the owner's punk or as "long-term tenant" Ganatika is already unexpected. A little silent feelings, because busy life can always make a wild legendary strong busy time.

In fact, Gaatika stayed in the Bastrium under the Magic Tower, but the "Avengers", who is hard to do, hard to practice the legendary fighting skills, and do the mystery of the law. Improve yourself, he abandoned all entertainment and leisure, with hatred and anger as the power, he had already filled all the life time as the painful exercise, and the intensity of the strong intensity is released. It is often necessary to activate the self-repair function of the magic tower.

Until now, when the punk opened the thick door with a strong shielding effect, this teenager who was going to wavily waving and waving, and the iron sword that was treated was turned over.

The right eye that is inlaid with ruby ​​is also out of gloomy and dignity in the dark space.

"Hello, respected" Destroy whispers ", what do you have?"

It looks quite satisfied with his current stronger life now, the legendary warrior mood that has been in the basement is not reflected, but it has always maintained a good state.

Even after a careful perception, punk also found that Gahtacca has enhanced a gaming level, and he has reached 21 levels.

Ten thousands of enhanced levels, this upgrade speed is in the "Legend Canal" era is sufficiently called "fast", although it can only describe the speed of "monster" with punk or Cairns. Compared with only three fighting techniques as exercise objects, there is no magic resources to exercise the soul of the soul of the soul, and the professional level is sufficient to prove the efforts of Gainessa.

"It seems that you don't have to worry that this guy is not fighting a class," the son of destiny "is still very strong".

Silently nodded in my heart, the real truse is very calm and said to the teenager Avengers:

"I am not very clear whether you have skipped the basic combat skills you have mastered, but now ... a legendary battle opportunity has arrived, you are also to prove your own value"!

The speaker's language is straightforward and concise, and he has never had any unnecessary bend around himself.

Considering the fact that Gaatika has no claims, "Human Rights" in this magic tower is completely unnecessary in this magic tower, so the punk says that it is directly using the mission. The tone is narrative. Anyway, as a "some experience" legendary professional, his judgment is far more than just a heads of Ganatika.