Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 988 Interpreter

"First of all, I would like to thank you to take time to take the time to participate in this executive meeting, and also want to" destroy the whisper "and" instant kill guns "two legendary professional successfully advanced Morning Star. ".

It's still so polite, the "President" of the aristocratic breath does not describe the specific intelligence. He just announced the news that the Morning Star member has been announced. After all, for the implementation of the powerful level is universal. For this, this theory and the San Division Alliance are in one, but in fact, "performers" can be born in the morning, but also the evidence of the whole organization, but also confirm the "president" "How efficient resources given.

Moreover, it is only more than 12 million years. There are two members who have been ordinary legend to advance the morning star ............ In today's island era, every level is very difficult, this can be The news that acts as a "role model" is very exciting.

Sure enough, when the "President" just finished, the four gray projections started to observe the golden soul of the golden Sahan bag that placed the proud posture, and the other low-profile and black projection. The heavy atmosphere that has been filled throughout the conference space has also quickly got a certain ease of ease.

"Executors" had "President" as the top high-end power, there are several ordinary legend as a low-end power of the adventure, and now there is morning starlanced to make up for people's hand defects. As soon as this, the more and delighted "performers" have officially become a relatively perfect legend.

Of course, things that "president" are not so, take advantage of this opportunity, and he also published a new organizational benefits.

I saw the Yaoyi throne of the tone continued:

"In order to determine strength, determine the opportunity with strength ... In each task of" executives ", my generosity will never change, as long as you have a higher level, my funding will be as always. The generous generous, as long as you take my task seriously, my remuneration will continue to be rich ............ Nowadays, Mr. "Mr." Mr. "and" The Gun "is the best example, and said nothing My funding has played a vital role in the process of promoting Morningstars, and it is worth mentioning that such treatments have only "performers" in today's era. "

Like a gray foggy Yaoqi King, there is no show, but the "president" of "rules" is not avoided.

Useful is useful, it is useless to use it, it is embarrassing, generosity is generous .......... The powerful Yaoqi throne can don't feel some of the formalism that is not useless, and his words are always in the truth.

And this meeting is not lacking "harmonic" "" "" The standard aristocratic etiquette is very "sensible" on the spot, and the "boss" deeply and loudly:

"Of course, your help like the rain, the murder is soothing, and the wheat between the fields will thrive in the sun's shine. Just as the wound will quickly heal after the blood is aggregated ............"

Ok, since the apprentice era, Kane this is not a knight. It is a good hand that is good at performing a rudder. Nowadays, he looks at his deputy and gratitude, it is like an aristocrats to accept the king. .

However, it is a bit a pity that I have never hang "order" in the mouth "President" does not eat this set, even if the mall of the knight is very just right, the spiritual fluctuations from the round counter are still cold and calm.

"President" is just a backcomes of the sound:

"Don't slip," Mr. "Mr." I'm a "destroying whisker" that is also promoted to Morning Star, and the "funding", as compared to the "destruction of the whispers", and as the "overdraft resource". In the next mission, your task remuneration will be confiscated for debt, and I also hope that you can seriously treat you now "work, or your debt is afraid, you can't really clear"!

"............ Of course, the debt is always the same as the righteousness, I will definitely be able to do all kinds of work in your hand, never exception!

I want to say that it is a little bit of "President", and the Kane, which is a bit awkward, not talking.

His Aunt is not unexpected.


"Can you even overrunning resources? No wonder the secret guy of Kane's mysterious guy can also reach the morning star level in such a short time, I don't know if he disposed of the God Congress. It is also an important factor ......... But "President" In order to get a two Morning Star hierarchy as soon as possible. "

The eyes of the eyes will look at Keyne and "President" to the whole conversation, and after learning that the mall of the rider also reaches the morning news, the punk's heart is still a bit surprised.

He knows that he is now in the top of the company, and all kinds of precious resources and knowledge are sent, but he is a bit unidentified. "President" is actually so atmospheric - he wants to support six Morning Star Professional? Even if it is the Yao Ring, it is too much to make this kind of thing?

In the face of "performers" new huge welfare, punk has surprised that several other legendary members are of course surprised.

However, the "President" that still tone is like thinking that the things you do is nothing, just like these "heavy news" as a normal opening word, he directly opened the hands. The dark box begins "step into the topic".

The surprising "welfare" matters have naturally revealed this ............

"Everyone wants to find more or less, and today's Philharmonic, there is a lot of unexplained, and it is actually a shocking change, and these" change "sources have never point to Master. Guild ... or more clearly - is pointing to "teacher" Mayer and a few loyal legends under his hand, for example, "Artificial Oasity Plan" in nearly 120,000 years is their "masterpiece" One"!

The use of gray bombs, "President" put the open scorpion in all legendary members, then followed, selling the last wave of the official Master's Master calm and calm the information The source came out.

".......... Details always hide many not to know secrets and conspiracy, so we have already discovered the Chinese hidden hammer ..................... I will announce most of the truth, but I think that more specific things should be invited to explain the entire planned participants to explain the most appropriate, what do you think? "Ming Wen Yanyu" Ognse-Riliti " Mr!