Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 996


Mi Mi Betzi's "Legend Trading Market" has been opened for seven or eight million years, but it is still an empty scene here today.

It turns out that it is not a good choice to become a businessman in this horrentious "Legend Canal" era, because there is no more legendary professionals who are willing to come out of their hiding and other "same types".

So, so far, "candy merchants" truly stable customers are actually only Oaklis Copus and ............ punk!

"Hello, my partner, you ... you actually advance to morning star"?

The custard of the caster is just now in the spaceless star space. It is still a light green girl's image. The Micambubei projection of the resident "trading market" will reveal from the spatial crack. The body.

And I haven't waited until the caster speaks, and I feel the morning stars at the past, and the "candy businessman" who can't hide the surprised feelings is sincere to say their own emotion:

"Too .......... Too incredible," Destroy the whisper "! How long does it take for the first time today? It is not 100,000 years old. I have not upgraded a professional level. You act ... Actually, I have already advanced to morning stars! It's too powerful, too foreigner! No wonder you can make so amazing feat! "

"What is the feat of the feat?"

Without igniting Micham Betty, the proud of the punch, the punk's eyes are still calm and light.

I have seen more beautiful and wonderful Morning Star Masters, I don't think there is anything surprised by the "district" Morningstock hierarchy. He is a bit of a "feat" of small businessmen.

In the memory of the caster, what is the fact that I have done?


The "feat" of "destroying the whisper" is obviously different from the idea of ​​Mi Mi Betzi.

"Scorpio, you don't know how many famous now? Maybe the legend of the news in the whole multi-universe is heard, there is a very powerful, advanced to the arrival of the Morning Star hierarchy of the morning, the bright, big attack, the mage The guild's "Ferren's Order Maintenance Man", and then was discussed by almost all kind camp legendary organizations and Wan Shen Temple ... Is this not called a feat? In this era of , this is already shocked the people's move. ! I don't know how many evil camps will be an example. "

The limb movements have a rich expression of the inner surprise and excitement, "candy merchants" look like a child like gossip.

Maybe for her, one of them, said that "business" is actually a surgeon who is a legendary warrior, punk as an Morning Star Master Dare Dare Bridge Master's hormon, straight a large group of good camp professional The discussion is really an incredible "feat".

Only in the opinion of the caster ............

What is this stuff with what?

I am distinct into the "burning man" and advanced Morning Star, how to pass the "rumors" order? What is the only sensation of this "old monster bully and weak little and late"? Also, Anka is not a "Ferren's Central Regional Order Maintenance Man"? When did he become the order of the entire Philippe? The publicity of the Master's Association has been rumored seriously. Is it good? As for other worships such as "evil consecutive generation" ............ Isn't this a camp? The prejudice of the outside world is a bit too serious?

Silently expressed his speechless in my heart, the legendary Master on the surface did not say what to say more about Michaeli, which was obviously unconscious. He is just a place with the "promotion". There is no meaningful topic that reveals:

"My promotion is not fast. Nowadays, there is a mall of the mad knight known as" instant killing gun ", and if it is placed in the ancient Nasale era, this speed can only be considered" It's more rapidly ", the legendary step into the morning star did not imagine it."

"Well .........

Listening to the interpretation of the Morning Star Master, Mi Mi Betzi is certainly not hesitant to express the recognition.

However, her translucent expression on her projection is completely another thing .........

"Is this modest? This is showing off, this is to show off! You are in a few hundred thousand years, you can't upgrade a professional grade, you can show off! How is it easy? The whole multi-universe Is it a wood? "Is it a wood?"

Looking out, Mimi Betzo must have a strong expression of such emotions, but she has not said her true idea in the face of a strong Morning Master.

But at this time, the smile and flashing in the corner of the mouth were a helpless and envious burning gaze. It was enough to explain that she did not agree with the concept of punk.

Morning Star! Morning Star! This can be a big realm of promotion, no matter which ordinary legend, hard saying is not envious, just ignore yourself?


"Well, the chat time is over, this time I come to find you mainly to discuss things about Ganati."

Ignore the "candy businessman"'s awkward look, I don't want to continue the punk, but I will open the door to say my main intention.

"Oh? Do you have anything? According to the Gusong's feedback, Gaatika is very good in the bloody battle. He is responsible for the abyss cracks that have never had any accidents, even hell The group of the group of the parliament did not even have to say. "

The side of the micro-tasty side, the Mi Mi Betzi performance of the juvenile Avengers is very good, like the intention of punch.

It is not difficult to see that the foreign aid of the hell blood is getting harder and harder, "candy businessman" is not like a "resulted, responsible" excellent collaborator like losing ganatics.

However, one or two words that can change the Master of Morning Stars, regardless of how the Oak Bay is concerned with punk, whether it is in the near future or for the near future Safe, Gaatika is not suitable for continuing to stay in hell.

So I ignored the little businessman with a slightly helplessness and sigh, the fuzzy image of the caster is still very calm, and the mind is the idea:

"Interest is the foundation of cooperation, business is business, now let Mr. Gaatika continue to meet my interests in the eternal battlefield, so this" foreign aid business "is also over ............ Your cooperation is very enjoyable, "" Ms. "Candy Businessman.